Debian Automated Code Analysis

checkbashisms analysis of tipptrainer_0.6.0-17.dsc

possible bashism in ./maintainer-prep line 49 (echo -e):
    	    echo -e "Now, please run\n\tcd $NEWDIR\n"
possible bashism in ./maintainer-prep line 59 (echo -e):
echo -e "To build the rpm package\n\tcd $DIRPREFIX"
possible bashism in ./maintainer-prep line 60 (echo -e):
echo -e "\ttar cjf $PROJECT-$VERSION.tar.bz2 $PROJECT-$VERSION"
possible bashism in ./maintainer-prep line 61 (echo -e):
echo -e "\tsu -c \"rpm -ta --clean $PROJECT-$VERSION.tar.bz2 && \\"
possible bashism in ./maintainer-prep line 62 (echo -e):
echo -e "\t\tmv /usr/src/rpm/RPMS/i386/*.rpm . && \\"
possible bashism in ./maintainer-prep line 63 (echo -e):
echo -e "\t\tmv /usr/src/rpm/SRPMS/*.src.rpm . && \\"
possible bashism in ./maintainer-prep line 64 (echo -e):
echo -e "\t\tchown `whoami` ./*.rpm\""

This report was generated on Thu, 16 Dec 2010 12:38:28 +0000, based on results by checkbashisms 2.10.65git5