Debian Automated Code Analysis

checkbashisms analysis of openipmi_2.0.16-1.2.dsc

possible bashism in ./configure line 22375 (should be 'b = a'):
if test "x$havetcl" == "xyes"; then
possible bashism in ./configure line 22691 (echo -e):
      pythonusepthreads=`echo -e "try:\n  import thread\n  print 'yes'\nexcept:\n  print 'no'\n" | python`
possible bashism in ./configure line 22715 (echo -e):
      tkinter=`echo -e "try:\n  import Tix\n  print 'yes'\nexcept:\n  print 'no'\n" | python`
possible bashism in ./configure line 23876 (should be 'b = a'):
   if test "x$diaver" == "x" -o "x$tmp" != 'x'; then
possible bashism in ./configure line 24016 (should be 'b = a'):
if test "x$DIA" == "x" -o "x$LATEX" == "x" -o "x$BIBTEX" == "x" -o "x$DVIPDF" == "x"; then
possible bashism in ./ipmi.init line 92 (should be 'b = a'):
if [ "${kernel}" == "2.4" ]; then
possible bashism in ./ipmi.init line 229 ($"foo" should be eval_gettext "foo"):
	echo -n $"Starting ipmi_watchdog driver: "
possible bashism in ./ipmi.init line 235 ($"foo" should be eval_gettext "foo"):
	echo -n $"Starting ipmi_watchdog driver: "
possible bashism in ./ipmi.init line 245 ($"foo" should be eval_gettext "foo"):
	echo -n $"Stopping ipmi_watchdog driver: "
possible bashism in ./ipmi.init line 276 (should be 'b = a'):
	if [ "${IPMI_POWERCYCLE}" == "yes" ]; then
possible bashism in ./ipmi.init line 295 ($"foo" should be eval_gettext "foo"):
	echo -n $"Starting ipmi_poweroff driver: "
possible bashism in ./ipmi.init line 301 ($"foo" should be eval_gettext "foo"):
	echo -n $"Starting ipmi_poweroff driver: "
possible bashism in ./ipmi.init line 311 ($"foo" should be eval_gettext "foo"):
	echo -n $"Stopping ipmi_poweroff driver: "
possible bashism in ./ipmi.init line 445 ($"foo" should be eval_gettext "foo"):
	echo -n $"Stopping all ${MODULE_NAME} drivers: "
possible bashism in ./ipmi.init line 536 ($"foo" should be eval_gettext "foo"):
	echo $"Usage: $0 {start|stop|status|restart|condrestart|try-restart" 1>&2
possible bashism in ./ipmi.init line 537 ($"foo" should be eval_gettext "foo"):
	echo $"          start-watchdog|stop-watchdog|status-watchdog" 1>&2
possible bashism in ./ipmi.init line 538 ($"foo" should be eval_gettext "foo"):
	echo $"          start-powercontrol|stop-powercontrol|status-powercontrol" 1>&2
possible bashism in ./ipmi.init line 539 ($"foo" should be eval_gettext "foo"):
	echo $"          stop-all|status-all}" 1>&2

This report was generated on Thu, 16 Dec 2010 17:38:38 +0000, based on results by checkbashisms 2.10.65git5