Debian Automated Code Analysis

checkbashisms analysis of olpc-powerd_23-2.dsc

possible bashism in ./powerd.old line 361 ($SECONDS):
if [ "${SECONDS:-}" ]
possible bashism in ./powerd.old line 366 ($SECONDS):
        echo $SECONDS
possible bashism in ./ line 37 ('$(< foo)' should be '$(cat foo)'):
        buildver=$(< /bootpart/boot/olpc_build )
possible bashism in ./ line 40 ('$(< foo)' should be '$(cat foo)'):
        buildver=$(< /boot/olpc_build )
possible bashism in ./ line 75 ('((' should be '$(('):
    if (( $1 > 32767 ))
possible bashism in ./ line 87 ('$(< foo)' should be '$(cat foo)'):
    acr_temp=$(< $BATTERY_INFO/$pwr_ACR_PROP )
possible bashism in ./ line 98 ('$(< foo)' should be '$(cat foo)'):
    stat=$(< $BATTERY_INFO/status)
possible bashism in ./ line 110 ('$(< foo)' should be '$(cat foo)'):
    capacity=$(< $BATTERY_INFO/capacity )
possible bashism in ./ line 111 ('$(< foo)' should be '$(cat foo)'):
    volt=$(< $BATTERY_INFO/voltage_avg)
possible bashism in ./ line 112 ('$(< foo)' should be '$(cat foo)'):
    curr=$(< $BATTERY_INFO/current_avg)
possible bashism in ./ line 113 ('$(< foo)' should be '$(cat foo)'):
    temp=$(< $BATTERY_INFO/temp)
possible bashism in ./ line 143 ('$(< foo)' should be '$(cat foo)'):
    battery_present=$(< $BATTERY_INFO/present )
possible bashism in ./ line 168 ('((' should be '$(('):
            if (( now - ${pwr_LASTLOGTIME:-0} < $pwr_LOG_INTERVAL ))
possible bashism in ./ line 179 ('$(< foo)' should be '$(cat foo)'):
        newdesk="$(< /home/olpc/.olpc-active-desktop)"
possible bashism in ./ line 222 ('((' should be '$(('):
        if [ "$battery_changed" ] || \
            (( now - ${pwr_LASTCOPYTIME:-0} >= $pwr_LOGCOPY_MINUTES * 60 ))
possible bashism in ./ line 259 ('$(< foo)' should be '$(cat foo)'):
    pwr_SERNUM=$(< /ofw/serial-number )
possible bashism in ./ line 274 ('((' should be '$(('):
    while (( $(seconds) < $expire ))
possible bashism in ./ line 310 (bash arrays, ${name[0|*|@]}):
    if (( ${size[0]} > $pwr_MAX_LOGDIR_SIZE ))    # bigger than 10Mb?
possible bashism in ./ line 310 ('((' should be '$(('):
    if (( ${size[0]} > $pwr_MAX_LOGDIR_SIZE ))    # bigger than 10Mb?
possible bashism in ./ line 316 (bash arrays, ${name[0|*|@]}):
            (( ${size[0]} < $pwr_MAX_LOGDIR_SIZE )) && break
possible bashism in ./ line 316 ('((' should be '$(('):
            (( ${size[0]} < $pwr_MAX_LOGDIR_SIZE )) && break
possible bashism in ./ line 323 ('((' should be '$(('):
        if (( $(stat -c%s $pwr_PWRLOG_LOGFILE ) > $pwr_MAX_LOG_SIZE * 1024))
possible bashism in ./ line 344 ('$(< foo)' should be '$(cat foo)'):
        XO=$(< /sys/class/dmi/id/product_version )
possible bashism in ./ line 351 ($SECONDS):
        echo $SECONDS

This report was generated on Fri, 17 Dec 2010 10:38:13 +0000, based on results by checkbashisms 2.10.65git5