Debian Automated Code Analysis

checkbashisms analysis of skyeye_1.2.5-2.1.dsc

possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/mkconfig line 33 ('function' is useless):
function check_def_yes () {
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/mkconfig line 41 ('function' is useless):
function check_def_no () {
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/mkconfig line 49 ('function' is useless):
function check_exist () {
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/mkconfig line 57 ('function' is useless):
function check_value () {
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/mkconfig line 75 ('function' is useless):
function get_value () {
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/mkconfig line 91 ('function' is useless):
function get_mnu_value () {
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 44 ('function' is useless):
function set_x_info () {
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 69 ('function' is useless):
function comment () {
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 70 ('$[' should be '$(('):
	comment_ctr=$[ comment_ctr + 1 ]
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 71 (echo -e):
	echo -ne "': $comment_ctr' '--- $1' " >>MCmenu
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 77 ('function' is useless):
function define_bool () {
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 81 ('function' is useless):
function define_tristate () {
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 85 ('function' is useless):
function define_hex () {
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 89 ('function' is useless):
function define_int () {
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 93 ('function' is useless):
function define_string () {
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 97 ('function' is useless):
function define_mystring () {
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 101 ('function' is useless):
function define_mystring_null () {
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 109 ('function' is useless):
function bool () {
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 117 (echo -e):
	echo -ne "'$2' '[$flag] $1$info' " >>MCmenu
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 119 (echo -e):
	echo -e "function $2 () { l_bool '$2' \"\$1\" ;}\n" >>MCradiolists
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 128 ('function' is useless):
function tristate () {
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 141 (echo -e):
		echo -ne "'$2' '<$flag> $1$info' " >>MCmenu
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 143 (echo -e):
		echo -e "
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 155 ('function' is useless):
function dep_tristate () {
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 184 ('function' is useless):
function dep_bool () {
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 204 ('function' is useless):
function dep_mbool () {
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 227 ('function' is useless):
function int () {
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 230 (echo -e):
	echo -ne "'$2' '($x) $1$info' " >>MCmenu
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 232 (echo -e):
	echo -e "function $2 () { l_int '$1' '$2' '$3' '$x' ;}" >>MCradiolists
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 238 ('function' is useless):
function hex () {
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 242 (echo -e):
	echo -ne "'$2' '($x) $1$info' " >>MCmenu
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 244 (echo -e):
	echo -e "function $2 () { l_hex '$1' '$2' '$3' '$x' ;}" >>MCradiolists
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 250 ('function' is useless):
function string () {
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 253 (echo -e):
	echo -ne "'$2' '     $1: \"$x\"$info' " >>MCmenu
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 255 (echo -e):
	echo -e "function $2 () { l_string '$1' '$2' '$3' '$x' ;}" >>MCradiolists
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 258 ('function' is useless):
function mystring () {
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 261 (echo -e):
	echo -ne "'$2' '     $1: \"$x\"$info' " >>MCmenu
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 263 (echo -e):
	echo -e "function $2 () { l_string '$1' '$2' '$3' '$x' ;}" >>MCradiolists
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 269 ('function' is useless):
function choice () {
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 297 (echo -e):
	echo -ne "'$firstchoice' '($current) $title' " >>MCmenu
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 299 (echo -e):
	echo -e "
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 306 ('function' is useless):
function configure_help () {
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 322 ('function' is useless):
function extract_help () {
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 356 ('function' is useless):
function help () {
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 371 ('function' is useless):
function show_readme () {
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 380 ('function' is useless):
function menu_name () {
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 385 (echo -e):
	echo -ne "$DIALOG --title '$1'\
			--backtitle '$backtitle' \
			--menu '$menu_instructions' \
			$ROWS $COLS $((ROWS-10)) \
			'$default' " >MCmenu
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 392 ('function' is useless):
function submenu () {
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 393 (echo -e):
	echo -ne "'activate_menu $2' '$1  --->' " >>MCmenu
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 399 ('function' is useless):
function l_bool () {
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 413 (echo -e):
		echo -ne "\007"
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 420 ('function' is useless):
function mod_bool () {
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 431 (echo -e):
	    echo -ne "'$2' '<$flag> $1$info' " >>MCmenu
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 433 (echo -e):
	    echo -e "function $2 () { l_mod_bool '$2' \"\$1\" ;}" >>MCradiolists
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 440 ('function' is useless):
function l_mod_bool() {
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 461 (echo -e):
		echo -ne "\007"
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 468 ('function' is useless):
function l_tristate () {
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 486 (echo -e):
		echo -ne "\007"
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 493 ('function' is useless):
function l_int () {
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 511 (echo -e):
				echo -en "\007"
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 527 ('function' is useless):
function l_hex () {
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 544 (echo -e):
				echo -en "\007"
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 560 ('function' is useless):
function l_string () {
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 588 ('function' is useless):
function l_choice () {
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 653 ('function' is useless):
function callawk () {
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 660 ('function' is useless):
function parser1 () {
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 709 ('function' is useless):
function parser2 () {
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 737 ('function' is useless):
function parse_config_files () {
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 767 (should be '.', not 'source'):
		source ./$i
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 779 ('function' is useless):
function activate_menu () {
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 911 (echo -e):
				echo -ne "\007"
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 975 (echo -e):
				echo -ne "\007"
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 1007 ('function' is useless):
function load_config_file () {
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 1013 (should be '.', not 'source'):
	source ./.tmpconfig
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 1030 ('function' is useless):
	function bool () {
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 1035 ('function' is useless):
	function tristate () {
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 1040 ('function' is useless):
	function dep_tristate () {
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 1056 ('function' is useless):
	function dep_bool () {
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 1070 ('function' is useless):
	function dep_mbool () {
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 1084 ('function' is useless):
	function int () {
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 1090 ('function' is useless):
	function hex () {
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 1096 ('function' is useless):
	function string () {
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 1102 ('function' is useless):
	function mystring () {
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 1108 ('function' is useless):
	function define_hex () {
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 1114 ('function' is useless):
	function define_int () {
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 1120 ('function' is useless):
	function define_string () {
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 1126 ('function' is useless):
	function define_mystring () {
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 1132 ('function' is useless):
	function define_mystring_null () {
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 1136 ('function' is useless):
	function define_bool () {
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 1140 ('function' is useless):
	function define_tristate () {
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 1168 ('function' is useless):
	function choice () {
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 1212 ('function' is useless):
	function mainmenu_name () {
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 1216 ('function' is useless):
	function mainmenu_option () {
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 1220 ('function' is useless):
	function endmenu () {
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 1224 ('function' is useless):
	function comment () {
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/scripts/Menuconfig line 1304 (echo -e):
		echo -e "\n\007Your display is too small to run Menuconfig!"
possible bashism in ./misc/conf/configs/mkdefconfig line 11 ('function' is useless):
function check_def_yes () {
possible bashism in ./misc/auto_test/another_auto_test line 28 (should be 'b = a'):
if test "x$NO_DBCT" == "x"; then
possible bashism in ./misc/auto_test/another_auto_test line 55 (read without variable):
possible bashism in ./misc/auto_test/another_auto_test line 60 (should be 'b = a'):
	if test "x$2" == "x"; then
possible bashism in ./misc/auto_test/another_auto_test line 72 ($(OS|MACH)TYPE):
	if test "x$OSTYPE" == "xbeos"; then
possible bashism in ./misc/auto_test/another_auto_test line 72 (should be 'b = a'):
	if test "x$OSTYPE" == "xbeos"; then
possible bashism in ./misc/auto_test/another_auto_test line 133 ($(OS|MACH)TYPE):
if test "x$OSTYPE" == "xbeos"; then
possible bashism in ./misc/auto_test/another_auto_test line 133 (should be 'b = a'):
if test "x$OSTYPE" == "xbeos"; then
possible bashism in ./misc/auto_test/another_auto_test line 145 (should be 'b = a'):
if test "x$1" == "x--check"; then
possible bashism in ./misc/auto_test/another_auto_test line 182 (should be 'b = a'):
elif test "x$1" == "x--timeout"; then
possible bashism in ./config.status line 487 ($RANDOM):

This report was generated on Fri, 17 Dec 2010 12:38:23 +0000, based on results by checkbashisms 2.10.65git5