Debian Automated Code Analysis

checkbashisms analysis of blender_2.49.2~dfsg-2.dsc

possible bashism in ./extern/ode/dist/tools/make_distribution line 33 (echo -e):
echo -e "\n\nMake any modifications you want, then exit the shell:"
possible bashism in ./extern/ode/dist/tools/make_distribution line 40 (echo -e):
echo -e "\ntype <return> to exit or 'c' to copy to q12"
possible bashism in ./extern/ode/dist/tools/build4 line 14 ('function' is useless):
function build() {
possible bashism in ./extern/ode/dist/tools/build4 line 15 (echo -e):
echo -e "$PRECISION $MODE\n\n" >> BUILD_LOG
possible bashism in ./extern/ode/dist/tools/build4 line 23 (echo -e):
echo -e "\n\n---------------------------------------------\n\n" >> BUILD_LOG

This report was generated on Thu, 16 Dec 2010 11:38:07 +0000, based on results by checkbashisms 2.10.65git5