A Mennucc1 dvbstreamer mplayer (U) Aaron M. Ucko gbrowse (U) ncbi-entrez-direct (U) Aaron Rainbolt lxqt-config (U) lxqt-themes (U) pcmanfm-qt (U) Abhijith PA patool Abou Al Montacir doublecmd (U) Abraham Raji ruby-android-key-attestation (U) Adam Borowski fonts-recommended (U) rpma valgrind (U) Adam Cecile python-xsdata (U) Adam Majer isc-kea (U) lpr Adrian Bunk bogofilter libgnomecanvas Adrian Knoth jack-audio-connection-kit (U) jackd2 (U) libdrumstick (U) libffado (U) liblrdf (U) timemachine (U) Adrian Vondendriesch booth (U) crmsh (U) pacemaker (U) pgpool2 (U) resource-agents (U) slony1-2 (U) Afif Elghraoui gridengine (U) Agathe Porte opentracker Aggelos Avgerinos elasticsearch-curator (U) haskell-iwlib (U) haskell-parsec-numbers (U) xmobar (U) Agustin Henze gcc-arm-none-eabi Agustin Martin Domingo aspell dictionaries-common dsdo (U) linuxdoc-tools (U) Aigars Mahinovs dlt-viewer (U) python-dlt Aivar Annamaa thonny (U) akira yamada bsfilter (U) Alan Baghumian aspell-hy Alan Boudreault mapcache (U) mapserver (U) Alastair McKinstry cdftools console-data csh ferret-vis ggcov loki-ecmwf (U) ncl (U) oasis3 paraview (U) pyferret python-xarray (U) Alberto Fuentes animals Alberto Garcia megatools opense-basic Alberto Gonzalez Iniesta modsecurity-apache Albin Tonnerre efl (U) Alejandro Garrido Mota cclive Alejandro Garrido Mota pms Alessandro Ghedini mpv (U) valgrind Alessio Di Mauro libu2f-server (U) Alessio Treglia amsynth (U) flowblade (U) gigedit (U) libdrumstick (U) libmtp lives (U) ogmrip (U) setbfree (U) sonic-visualiser (U) Alex Chernyakhovsky zephyr (U) Alex Myczko flowblade (U) gbsplay (U) Alexander Alemayhu killer (U) Alexander Gordeev madwimax Alexander GQ Gerasiov clickhouse minidlna rovclock Alexander Pozdnyakov tesseract Alexander Toresson fceux (U) Alexander Wirt amavisd-new (U) cgit (U) grml-debootstrap (U) grml2usb (U) monitoring-plugins (U) Alexander Zangerl duplicity kuvert nmh Alexandre Dantas snake4 Alexandre Delanoë haskell-lambdabot-core (U) haskell-lambdabot-haskell-plugins (U) haskell-lambdabot-irc-plugins (U) haskell-lambdabot-misc-plugins (U) haskell-lambdabot-novelty-plugins (U) haskell-lambdabot-reference-plugins (U) haskell-lambdabot-social-plugins (U) haskell-lambdabot-trusted (U) haskell-misfortune (U) Alexandre Detiste love (U) nb2plots (U) pytest-pylint (U) Alexandre Marie silx (U) Alexandre Mestiashvili libpam-abl Alexandre Quessy supercollider (U) Alexandre Rossi uwsgi (U) Alexis Bienvenüe auto-multiple-choice Alf Gaida audacious-plugins (U) juffed (U) lxqt-branding-debian (U) lxqt-config (U) lxqt-themes (U) nomacs (U) pcmanfm-qt (U) Aloïs Micard golang-github-jaguilar-vt100 (U) Amin Bandali ring (U) Amin Bandali epiphany-browser (U) evolution-data-server (U) gnome-chess (U) gnome-remote-desktop (U) gnome-settings-daemon (U) gnome-software (U) gnome-terminal (U) Ananthu C V python-graphene-mongo (U) python-questionary (U) python-sphinx-examples (U) Anders Kaseorg git (U) openafs (U) Anders Waananen nordugrid-arc (U) Anders Waldenborg xmms2-scrobbler (U) Andrea Capriotti fuse-umfuse-fat (U) fuse-umfuse-iso9660 (U) lwipv6 (U) umview (U) vde2 (U) vim-syntastic Andrea Marchesini mozillavpn (U) Andrea Pappacoda opensysusers xbyak Andreas Beckmann module-assistant (U) piuparts (U) pycuda (U) pyopencl (U) Andreas Cadhalpun clamav (U) Andreas Henriksson golang-github-mendersoftware-mender-artifact (U) Andreas Metzler efl (U) exim4 (U) eximdoc4 (U) Andreas Moog elycharts.js (U) nzbget Andreas Rönnquist geeqie poedit (U) Andreas Tille abinit (U) alter-sequence-alignment (U) anfo (U) blends (U) cvxopt (U) datatables-extensions (U) debian-gis (U) debian-med (U) debian-science (U) debichem (U) fgallery (U) gbrowse (U) genometools (U) gnumed-client (U) jmapviewer (U) libapfloat-java (U) libhmsbeagle (U) librostlab (U) libzeep (U) maude (U) mc (U) mira (U) phybin (U) pplacer (U) proftmb (U) pyqi (U) python-biopython (U) python-pbcore (U) r-bioc-lpsymphony (U) r-cran-pander (U) r-cran-redland (U) resfinder (U) texext (U) treeview (U) virtuoso-opensource (U) volpack (U) Andrei Zavada aghermann (U) Andrej Shadura audacious-plugins (U) hypercorn (U) morfologik-stemming (U) osc (U) python-libguess (U) reserialize tortoisehg Andres Salomon chromium (U) Andrew Ayer disorderfs (U) git-crypt Andrew Bartlett samba (U) Andrew Gainer bs2b-ladspa Andrew Lee (李健秋) lxappearance (U) lxde-metapackages (U) lxinput (U) lxpanel (U) lxqt-branding-debian (U) lxqt-config (U) lxqt-themes (U) lxrandr (U) nomacs (U) pcmanfm-qt (U) Andrew McMillan whereami Andrey Rakhmatullin dateparser (U) Andrius Merkys antlr4-cpp-runtime cdk (U) gemmi (U) inchi (U) macromoleculebuilder (U) mkdepend nanovg (U) node-grunt-sass (U) node-propget (U) opensearch (U) xtb (U) Andriy Grytsenko gnome-system-tools liboobs lxappearance (U) lxde-metapackages (U) lxinput (U) lxmusic (U) lxpanel (U) lxrandr (U) system-tools-backends Andy Bailey haskell-hinotify (U) Andy Hawkins flactag (U) Anibal Monsalve Salazar bzip2 Aniol Martí aegisub Ansgar Burchardt gmult (U) Ansgar Burchardt btanks (U) cclive (U) libdbix-class-encodedcolumn-perl (U) libhtml-prototype-perl (U) Anthony Fok bzip2 (U) cvs-fast-export denemo (U) golang-github-hashicorp-terraform-registry-address (U) golang-github-jaguilar-vt100 (U) lilypond Anthony Prades cyrus-imapd (U) Anthony Towns gitit (U) Antoine Beaupré dateparser (U) gmpc (U) gmpc-plugins (U) monkeysphere (U) rapid-photo-downloader (U) stressant Antoine Beaupré byobu (U) Antoine Latter haskell-ipynb (U) Anton Gladky boost1.74 (U) boost1.83 (U) gnuplot (U) ocrmypdf (U) stravalib vtk9 (U) Anton Zinoviev console-data (U) Antonio Radici gross mutt (U) neomutt (U) Antonio Terceiro lava (U) Antonio Terceiro cloud-utils (U) cmdtest (U) ledger-autosync nanoc (U) python-ofxclient (U) rows (U) Antonio Valentino python-pint (U) zarr (U) Antti Järvinen screen (U) Apollon Oikonomopoulos dovecot (U) drbd-utils (U) elasticsearch-curator (U) tgt xmobar (U) Apollon Oikonomopoulos ganeti-os-noop (U) APT Development Team apt Aptitude Development Team aptitude Ardo van Rangelrooij docbook-utils (U) docbook2x (U) ldp-docbook-stylesheets (U) Ari Pollak gimp-help (U) Arnaud Fontaine emms glosstex xcb-util-keysyms (U) xcb-util-renderutil (U) xcb-util-wm (U) Arnaud Rebillout docker.io (U) mirrorbits (U) Arnaud Vandyck libjazzy-java (U) Arnd Hannemann flowgrind Arno Töll dput-ng (U) Arnout Engelen jack-tools (U) libdrumstick (U) stretchplayer (U) Aron Xu fcitx (U) kylin-video (U) libpinyin (U) librime (U) libxslt (U) ocserv trafficserver (U) Arthur de Jong nss-pam-ldapd python-stdnum Arto Jantunen python-aioinflux (U) Arun Kumar Pariyar deepin-movie-reborn (U) deepin-terminal (U) Arun Kumar Pariyar deepin-album (U) deepin-music (U) Asias He libpinyin (U) Athos Ribeiro isc-kea (U) Aurelien Jarno freebsd-buildutils (U) libusb Aurélien COUDERC k3b (U) kalzium (U) kapidox (U) kdoctools (U) knights (U) kwave (U) plasma-remotecontrollers (U) Axel Beckert aptitude (U) dpmb hobbit-plugins (U) iptables-netflow libembperl-perl (U) links2 lintian (U) pkg-perl-tools (U) qutebrowser (U) screen systray-mdstat unburden-home-dir wml yeahconsole Aymeric Agon-Rambosson emacsql (U) Azat Khuzhin blktool Balint Reczey ffmpeg (U) firebuild soundmanager2 (U) wireshark Barak A. Pearlmutter ddccontrol eln (U) haskell-mode (U) libcec mit-scheme nbibtex pianobooster (U) Barry deFreese btanks (U) netpanzer (U) xnee (U) Barry deFreese asc (U) blockattack (U) boswars (U) box2d (U) gmult (U) Bart Martens gtans Bart Samwel laptop-mode-tools (U) Bartosz Fenski asc (U) flowblade (U) Bas Couwenberg debian-gis (U) grass (U) icingadb (U) jmapviewer (U) josm-installer (U) librasterlite2 (U) mapcache (U) mapproxy (U) mapserver (U) mkgmap-splitter (U) nik4 (U) osm2pgrouting (U) pktools (U) postgis (U) python-stetl (U) qmapshack (U) routino (U) spatialite-tools (U) Bas Wijnen cbios Bastian Blank cloud-init (U) ipxe Bastian Germann monero (U) reprepro Bastian Venthur pipenv (U) python-debianbts Bastien Roucariès ckbuilder (U) ckeditor (U) imagemagick (U) lintian (U) wabt (U) Bdale Garbee debian-history (U) fungw (U) lepton-eda (U) librnd (U) Ben Hutchings wireless-regdb (U) Ben Westover pacman-package-manager Benda Xu oss4 (U) Benjamin Drung bdebstrap devscripts (U) distro-info golang-github-andreykaipov-goobs (U) ionit nvme-stas (U) ubuntu-dev-tools (U) xmms2-scrobbler (U) Benjamin Drung bdbvu salt-pylint (U) Benjamin Drung image-factory Benjamin Kaduk openafs Benjamin Kerensa searchmonkey (U) Benjamin Mako Hill most Benjamin Mesing javaparser (U) packagesearch Bernd Zeimetz collectd (U) flask-wtf (U) gpsbabel (U) liblqr nagios-plugins-contrib (U) Bernhard Miklautz freerdp2 (U) freerdp3 (U) Bernhard Reiter ocrfeeder (U) Bernhard Schmidt asterisk (U) belle-sip (U) bind9 (U) freeradius (U) openvpn Birger Schacht python-rt (U) usbguard usbguard-notifier Björn Påhlsson mandos (U) Boian Bonev complexity gpsd Boris Pek yagf Boyuan Yang arc-kde (U) deepin-icon-theme (U) deepin-movie-reborn (U) deepin-terminal (U) easyeffects (U) fqterm (U) go-for-it librime (U) libsigc++-3.0 (U) materia-kde (U) pdm (U) qdarkstyle (U) rope (U) taglib (U) wayfire wf-config Breno Leitao cappuccino fortunes-br Brian May amavisd-new celery (U) heimdal kombu (U) Brian Pellin pdsh Bruno "Fuddl" Kleinert dlt-viewer (U) Bruno Naibert de Campos bbpager Cacti Maintainer cacti Calibre maintainer team calibre Cameron Hart premake4 Carl Chenet python-pip (U) Carlo Segre flotr Carlos Alberto Lopez Perez aircrack-ng (U) Carsten Schoenert flask-sqlalchemy (U) gerbv (U) kicad (U) libvmime (U) mkdocstrings-python-legacy (U) python-validate-pyproject (U) pytkdocs (U) thunderbird Changwoo Ryu nabi (U) unalz (U) ChangZhuo Chen (陳昌倬) juffed (U) libpinyin (U) lxappearance (U) lxde-metapackages (U) lxinput (U) lxpanel (U) lxqt-config (U) lxqt-themes (U) nomacs (U) pcmanfm-qt (U) prospector (U) pylint-celery (U) pylint-common (U) pylint-flask (U) sphinx-argparse (U) xmlto Charles Plessy gbrowse (U) python-biopython (U) Chow Loong Jin geany-plugins (U) Chris Boyle crack-attack Chris Halls libreoffice (U) Chris Hofstaedtler dnsdist (U) grml-debootstrap (U) Chris Lamb black (U) diffoscope (U) disorderfs (U) docbook-to-man lastpass-cli zoneminder (U) Christian Garbs gbsplay (U) reniced Christian Hofstaedtler grml2usb (U) Christian Kastner gitinspector (U) libfann scikit-learn (U) Christian M. Amsüss rdflib (U) Christian Marillat distcc gourmand mkvtoolnix Christoph Berg fldigi (U) hobbit-plugins jtdx (U) omnidb (U) pgpool2 (U) pgq (U) pgsphere (U) pisg postgis (U) postgresql-16 (U) prometheus-sql-exporter (U) slony1-2 (U) tlf (U) uranium (U) wsjtx (U) xastir (U) Christoph Biedl ngircd schroot tcpreplay Christoph Egger clisp (U) herbstluftwm katarakt pdfgrep unknown-horizons (U) warzone2100 (U) Christoph Goehre thunderbird (U) Christoph Haas zabbix (U) Christoph Hueffelmann tuiwidgets Christoph Martin cinnamon-settings-daemon (U) mimedefang nemo (U) nemo-compare (U) seafile-client (U) sks Christophe Trophime togl (U) Christopher Hoskin csvjdbc (U) kombu (U) Christopher James Halse Rogers colord (U) colord-gtk Christopher Reichert haskell-bencode (U) haskell-mime-mail-ses (U) haskell-network-conduit-tls (U) haskell-network-uri (U) haskell-nonce (U) haskell-th-expand-syns (U) haskell-th-reify-many (U) haskell-torrent (U) Christopher Schramm blueman Christos Trochalakis burrow (U) Chrysostomos Nanakos tcpstat xlog (U) Chuan-kai Lin mdm ClamAV Team clamav libclamunrar Clay Stan deepin-movie-reborn (U) Clint Adams alex (U) allure (U) cabal-debian (U) deets gitit (U) glirc (U) haskell-abstract-deque (U) haskell-aeson (U) haskell-aeson-pretty (U) haskell-alsa-core (U) haskell-alsa-mixer (U) haskell-ansi-terminal-types (U) haskell-appar (U) haskell-arithmoi (U) haskell-asn1-encoding (U) haskell-asn1-parse (U) haskell-asn1-types (U) haskell-assert-failure (U) haskell-assoc (U) haskell-async (U) haskell-attoparsec (U) haskell-attoparsec-iso8601 (U) haskell-authenticate (U) haskell-authenticate-oauth (U) haskell-aws (U) haskell-base-prelude (U) haskell-base-unicode-symbols (U) haskell-base64-bytestring (U) haskell-basement (U) haskell-basic-prelude (U) haskell-bimap (U) haskell-binary-conduit (U) haskell-binary-instances (U) haskell-bindings-dsl (U) haskell-bitvec (U) haskell-blaze-markup (U) haskell-blaze-textual (U) haskell-bloomfilter (U) haskell-boolean (U) haskell-boomerang (U) haskell-boundedchan (U) haskell-brainfuck (U) haskell-brick (U) haskell-broadcast-chan (U) haskell-bsb-http-chunked (U) haskell-byte-order (U) haskell-byteable (U) haskell-bytedump (U) haskell-byteorder (U) haskell-bytes (U) haskell-bytestring-lexing (U) haskell-bytestring-to-vector (U) haskell-bz2 (U) haskell-cabal-doctest (U) haskell-cabal-install (U) haskell-call-stack (U) haskell-case-insensitive (U) haskell-cassava (U) haskell-cassava-megaparsec (U) haskell-cborg (U) haskell-cborg-json (U) haskell-cereal-conduit (U) haskell-cereal-vector (U) haskell-cgi (U) haskell-charset (U) haskell-chart (U) haskell-chimera (U) haskell-chunked-data (U) haskell-cipher-camellia (U) haskell-classy-prelude (U) haskell-classy-prelude-conduit (U) haskell-clientsession (U) haskell-cmark (U) haskell-cmark-gfm (U) haskell-cmdargs (U) haskell-code-page (U) haskell-cond (U) haskell-conduit (U) haskell-conduit-extra (U) haskell-config-ini (U) haskell-config-schema (U) haskell-config-value (U) haskell-configurator (U) haskell-connection (U) haskell-constraints-extras (U) haskell-contravariant-extras (U) haskell-control-monad-loop (U) haskell-convertible (U) haskell-cookie (U) haskell-cpu (U) haskell-cracknum (U) haskell-criterion-measurement (U) haskell-crypto-api (U) haskell-crypto-cipher-tests (U) haskell-crypto-cipher-types (U) haskell-crypto-pubkey-types (U) haskell-crypto-random (U) haskell-crypto-random-api (U) haskell-cryptohash (U) haskell-cryptohash-md5 (U) haskell-cryptohash-sha1 (U) haskell-cryptohash-sha256 (U) haskell-cryptol (U) haskell-cryptonite (U) haskell-css-text (U) haskell-csv (U) haskell-csv-conduit (U) haskell-curl (U) haskell-curve25519 (U) haskell-data-binary-ieee754 (U) haskell-data-default (U) haskell-data-default-instances-base (U) haskell-data-default-instances-containers (U) haskell-data-default-instances-dlist (U) haskell-data-default-instances-old-locale (U) haskell-data-fix (U) haskell-data-inttrie (U) haskell-data-memocombinators (U) haskell-dav (U) haskell-dbus-hslogger (U) haskell-dec (U) haskell-deepseq-generics (U) haskell-deferred-folds (U) haskell-dense-linear-algebra (U) haskell-dependent-sum (U) haskell-deque (U) haskell-deriving-aeson (U) haskell-deriving-compat (U) haskell-dhall (U) haskell-dlist-instances (U) haskell-dns (U) haskell-doclayout (U) haskell-doctemplates (U) haskell-doctest (U) haskell-dotgen (U) haskell-dual-tree (U) haskell-dyre (U) haskell-ed25519 (U) haskell-edit-distance (U) haskell-edit-distance-vector (U) haskell-either (U) haskell-email-validate (U) haskell-enclosed-exceptions (U) haskell-entropy (U) haskell-errors (U) haskell-esqueleto (U) haskell-exception-transformers (U) haskell-executable-path (U) haskell-expiring-cache-map (U) haskell-failure (U) haskell-fast-logger (U) haskell-fb (U) haskell-fdo-notify (U) haskell-fgl-arbitrary (U) haskell-file-embed (U) haskell-file-location (U) haskell-filepattern (U) haskell-filestore (U) haskell-fixed (U) haskell-flexible-defaults (U) haskell-floatinghex (U) haskell-focuslist (U) haskell-fold-debounce (U) haskell-foldl (U) haskell-formatting (U) haskell-foundation (U) haskell-from-sum (U) haskell-fsnotify (U) haskell-gd (U) haskell-generic-data (U) haskell-generic-deriving (U) haskell-generic-lens (U) haskell-generic-random (U) haskell-genvalidity (U) haskell-genvalidity-containers (U) haskell-genvalidity-hspec (U) haskell-genvalidity-property (U) haskell-getopt-generics (U) haskell-ghc-exactprint (U) haskell-ghc-lib-parser (U) haskell-ghc-lib-parser-ex (U) haskell-gi-atk (U) haskell-gi-cairo (U) haskell-gi-cairo-connector (U) haskell-gi-cairo-render (U) haskell-gi-dbusmenu (U) haskell-gi-dbusmenugtk3 (U) haskell-gi-freetype2 (U) haskell-gi-gdk (U) haskell-gi-gdkpixbuf (U) haskell-gi-gdkx11 (U) haskell-gi-gio (U) haskell-gi-glib (U) haskell-gi-gobject (U) haskell-gi-gtk (U) haskell-gi-gtk-hs (U) haskell-gi-pango (U) haskell-gi-vte (U) haskell-gi-xlib (U) haskell-git-mediate (U) haskell-githash (U) haskell-graphscc (U) haskell-graphviz (U) haskell-gridtables (U) haskell-groups (U) haskell-gsasl (U) haskell-gtk-sni-tray (U) haskell-gtk-strut (U) haskell-hackage-security (U) haskell-hakyll (U) haskell-half (U) haskell-happstack-authenticate (U) haskell-happstack-hsp (U) haskell-hashable (U) haskell-haskell-gi (U) haskell-haskell-gi-base (U) haskell-hclip (U) haskell-heaps (U) haskell-hedgehog (U) haskell-hedis (U) haskell-heist (U) haskell-heredoc (U) haskell-heterocephalus (U) haskell-hgmp (U) haskell-hindent (U) haskell-hinotify (U) haskell-hjsmin (U) haskell-hledger (U) haskell-hledger-interest (U) haskell-hledger-lib (U) haskell-hledger-ui (U) haskell-hledger-web (U) haskell-hookup (U) haskell-hopenpgp (U) haskell-hopenpgp-tools (U) haskell-hosc (U) haskell-hourglass (U) haskell-hsemail (U) haskell-hsini (U) haskell-hslua (U) haskell-hslua-module-text (U) haskell-hsopenssl-x509-system (U) haskell-hspec (U) haskell-hspec-expectations (U) haskell-hspec-megaparsec (U) haskell-hspec-smallcheck (U) haskell-hspec-wai (U) haskell-hsx-jmacro (U) haskell-hsx2hs (U) haskell-hsyaml-aeson (U) haskell-hsyslog (U) haskell-html-conduit (U) haskell-http (U) haskell-http-api-data (U) haskell-http-client (U) haskell-http-client-tls (U) haskell-http-common (U) haskell-http-conduit (U) haskell-http-date (U) haskell-http-reverse-proxy (U) haskell-http-types (U) haskell-hxt-charproperties (U) haskell-hxt-curl (U) haskell-hxt-http (U) haskell-hxt-regex-xmlschema (U) haskell-hxt-relaxng (U) haskell-hxt-tagsoup (U) haskell-hxt-unicode (U) haskell-iconv (U) haskell-incremental-parser (U) haskell-infer-license (U) haskell-infinite-list (U) haskell-ini (U) haskell-inline-c (U) haskell-inspection-testing (U) haskell-integer-logarithms (U) haskell-integer-roots (U) haskell-interpolate (U) haskell-io-storage (U) haskell-io-streams-haproxy (U) haskell-iospec (U) haskell-iproute (U) haskell-irc-core (U) haskell-ircbot (U) haskell-isomorphism-class (U) haskell-jmacro (U) haskell-js-flot (U) haskell-js-jquery (U) haskell-kan-extensions (U) haskell-lambdahack (U) haskell-language-c (U) haskell-language-javascript (U) haskell-lazy-csv (U) haskell-lens (U) haskell-lens-family-core (U) haskell-libmpd (U) haskell-libxml-sax (U) haskell-libyaml (U) haskell-linear (U) haskell-list (U) haskell-load-env (U) haskell-log-domain (U) haskell-logging-facade (U) haskell-logict (U) haskell-lucid-svg (U) haskell-lukko (U) haskell-lzma (U) haskell-managed (U) haskell-markdown (U) haskell-markdown-unlit (U) haskell-megaparsec (U) haskell-memory (U) haskell-memotrie (U) haskell-microlens-ghc (U) haskell-microlens-platform (U) haskell-microspec (U) haskell-microstache (U) haskell-mime (U) haskell-mime-mail (U) haskell-mime-types (U) haskell-minimorph (U) haskell-miniutter (U) haskell-mmorph (U) haskell-mockery (U) haskell-mod (U) haskell-monad-chronicle (U) haskell-monad-control (U) haskell-monad-logger (U) haskell-monad-loops (U) haskell-monad-memo (U) haskell-monadlib (U) haskell-monadprompt (U) haskell-monadrandom (U) haskell-monads-tf (U) haskell-mono-traversable (U) haskell-mono-traversable-instances (U) haskell-monoid-subclasses (U) haskell-mtlparse (U) haskell-multimap (U) haskell-multiset-comb (U) haskell-multistate (U) haskell-musicbrainz (U) haskell-nanospec (U) haskell-natural-transformation (U) haskell-neat-interpolation (U) haskell-nettle (U) haskell-netwire (U) haskell-network-bsd (U) haskell-network-byte-order (U) haskell-network-info (U) haskell-network-multicast (U) haskell-numbers (U) haskell-oeis (U) haskell-ofx (U) haskell-onetuple (U) haskell-only (U) haskell-openpgp-asciiarmor (U) haskell-operational (U) haskell-optional-args (U) haskell-optparse-applicative (U) haskell-ormolu (U) haskell-pager (U) haskell-pandoc-types (U) haskell-panic (U) haskell-parallel (U) haskell-parseargs (U) haskell-parser-combinators (U) haskell-parsers (U) haskell-path-pieces (U) haskell-pem (U) haskell-persistent (U) haskell-persistent-postgresql (U) haskell-persistent-sqlite (U) haskell-persistent-template (U) haskell-pid1 (U) haskell-pipes (U) haskell-pipes-attoparsec (U) haskell-pipes-bytestring (U) haskell-pipes-group (U) haskell-pipes-parse (U) haskell-pipes-safe (U) haskell-pointed (U) haskell-postgresql-libpq (U) haskell-postgresql-simple (U) haskell-prelude-extras (U) haskell-presburger (U) haskell-pretty-simple (U) haskell-prettyprinter (U) haskell-prettyprinter-ansi-terminal (U) haskell-prettyprinter-convert-ansi-wl-pprint (U) haskell-prim-uniq (U) haskell-primes (U) haskell-primitive-addr (U) haskell-primitive-unaligned (U) haskell-process-extras (U) haskell-profunctors (U) haskell-project-template (U) haskell-publicsuffixlist (U) haskell-puremd5 (U) haskell-pwstore-fast (U) haskell-quickcheck-classes (U) haskell-quickcheck-instances (U) haskell-quickcheck-io (U) haskell-quickcheck-text (U) haskell-quote-quot (U) haskell-random-fu (U) haskell-random-shuffle (U) haskell-rank2classes (U) haskell-rate-limit (U) haskell-raw-strings-qq (U) haskell-reactive-banana (U) haskell-readable (U) haskell-readargs (U) haskell-readline (U) haskell-recursion-schemes (U) haskell-recv (U) haskell-reducers (U) haskell-refact (U) haskell-reflection (U) haskell-reform (U) haskell-reform-happstack (U) haskell-reform-hsp (U) haskell-regex-pcre (U) haskell-regexpr (U) haskell-repline (U) haskell-resource-pool (U) haskell-resourcet (U) haskell-retry (U) haskell-rfc5051 (U) haskell-rsa (U) haskell-rvar (U) haskell-s-cargot (U) haskell-safe-exceptions (U) haskell-safesemaphore (U) haskell-sandi (U) haskell-say (U) haskell-sbv (U) haskell-scanner (U) haskell-scotty (U) haskell-sdl2 (U) haskell-securemem (U) haskell-selective (U) haskell-semigroups (U) haskell-serialise (U) haskell-servant (U) haskell-servant-server (U) haskell-shakespeare (U) haskell-shell-conduit (U) haskell-should-not-typecheck (U) haskell-show (U) haskell-show-combinators (U) haskell-silently (U) haskell-simple-reflect (U) haskell-simple-sendfile (U) haskell-singleton-bool (U) haskell-skein (U) haskell-skylighting (U) haskell-smallcheck (U) haskell-snap (U) haskell-snap-templates (U) haskell-soap (U) haskell-soap-tls (U) haskell-socks (U) haskell-some (U) haskell-sop-core (U) haskell-split (U) haskell-splitmix (U) haskell-spool (U) haskell-src-exts-simple (U) haskell-src-exts-util (U) haskell-src-meta (U) haskell-stateref (U) haskell-statestack (U) haskell-static-hash (U) haskell-status-notifier-item (U) haskell-stm-chans (U) haskell-stm-delay (U) haskell-storable-record (U) haskell-storable-tuple (U) haskell-store-core (U) haskell-streaming-commons (U) haskell-strict-list (U) haskell-string-conversions (U) haskell-stringbuilder (U) haskell-stringsearch (U) haskell-svg-builder (U) haskell-system-fileio (U) haskell-system-filepath (U) haskell-system-posix-redirect (U) haskell-tabular (U) haskell-tagged (U) haskell-tagshare (U) haskell-tagstream-conduit (U) haskell-tar (U) haskell-tasty (U) haskell-tasty-discover (U) haskell-tasty-expected-failure (U) haskell-tasty-golden (U) haskell-tasty-hedgehog (U) haskell-tasty-hspec (U) haskell-tasty-hunit (U) haskell-tasty-quickcheck (U) haskell-tasty-rerun (U) haskell-tasty-th (U) haskell-template-haskell-compat-v0208 (U) haskell-termonad (U) haskell-text-ansi (U) haskell-text-builder (U) haskell-text-builder-dev (U) haskell-text-icu (U) haskell-text-manipulate (U) haskell-text-metrics (U) haskell-text-show (U) haskell-text-zipper (U) haskell-th-abstraction (U) haskell-th-desugar (U) haskell-th-env (U) haskell-th-lift (U) haskell-th-lift-instances (U) haskell-th-orphans (U) haskell-th-utilities (U) haskell-tidal (U) haskell-time-manager (U) haskell-time-parsers (U) haskell-time-units (U) haskell-timeit (U) haskell-tldr (U) haskell-tls (U) haskell-tls-session-manager (U) haskell-topograph (U) haskell-transformers-base (U) haskell-trifecta (U) haskell-tuple (U) haskell-twitter-conduit (U) haskell-twitter-types (U) haskell-twitter-types-lens (U) haskell-type-equality (U) haskell-typed-process (U) haskell-typst-symbols (U) haskell-uglymemo (U) haskell-unexceptionalio (U) haskell-universe-base (U) haskell-unix-time (U) haskell-unlambda (U) haskell-unliftio (U) haskell-unliftio-core (U) haskell-unordered-containers (U) haskell-unsafe (U) haskell-uri-bytestring (U) haskell-uri-bytestring-aeson (U) haskell-userid (U) haskell-utf8-light (U) haskell-utf8-string (U) haskell-uuid (U) haskell-validity (U) haskell-validity-containers (U) haskell-vault (U) haskell-vector-builder (U) haskell-vector-instances (U) haskell-vector-space (U) haskell-void (U) haskell-vty (U) haskell-wai (U) haskell-wai-app-file-cgi (U) haskell-wai-app-static (U) haskell-wai-conduit (U) haskell-wai-cors (U) haskell-wai-extra (U) haskell-wai-handler-launch (U) haskell-wai-http2-extra (U) haskell-wai-logger (U) haskell-wai-middleware-static (U) haskell-warp (U) haskell-warp-tls (U) haskell-web-routes (U) haskell-web-routes-boomerang (U) haskell-web-routes-happstack (U) haskell-web-routes-hsp (U) haskell-web-routes-th (U) haskell-weigh (U) haskell-wide-word (U) haskell-witch (U) haskell-with-location (U) haskell-wl-pprint-annotated (U) haskell-word-wrap (U) haskell-word8 (U) haskell-wreq (U) haskell-x509 (U) haskell-x509-store (U) haskell-x509-system (U) haskell-x509-util (U) haskell-x509-validation (U) haskell-xdg-basedir (U) haskell-xdg-desktop-entry (U) haskell-xml (U) haskell-xml-conduit (U) haskell-xml-conduit-writer (U) haskell-xml-hamlet (U) haskell-xml-helpers (U) haskell-xml-html-qq (U) haskell-xml-types (U) haskell-xmlgen (U) haskell-xmlhtml (U) haskell-xss-sanitize (U) haskell-yaml (U) haskell-yesod (U) haskell-yesod-auth (U) haskell-yesod-auth-hashdb (U) haskell-yesod-auth-oauth (U) haskell-yesod-bin (U) haskell-yesod-core (U) haskell-yesod-default (U) haskell-yesod-form (U) haskell-yesod-newsfeed (U) haskell-yesod-persistent (U) haskell-yesod-static (U) haskell-yesod-test (U) haskell-yi-keymap-emacs (U) haskell-yi-keymap-vim (U) haskell-zeromq4-haskell (U) haskell-zlib-bindings (U) lambdabot (U) ledger-autosync (U) mighttpd2 (U) only (U) pandoc (U) pkg-haskell-tools (U) xmonad (U) Colin Watson base-passwd cdebconf (U) cdebconf-entropy (U) debusine (U) netcfg (U) openssh (U) pcmciautils storm (U) telegnome zope.component (U) zope.testrunner (U) Collectd Packaging Team collectd Corey Bryant python-glance-store (U) Craig Small wordpress Cross Toolchain Base Team cross-toolchain-base cross-toolchain-base-mipsen cross-toolchain-base-ports CrossWire Packaging Team bibletime Cyril Brulebois crowdsec golang-github-crowdsecurity-grokky (U) golang-github-logrusorgru-grokky (U) Cyril Brulebois cdebconf (U) debian-installer (U) debian-installer-netboot-images (U) Cyril Lacoux broadcom-sta (U) Cédric Boutillier nanoc (U) ruby-spy (U) D Haley 3depict (U) Dain Nilsson libu2f-host (U) Dale Mellor mcron Damien Caliste etsf-io (U) v-sim (U) Damien Raude-Morvan activemq (U) activemq-protobuf (U) antelope (U) commons-configuration (U) eigenbase-resgen (U) felix-gogo-command (U) felix-gogo-runtime (U) jardiff (U) mondrian (U) ognl (U) olap4j (U) uima-addons (U) uimaj (U) Damyan Ivanov fillets-ng (U) kgb-bot (U) libapache2-authcassimple-perl (U) pkg-perl-tools (U) Dan Hasting cen64-qt mupen64plus-qt (U) Dan Stowell supercollider (U) Daniel Baumann nvme-stas open-infrastructure-storage-tools open-infrastructure-system-tools Daniel Echeverry secpanel Daniel Gimpelevich pianobooster (U) Daniel Glassey bibletime (U) graphite2 (U) grcompiler (U) open-font-design-toolkit (U) Daniel Kahn Gillmor dns-root-data (U) gnupg1 (U) gnupg2 (U) knot (U) monkeysphere (U) pdfminer (U) pymilter (U) python-dnsq (U) rust-libsqlite3-sys (U) xml2rfc Daniel Kastl osm2pgrouting (U) Daniel Leidert bkchem (U) gabedit (U) gnome-chemistry-utils (U) inchi (U) python-keycloak (U) ruby-html-proofer (U) Daniel Lenharo de Souza fgallery (U) Daniel Markstedt netatalk (U) Daniel Salzman knot (U) Daniel Swarbrick prometheus-alertmanager (U) Daniel Wagenaar eln (U) Daniele E. Domenichelli ycm-cmake-modules (U) Daniele Tricoli pdfminer (U) dann frazier edk2 (U) Dave Hibberd xastir (U) Dave Hibberd ax25-tools (U) wsjtx (U) Dave Love gridengine (U) Dave Walker (Daviey) bandit (U) David Banks sisc David Bremner emacs-goodies-el (U) ledger David Bürgin opendkim opendmarc (U) David Della Vecchia python-oslo.cache (U) David Kalnischkies apt (U) module-assistant (U) David King easytag (U) David Mohammed budgie-desktop budgie-desktop-environment budgie-extras David Paleino apache-mime4j (U) jmapviewer (U) spatialite-tools (U) David Prévot mediaelement Davide G. M. Salvetti auctex Debian 3-D Printing Packages <3dprinter-general@lists.alioth.debian.org> uranium Debian Accessibility Team at-spi2-core dasher ebook-speaker emacspeak Debian Apache Maintainers apr-util Debian Astro Maintainers gravit Debian Astro Team astroplan debian-astro Debian Astronomy Maintainers astropy Debian Authentication Maintainers libu2f-host libu2f-server Debian Bluetooth Maintainers bluez-alsa Debian BOINC Maintainers boinc Debian Boost Team boost1.74 boost1.83 Debian Bridges Team libbloom Debian Cairo-dock Maintainers cairo-dock cairo-dock-plug-ins Debian CD Group debian-cd syslinux Debian cgit Maintainers cgit Debian Chinese Team fqterm Debian Chromium Team chromium Debian Cinnamon Team cinnamon-settings-daemon nemo nemo-compare Debian CLI Applications Team gnome-subtitles keepass2 Debian Cloud Team cloud-init cloud-utils Debian Common Lisp Team clisp Debian Cryptocoin Team dogecoin monero python-duniterpy Debian Cryptsetup Team cryptsetup Debian Cyrus Team cyrus-imapd cyrus-sasl2 Debian D Language Group vibe.d Debian Deepin Packaging Team deepin-album deepin-boot-maker deepin-icon-theme deepin-movie-reborn deepin-music deepin-terminal Debian Design Team akira debian-design Debian Desktop Themes Team arc-kde materia-kde Debian DNS Team bind9 dnsviz hash-slinger Debian Documentation Project refcard Debian DRBD Maintainers drbd-utils Debian Ecosystem Init Diversity Team elogind Debian Edu Developers debian-edu debian-edu-artwork-legacy debian-edu-config debian-edu-doc killer Debian Edu Packaging Team autofs (U) credential-sheets desktop-autoloader gosa impressive-display lightdm-autologin-greeter openboard openboard-extras-nonfree slbackup-php standardskriver surf-display thonny veyon Debian Electronics Packaging Team gcc-xtensa Debian Electronics Team debian-electronics gerbv kicad Debian Electronics Team arduino fungw lepton-eda librnd pcb Debian Emacs addons team verilog-mode Debian Emacsen Team flycheck haskell-mode persp-projectile Debian Emacsen team clojure-mode dumb-jump-el emacs-bind-map emacs-git-messenger emacs-goodies-el emacs-ivy emacsql eproject-el esup-el find-file-in-project ido-ubiquitous paredit-el puppet-mode pyim-el rtags treemacs use-package virtualenvwrapper-el Debian Erlang Packagers erlang-ranch manderlbot Debian FlightGear Crew simgear Debian Fonts Task Force fonts-fantasque-sans fonts-recommended grcompiler Debian Fonts Task Force fonts-arkpandora fonts-noto fonts-roboto open-font-design-toolkit Debian freedesktop.org maintainers bolt colord fontconfig shared-mime-info Debian FreeIPA Team 389-ds-base custodia freeipa Debian FreeRADIUS Packaging Team freeradius Debian Games Team pianobooster Debian Games Team asc blockattack boswars box2d btanks cegui-mk2 darkradiant debian-games deutex fillets-ng frogatto-data (U) funguloids gmult gtetrinet hedgewars heroes libretro-beetle-psx love matanza mednafen megaglest monopd mupen64plus-qt netpanzer open-adventure out-of-order pax-britannica pinball pink-pony planetblupi pysolfc sludge spring springlobby unknown-horizons warzone2100 zaz Debian Ganeti Team ganeti-os-noop Debian GCC Maintainers gcc-10 gcc-11 gcc-12 gcc-13 gcc-14 gcc-9 gcc-9-cross gcc-9-cross-mipsen gcc-9-cross-ports gcc-snapshot Debian GIS Project debian-gis grass jmapviewer josm-installer librasterlite2 mapcache mapproxy mapserver merkaartor mkgmap-splitter nik4 osm2pgrouting pktools postgis python-stetl qmapshack routino spatialite-tools tilemaker Debian GNOME Maintainers aisleriot alacarte brasero cheese dconf epiphany-browser evolution-data-server gcr gcr4 gdm3 gimp-help glib2.0 gnome-applets gnome-chess gnome-contacts gnome-desktop gnome-dictionary gnome-disk-utility gnome-keyring gnome-logs gnome-nettool gnome-remote-desktop gnome-settings-daemon gnome-software gnome-terminal gnome-user-share gtk+2.0 gtk+3.0 gtk-doc gtkmm-documentation gupnp libglade2 libnotify libsigc++-2.0 libsigc++-3.0 libwnck3 libxml++2.6 mallard-rng mozjs102 rhythmbox seahorse secrets tracker-miners vala vinagre xdg-user-dirs yelp Debian GnuPG Maintainers gnupg2 Debian GnuPG-Maintainers gnupg1 Debian GNUstep maintainers gnustep-base gnustep-netclasses gworkspace popplerkit.framework renaissance steptalk Debian Go Packaging Team burrow crowdsec (U) docker.io golang-github-anacrolix-missinggo golang-github-andreykaipov-goobs golang-github-bettercap-readline golang-github-checkpoint-restore-checkpointctl golang-github-crowdsecurity-grokky golang-github-hashicorp-terraform-registry-address golang-github-jaguilar-vt100 golang-github-jhillyerd-enmime golang-github-jinzhu-gorm golang-github-logrusorgru-grokky golang-github-mendersoftware-mender-artifact golang-github-naoina-toml golang-github-nats-io-go-nats golang-github-rubenv-sql-migrate golang-github-seiflotfy-cuckoofilter golang-github-tombuildsstuff-giovanni golang-github-xtaci-kcp nats-server nextcloud-spreed-signaling prometheus-alertmanager riseup-vpn Debian GPS team gpsbabel Debian GSS Team gss Debian HA Maintainers booth cluster-glue pacemaker resource-agents Debian HA Maintainers crmsh heartbeat Debian Hamradio Maintainers ax25-tools debian-hamradio fldigi jtdx tlf wsjtx xastir xlog Debian Haskell Group haskell-hsyaml haskell-intern haskell-swish pandoc pandoc-sidenote Debian Haskell Group agda alex allure bnfc c2hs cabal-debian cpphs darcs darcs-monitor djinn elm-compiler gitit glirc gtk2hs-buildtools happy haskell-abstract-deque haskell-abstract-par haskell-acid-state haskell-active haskell-adjunctions haskell-aeson haskell-aeson-diff haskell-aeson-extra haskell-aeson-pretty haskell-aeson-qq haskell-alsa-core haskell-alsa-mixer haskell-annotated-wl-pprint haskell-ansi-terminal haskell-ansi-terminal-types haskell-ansi-wl-pprint haskell-ap-normalize haskell-appar haskell-argon2 haskell-arithmoi haskell-arrows haskell-asn1-encoding haskell-asn1-parse haskell-asn1-types haskell-assert-failure haskell-assoc haskell-async haskell-atomic-write haskell-attoparsec haskell-attoparsec-aeson haskell-attoparsec-iso8601 haskell-authenticate haskell-authenticate-oauth haskell-auto-update haskell-aws haskell-barbies haskell-base-compat haskell-base-compat-batteries haskell-base-orphans haskell-base-prelude haskell-base-unicode-symbols haskell-base16-bytestring haskell-base64 haskell-base64-bytestring haskell-basement haskell-basic-prelude haskell-bencode haskell-bifunctors haskell-bimap haskell-binary-conduit haskell-binary-instances haskell-binary-orphans haskell-bindings-dsl haskell-bitvec haskell-bitwise haskell-blaze-builder haskell-blaze-html haskell-blaze-markup haskell-blaze-svg haskell-blaze-textual haskell-bloomfilter haskell-bmp haskell-bool-extras haskell-boolean haskell-boomerang haskell-boring haskell-boundedchan haskell-boxes haskell-brainfuck haskell-brick haskell-broadcast-chan haskell-bsb-http-chunked haskell-bv-sized haskell-byte-order haskell-byteable haskell-bytedump haskell-byteorder haskell-bytes haskell-bytestring-conversion haskell-bytestring-lexing haskell-bytestring-progress haskell-bytestring-to-vector haskell-bz2 haskell-bzlib haskell-cabal-doctest haskell-cabal-install haskell-cabal-install-solver haskell-cairo haskell-call-stack haskell-casa-client haskell-casa-types haskell-case-insensitive haskell-cassava haskell-cassava-megaparsec haskell-categories haskell-cborg haskell-cborg-json haskell-cereal haskell-cereal-conduit haskell-cereal-vector haskell-cgi haskell-charset haskell-charsetdetect-ae haskell-chart haskell-chart-cairo haskell-chasingbottoms haskell-chimera haskell-chunked-data haskell-cipher-camellia haskell-citeproc haskell-clash-ghc haskell-clash-lib haskell-clash-prelude haskell-classy-prelude haskell-classy-prelude-conduit haskell-clientsession haskell-clock haskell-cmark haskell-cmark-gfm haskell-cmdargs haskell-code-page haskell-colour haskell-commonmark haskell-commonmark-extensions haskell-commonmark-pandoc haskell-commutative-semigroups haskell-comonad haskell-concurrent-extra haskell-concurrent-output haskell-concurrent-supply haskell-cond haskell-conduit haskell-conduit-extra haskell-config-ini haskell-config-schema haskell-config-value haskell-configfile haskell-configurator haskell-connection haskell-constraints haskell-constraints-extras haskell-contravariant haskell-contravariant-extras haskell-control-monad-free haskell-control-monad-loop haskell-convertible haskell-cookie haskell-copilot haskell-copilot-c99 haskell-copilot-core haskell-copilot-interpreter haskell-copilot-language haskell-copilot-libraries haskell-copilot-prettyprinter haskell-copilot-theorem haskell-cpu haskell-cracknum haskell-criterion haskell-criterion-measurement haskell-crypto-api haskell-crypto-cipher-tests haskell-crypto-cipher-types haskell-crypto-pubkey-types haskell-crypto-random haskell-crypto-random-api haskell-cryptohash haskell-cryptohash-conduit haskell-cryptohash-cryptoapi haskell-cryptohash-md5 haskell-cryptohash-sha1 haskell-cryptohash-sha256 haskell-cryptol haskell-crypton haskell-crypton-x509 haskell-crypton-x509-store haskell-crypton-x509-system haskell-crypton-x509-validation haskell-cryptonite haskell-cryptonite-conduit haskell-cryptostore haskell-css-text haskell-csv haskell-csv-conduit haskell-curl haskell-curve25519 haskell-data-accessor haskell-data-accessor-mtl haskell-data-binary-ieee754 haskell-data-clist haskell-data-default haskell-data-default-class haskell-data-default-instances-base haskell-data-default-instances-containers haskell-data-default-instances-dlist haskell-data-default-instances-old-locale haskell-data-fix haskell-data-functor-logistic haskell-data-hash haskell-data-inttrie haskell-data-memocombinators haskell-data-ordlist haskell-data-reify haskell-dav haskell-dbus haskell-dbus-hslogger haskell-debian haskell-dec haskell-decimal haskell-deepseq-generics haskell-deferred-folds haskell-dense-linear-algebra haskell-dependent-map haskell-dependent-sum haskell-dependent-sum-template haskell-deque haskell-deriving-aeson haskell-deriving-compat haskell-devscripts haskell-dhall haskell-diagrams haskell-diagrams-cairo haskell-diagrams-core haskell-diagrams-lib haskell-diagrams-solve haskell-diagrams-svg haskell-dice haskell-dice-entropy-conduit haskell-diff haskell-digest haskell-dimensional haskell-directory-tree haskell-disk-free-space haskell-distributive haskell-djinn-lib haskell-dlist haskell-dlist-instances haskell-dns haskell-doclayout haskell-doctemplates haskell-doctest haskell-doctest-parallel haskell-dotgen haskell-double-conversion haskell-dual-tree haskell-dynamic-state haskell-dyre haskell-easy-file haskell-echo haskell-ed25519 haskell-edit-distance haskell-edit-distance-vector haskell-either haskell-email-validate haskell-emojis haskell-enclosed-exceptions haskell-entropy haskell-enummapset haskell-equivalence haskell-erf haskell-errors haskell-esqueleto haskell-exact-pi haskell-exception-mtl haskell-exception-transformers haskell-executable-path haskell-expiring-cache-map haskell-extensible-exceptions haskell-extra haskell-failure haskell-fast-logger haskell-fb haskell-fdo-notify haskell-feed haskell-fgl haskell-fgl-arbitrary haskell-fgl-visualize haskell-file-embed haskell-file-location haskell-filelock haskell-filemanip haskell-filepath-bytestring haskell-filepattern haskell-filestore haskell-filtrable haskell-fingertree haskell-finite-field haskell-first-class-families haskell-fixed haskell-flexible-defaults haskell-floatinghex haskell-fmlist haskell-focuslist haskell-fold-debounce haskell-foldable1-classes-compat haskell-foldl haskell-formatting haskell-foundation haskell-free haskell-from-sum haskell-fsnotify haskell-futhark haskell-futhark-data haskell-futhark-manifest haskell-futhark-server haskell-gd haskell-generic-data haskell-generic-deriving haskell-generic-lens haskell-generic-lens-core haskell-generic-random haskell-generic-trie haskell-generics-sop haskell-geniplate-mirror haskell-genvalidity haskell-genvalidity-containers haskell-genvalidity-hspec haskell-genvalidity-property haskell-getopt-generics haskell-ghc-events haskell-ghc-exactprint haskell-ghc-lib-parser haskell-ghc-lib-parser-ex haskell-ghc-paths haskell-ghc-tcplugins-extra haskell-ghc-typelits-extra haskell-ghc-typelits-knownnat haskell-ghc-typelits-natnormalise haskell-gi-atk haskell-gi-cairo haskell-gi-cairo-connector haskell-gi-cairo-render haskell-gi-dbusmenu haskell-gi-dbusmenugtk3 haskell-gi-freetype2 haskell-gi-gdk haskell-gi-gdkpixbuf haskell-gi-gdkx11 haskell-gi-gio haskell-gi-glib haskell-gi-gmodule haskell-gi-gobject haskell-gi-gtk haskell-gi-gtk-hs haskell-gi-harfbuzz haskell-gi-pango haskell-gi-vte haskell-gi-xlib haskell-gio haskell-git-lfs haskell-git-mediate haskell-githash haskell-github haskell-gitrev haskell-glib haskell-glob haskell-gloss haskell-gloss-rendering haskell-gluraw haskell-glut haskell-graphscc haskell-graphviz haskell-gridtables haskell-groups haskell-gsasl haskell-gtk haskell-gtk-sni-tray haskell-gtk-strut haskell-gtk-traymanager haskell-gtk3 haskell-hackage-security haskell-haddock-library haskell-hadrian haskell-hakyll haskell-half haskell-happstack-authenticate haskell-happstack-hsp haskell-happstack-jmacro haskell-happstack-server haskell-harp haskell-hashable haskell-hashtables haskell-haskell-gi haskell-haskell-gi-base haskell-haskell-src haskell-haxr haskell-hclip haskell-hcwiid haskell-hdbc-session haskell-hdf5 haskell-heaps haskell-hedgehog haskell-hedgehog-classes haskell-hedis haskell-heist haskell-here haskell-heredoc haskell-heterocephalus haskell-hex haskell-hgmp haskell-hi-file-parser haskell-hierarchical-clustering haskell-hindent haskell-hinotify haskell-hint haskell-hjsmin haskell-hledger haskell-hledger-interest haskell-hledger-lib haskell-hledger-ui haskell-hledger-web haskell-hmatrix haskell-hmatrix-gsl haskell-hoauth2 haskell-hoogle haskell-hookup haskell-hopenpgp haskell-hopenpgp-tools haskell-hosc haskell-hostname haskell-hourglass haskell-hpack haskell-hs-bibutils haskell-hsemail haskell-hsini haskell-hslua haskell-hslua-aeson haskell-hslua-classes haskell-hslua-cli haskell-hslua-core haskell-hslua-list haskell-hslua-marshalling haskell-hslua-module-doclayout haskell-hslua-module-path haskell-hslua-module-system haskell-hslua-module-text haskell-hslua-module-version haskell-hslua-module-zip haskell-hslua-objectorientation haskell-hslua-packaging haskell-hslua-repl haskell-hslua-typing haskell-hsopenssl haskell-hsopenssl-x509-system haskell-hsp haskell-hspec haskell-hspec-attoparsec haskell-hspec-contrib haskell-hspec-core haskell-hspec-discover haskell-hspec-expectations haskell-hspec-hedgehog haskell-hspec-megaparsec haskell-hspec-smallcheck haskell-hspec-wai haskell-hstringtemplate haskell-hsx-jmacro haskell-hsx2hs haskell-hsyaml-aeson haskell-hsyslog haskell-html haskell-html-conduit haskell-http haskell-http-api-data haskell-http-client haskell-http-client-restricted haskell-http-client-tls haskell-http-common haskell-http-conduit haskell-http-date haskell-http-download haskell-http-link-header haskell-http-media haskell-http-reverse-proxy haskell-http-streams haskell-http-types haskell-http2 haskell-hunit haskell-hxt haskell-hxt-charproperties haskell-hxt-curl haskell-hxt-http haskell-hxt-regex-xmlschema haskell-hxt-relaxng haskell-hxt-tagsoup haskell-hxt-unicode haskell-iconv haskell-idna haskell-ieee754 haskell-ifelse haskell-incremental-parser haskell-indexed-profunctors haskell-indexed-traversable haskell-indexed-traversable-instances haskell-infer-license haskell-infinite-list haskell-ini haskell-inline-c haskell-input-parsers haskell-inspection-testing haskell-integer-logarithms haskell-integer-roots haskell-interpolate haskell-intervals haskell-invariant haskell-io-storage haskell-io-streams haskell-io-streams-haproxy haskell-iospec haskell-iproute haskell-ipynb haskell-irc haskell-irc-core haskell-ircbot haskell-iso8601-time haskell-isocline haskell-isomorphism-class haskell-iwlib haskell-ixset-typed haskell-jira-wiki-markup haskell-jmacro haskell-js-dgtable haskell-js-flot haskell-js-jquery haskell-json haskell-juicypixels haskell-jwt haskell-kan-extensions haskell-keys haskell-knob haskell-kvitable haskell-lambdabot-core haskell-lambdabot-haskell-plugins haskell-lambdabot-irc-plugins haskell-lambdabot-misc-plugins haskell-lambdabot-novelty-plugins haskell-lambdabot-reference-plugins haskell-lambdabot-social-plugins haskell-lambdabot-trusted haskell-lambdahack haskell-language-c haskell-language-c-quote haskell-language-c99 haskell-language-c99-simple haskell-language-c99-util haskell-language-glsl haskell-language-javascript haskell-language-python haskell-lazy-csv haskell-lazysmallcheck haskell-lens haskell-lens-action haskell-lens-aeson haskell-lens-family-core haskell-lexer haskell-libbf haskell-libffi haskell-libmpd haskell-libxml-sax haskell-libyaml haskell-lift-type haskell-lifted-async haskell-lifted-base haskell-linear haskell-list haskell-listlike haskell-load-env haskell-log-domain haskell-logging-facade haskell-logict haskell-lpeg haskell-lrucache haskell-lua haskell-lua-arbitrary haskell-lucid haskell-lucid-svg haskell-lukko haskell-lumberjack haskell-lzma haskell-mainland-pretty haskell-managed haskell-map-syntax haskell-markdown haskell-markdown-unlit haskell-math-functions haskell-megaparsec haskell-memoize haskell-memory haskell-memotrie haskell-mersenne-random-pure64 haskell-microlens haskell-microlens-aeson haskell-microlens-ghc haskell-microlens-mtl haskell-microlens-platform haskell-microlens-th haskell-microspec haskell-microstache haskell-mime haskell-mime-mail haskell-mime-mail-ses haskell-mime-types haskell-minimorph haskell-miniutter haskell-misfortune haskell-mmap haskell-mmorph haskell-mockery haskell-mod haskell-monad-chronicle haskell-monad-control haskell-monad-journal haskell-monad-logger haskell-monad-loops haskell-monad-memo haskell-monad-par haskell-monad-par-extras haskell-monadlib haskell-monadlist haskell-monadprompt haskell-monadrandom haskell-monads-tf haskell-mono-traversable haskell-mono-traversable-instances haskell-monoid-extras haskell-monoid-subclasses haskell-mountpoints haskell-mtlparse haskell-mueval haskell-multimap haskell-multipart haskell-multiset-comb haskell-multistate haskell-murmur-hash haskell-musicbrainz haskell-mustache haskell-mutable-containers haskell-mwc-random haskell-names-th haskell-nanospec haskell-natural-transformation haskell-neat-interpolation haskell-nettle haskell-netwire haskell-network haskell-network-bsd haskell-network-byte-order haskell-network-conduit-tls haskell-network-control haskell-network-info haskell-network-multicast haskell-network-run haskell-network-uri haskell-newtype haskell-newtype-generics haskell-nonce haskell-nothunks haskell-numbers haskell-numeric-extras haskell-numinstances haskell-numtype-dk haskell-objectname haskell-oeis haskell-ofx haskell-old-locale haskell-old-time haskell-onetuple haskell-only haskell-oo-prototypes haskell-open-browser haskell-opengl haskell-openglraw haskell-openpgp-asciiarmor haskell-openssl-streams haskell-operational haskell-optional-args haskell-options haskell-optparse-applicative haskell-optparse-simple haskell-ordered-containers haskell-ormolu haskell-pager haskell-pandoc haskell-pandoc-lua-engine haskell-pandoc-lua-marshal haskell-pandoc-server haskell-pandoc-types haskell-pango haskell-panic haskell-pantry haskell-parallel haskell-parameterized-utils haskell-parseargs haskell-parsec-numbers haskell-parser-combinators haskell-parsers haskell-path haskell-path-io haskell-path-pieces haskell-patience haskell-pcap haskell-pem haskell-persistent haskell-persistent-postgresql haskell-persistent-sqlite haskell-persistent-template haskell-pid1 haskell-pipes haskell-pipes-attoparsec haskell-pipes-bytestring haskell-pipes-group haskell-pipes-parse haskell-pipes-safe haskell-pointed haskell-pointedlist haskell-polyparse haskell-posix-pty haskell-postgresql-libpq haskell-postgresql-simple haskell-pqueue haskell-prelude-extras haskell-presburger haskell-pretty-show haskell-pretty-simple haskell-prettyclass haskell-prettyprinter haskell-prettyprinter-ansi-terminal haskell-prettyprinter-convert-ansi-wl-pprint haskell-prettyprinter-interp haskell-prim-uniq haskell-primes haskell-primitive haskell-primitive-addr haskell-primitive-unaligned haskell-process-extras haskell-profunctors haskell-project-template haskell-protobuf haskell-psqueue haskell-psqueues haskell-publicsuffixlist haskell-punycode haskell-puremd5 haskell-pwstore-fast haskell-qrencode haskell-quickcheck haskell-quickcheck-classes haskell-quickcheck-classes-base haskell-quickcheck-instances haskell-quickcheck-io haskell-quickcheck-safe haskell-quickcheck-simple haskell-quickcheck-text haskell-quickcheck-unicode haskell-quote-quot haskell-raaz haskell-random haskell-random-fu haskell-random-shuffle haskell-rank2classes haskell-rate-limit haskell-raw-strings-qq haskell-reactive-banana haskell-readable haskell-readargs haskell-readline haskell-recaptcha haskell-recursion-schemes haskell-recv haskell-reducers haskell-refact haskell-reflection haskell-reform haskell-reform-happstack haskell-reform-hsp haskell-regex-applicative haskell-regex-applicative-text haskell-regex-base haskell-regex-compat haskell-regex-pcre haskell-regex-posix haskell-regex-tdfa haskell-regexpr haskell-reinterpret-cast haskell-repline haskell-resolv haskell-resource-pool haskell-resourcet haskell-retry haskell-rfc5051 haskell-rio haskell-rio-orphans haskell-rio-prettyprint haskell-rsa haskell-rvar haskell-s-cargot haskell-safe haskell-safe-exceptions haskell-safecopy haskell-safesemaphore haskell-sandi haskell-say haskell-sbv haskell-scanner haskell-scientific haskell-scotty haskell-sdl haskell-sdl2 haskell-sdl2-image haskell-sdl2-mixer haskell-sdl2-ttf haskell-secret-sharing haskell-securemem haskell-selective haskell-semialign haskell-semigroupoids haskell-semigroups haskell-semirings haskell-sendfile haskell-serialise haskell-servant haskell-servant-client haskell-servant-client-core haskell-servant-server haskell-set-extra haskell-setenv haskell-setlocale haskell-sha haskell-shake haskell-shakespeare haskell-shell-conduit haskell-shelly haskell-should-not-typecheck haskell-show haskell-show-combinators haskell-silently haskell-simple-reflect haskell-simple-sendfile haskell-simple-smt haskell-singleton-bool haskell-singletons haskell-skein haskell-skylighting haskell-skylighting-core haskell-skylighting-format-ansi haskell-skylighting-format-blaze-html haskell-skylighting-format-context haskell-skylighting-format-latex haskell-smallcheck haskell-smtlib haskell-smtp-mail haskell-snap haskell-snap-core haskell-snap-server haskell-snap-templates haskell-soap haskell-soap-tls haskell-sockaddr haskell-socks haskell-some haskell-sop-core haskell-split haskell-splitmix haskell-spool haskell-sql-words haskell-src-exts haskell-src-exts-simple haskell-src-exts-util haskell-src-meta haskell-srcloc haskell-stack haskell-stateref haskell-statestack haskell-statevar haskell-static-hash haskell-statistics haskell-status-notifier-item haskell-stm-chans haskell-stm-delay haskell-stmonadtrans haskell-storable-complex haskell-storable-record haskell-storable-tuple haskell-store haskell-store-core haskell-stream haskell-streaming-commons haskell-strict haskell-strict-list haskell-string-conversions haskell-string-interpolate haskell-string-qq haskell-stringbuilder haskell-stringprep haskell-stringsearch haskell-svg-builder haskell-syb haskell-system-fileio haskell-system-filepath haskell-system-posix-redirect haskell-tabular haskell-tagged haskell-tagshare haskell-tagsoup haskell-tagstream-conduit haskell-tar haskell-tar-conduit haskell-tasty haskell-tasty-ant-xml haskell-tasty-checklist haskell-tasty-discover haskell-tasty-expected-failure haskell-tasty-golden haskell-tasty-hedgehog haskell-tasty-hslua haskell-tasty-hspec haskell-tasty-hunit haskell-tasty-kat haskell-tasty-lua haskell-tasty-quickcheck haskell-tasty-rerun haskell-tasty-smallcheck haskell-tasty-th haskell-template-haskell-compat-v0208 haskell-temporary haskell-terminal-progress-bar haskell-terminal-size haskell-termonad haskell-test-framework haskell-test-framework-hunit haskell-test-framework-quickcheck2 haskell-texmath haskell-text-ansi haskell-text-binary haskell-text-builder haskell-text-builder-dev haskell-text-conversions haskell-text-icu haskell-text-manipulate haskell-text-metrics haskell-text-postgresql haskell-text-short haskell-text-show haskell-text-zipper haskell-tf-random haskell-th-abstraction haskell-th-bang-compat haskell-th-compat haskell-th-constraint-compat haskell-th-data-compat haskell-th-desugar haskell-th-env haskell-th-expand-syns haskell-th-extras haskell-th-lift haskell-th-lift-instances haskell-th-orphans haskell-th-reify-compat haskell-th-reify-many haskell-th-utilities haskell-these haskell-threads haskell-tidal haskell-time-compat haskell-time-locale-compat haskell-time-manager haskell-time-parsers haskell-time-units haskell-timeit haskell-tldr haskell-tls haskell-tls-session-manager haskell-token-bucket haskell-topograph haskell-torrent haskell-transformers-base haskell-transformers-compat haskell-trifecta haskell-tuple haskell-twitter-conduit haskell-twitter-types haskell-twitter-types-lens haskell-type-equality haskell-type-errors haskell-type-level-numbers haskell-typed-process haskell-typst haskell-typst-symbols haskell-uglymemo haskell-unbounded-delays haskell-unexceptionalio haskell-unicode-collation haskell-unicode-data haskell-unicode-transforms haskell-uniplate haskell-universe-base haskell-unix-compat haskell-unix-time haskell-unixutils haskell-unlambda haskell-unliftio haskell-unliftio-core haskell-unordered-containers haskell-unsafe haskell-uri-bytestring haskell-uri-bytestring-aeson haskell-uri-encode haskell-url haskell-userid haskell-utf8-light haskell-utf8-string haskell-utility-ht haskell-uuagc-cabal haskell-uuid haskell-uuid-types haskell-uulib haskell-validity haskell-validity-containers haskell-vault haskell-vector haskell-vector-algorithms haskell-vector-binary-instances haskell-vector-builder haskell-vector-hashtables haskell-vector-instances haskell-vector-space haskell-vector-stream haskell-vector-th-unbox haskell-versions haskell-void haskell-vty haskell-wai haskell-wai-app-file-cgi haskell-wai-app-static haskell-wai-conduit haskell-wai-cors haskell-wai-extra haskell-wai-handler-launch haskell-wai-http2-extra haskell-wai-logger haskell-wai-middleware-static haskell-wai-websockets haskell-warp haskell-warp-tls haskell-wcwidth haskell-web-routes haskell-web-routes-boomerang haskell-web-routes-happstack haskell-web-routes-hsp haskell-web-routes-th haskell-websockets haskell-weigh haskell-what4 haskell-wide-word haskell-witch haskell-with-location haskell-witherable haskell-wizards haskell-wl-pprint-annotated haskell-wl-pprint-text haskell-word-trie haskell-word-wrap haskell-word8 haskell-wreq haskell-x11 haskell-x11-xft haskell-x509 haskell-x509-store haskell-x509-system haskell-x509-util haskell-x509-validation haskell-xcb-types haskell-xdg-basedir haskell-xdg-desktop-entry haskell-xml haskell-xml-conduit haskell-xml-conduit-writer haskell-xml-hamlet haskell-xml-helpers haskell-xml-html-qq haskell-xml-types haskell-xmlgen haskell-xmlhtml haskell-xss-sanitize haskell-yaml haskell-yesod haskell-yesod-auth haskell-yesod-auth-hashdb haskell-yesod-auth-oauth haskell-yesod-bin haskell-yesod-core haskell-yesod-default haskell-yesod-form haskell-yesod-newsfeed haskell-yesod-persistent haskell-yesod-static haskell-yesod-test haskell-yi-core haskell-yi-frontend-pango haskell-yi-frontend-vty haskell-yi-keymap-emacs haskell-yi-keymap-vim haskell-yi-language haskell-yi-misc-modes haskell-yi-mode-haskell haskell-yi-mode-javascript haskell-yi-rope haskell-zenc haskell-zeromq4-haskell haskell-zip-archive haskell-zlib haskell-zlib-bindings haskell-zxcvbn-c hasktags haxml hdbc hdbc-postgresql hdbc-sqlite3 hlint hscolour hslogger lambdabot ldap-haskell magic-haskell mighttpd2 missingh only pkg-haskell-tools shellcheck shelltestrunner taffybar threadscope uuagc xmobar xmonad xmonad-contrib xmonad-extras xmonad-wallpaper yi Debian HPC Team gridengine slurm-wlm Debian i3 maintainers i3-wm Debian Input Method Team brise fcitx fcitx-imlist libpinyin librime Debian Install System Team cdebconf cdebconf-entropy debian-installer debian-installer-netboot-images flash-kernel installation-guide localechooser netcfg tasksel Debian IoT Maintainers mosquitto Debian Java Mailing List java-policy Debian Java Maintainers activemq activemq-protobuf antelope antlr3 apache-curator apache-mime4j aspectj avro-java c3p0 cdk cobertura commons-configuration commons-configuration2 commons-daemon cssparser csvjdbc dynalang eigenbase-resgen felix-gogo-command felix-gogo-runtime findbugs geogebra geronimo-concurrent-1.0-spec gkl gossip h2database hawtbuf jameica-h2database jardiff java-xmlbuilder javaparser jedit jersey1 jmagick jnr-x86asm kunststoff libajaxtags-java libapfloat-java libcommons-jexl2-java libcommons-jexl3-java libcommons-validator-java libformula libjackson-json-java libjazzy-java libjibx1.2-java libjrosetta-java libjson-java libjspeex-java libjtype-java liblastfm-java libpdfrenderer-java libsequence-library-java libswarmcache-java libvorbisspi-java libyanfs-java lucene8 minify-maven-plugin mondrian nekohtml ognl olap4j openjpa opensearch pentaho-reporting-flow-engine piespy spatial4j spatial4j-0.4 stringtemplate4 surefire uima-addons uimaj zookeeper Debian Java maintainers morfologik-stemming Debian Javascript Maintainers arbiterjs ckbuilder ckeditor datatables-extensions datatables.js elycharts.js jquery-i18n-properties jscropperui jshash libjs-img.srcset ltx mathjax (U) node-colorspace node-corepack node-enabled node-eventemitter3 node-fn.name node-grunt-sass node-gulp-sass node-inwasm node-jsdoc2 node-kuler node-logform node-mqtt node-nouislider node-one-time node-original node-propget node-pruddy-error node-querystringify node-quickjs-emscripten node-react-toastify node-requires-port node-rollup-plugin-sass node-sixel node-text-hex node-triple-beam node-url-parse node-vega-embed node-vega-tooltip node-webfont node-winston node-winston-compat node-winston-transport node-yarnpkg prettify.js wabt Debian Junior debian-junior Debian KDE Extras Team icecc icecc-monitor kile kmymoney ktechlab skrooge wacomtablet Debian Kernel Team iproute2 Debian kernel team wireless-regdb Debian KGB Maintainers kgb-bot Debian Korean L10N nabi unalz Debian l10n developers poedit Debian LAVA team lava Debian Libidn team libidn2 Debian LibreOffice Maintainers graphite2 hsqldb1.8.0 libcmis libexttextcat libreoffice Debian Libvirt Maintainers libguestfs virt-manager Debian Lintian Maintainers lintian Debian logcheck Team logcheck Debian Lua Team dh-lua lua-ldoc lua-posix luacheck luarocks Debian LXDE Maintainers lxmusic lxrandr Debian LXDE Maintainers lxappearance lxde-metapackages lxinput lxpanel Debian Mactel isight-firmware-tools Debian Mailman Team mailman3 Debian Math Team gmp-ecm macaulay2 sagemath Debian Med Packaging Team aghermann alter-sequence-alignment anfo argh barrnap biomaj3 biomaj3-daemon biomaj3-download biomaj3-process biomaj3-user cwltest debian-med gbrowse gdcm genomethreader genometools gnumed-client libhmsbeagle librostlab libzeep maude mia mira ncbi-entrez-direct phybin pplacer proftmb psychopy pydicom pyensembl pyqi python-biopython python-pbcore resfinder treeview vg volpack Debian Multimedia Maintainers amsynth aom audacious-plugins avldrums.lv2 csound csound-manual dataquay davs2 debian-multimedia drumgizmo easyeffects easytag ffmpeg flactag flowblade gbsplay gem gerbera gigedit gmerlin grafx2 gsequencer handbrake isrcsubmit jack-audio-connection-kit jack-tools jackd2 kodi kodi-pvr-hdhomerun libdrumstick libffado liblrdf libquicktime libreplaygain libsndfile libvpx lives mjpegtools mpg123 mplayer mpv nanovg ogmrip opensubdiv osmid pd-pddp projectm setbfree sndfile-tools sonic-visualiser soundmanager2 stretchplayer supercollider svt-av1 swami synfig taglib timemachine traverso vmpk x42-plugins xavs2 xawtv xvidcore Debian MySQL Maintainers mylvmbackup Debian Nagios Maintainer Group icingadb monitoring-plugins nagios-plugins-contrib Debian Netatalk team netatalk Debian NVIDIA Maintainers pycuda Debian OCaml Maintainers ben camlimages camomile coq-quickchick coq-reduction-effects coq-simple-io dh-ocaml elpi extlib headache lablgl liquidsoap lwt meta-ocaml nss-passwords ocaml-atd ocaml-config-file ocaml-cstruct ocaml-csv ocaml-gettext ocaml-odoc ocaml-usb ocamlgraph ocplib-endian opam ppx-deriving ppx-deriving-yojson ppx-tools unison-2.53 utop yojson Debian OpenCL Maintainers khronos-opencl-man pyopencl Debian OpenSC Maintainers opensc Debian OpenSSH Maintainers openssh Debian OpenStack aodh bandit ceilometer horizon keystone octavia openstack-trove python-contextily python-django-compressor python-glance-store python-google-auth python-jsonschema python-momepy python-oslo.cache python-osprofiler python-pysaml2 python-pysnmp-lextudio python-wsme zaqar Debian PaN Maintainers hyperspy orange-canvas-core Debian Pan Team debian-pan Debian pbuilder maintenance team pbuilder Debian Perl Group arename libapache2-authcassimple-perl libapache2-sitecontrol-perl libapp-cpants-lint-perl libatombus-perl libatompub-perl libatteanx-store-ldf-perl libaudio-cd-perl libbloom-filter-perl libcal-dav-perl libcatalyst-authentication-credential-http-perl libcatalyst-view-petal-perl libcatmandu-mods-perl libcatmandu-wikidata-perl libcgi-expand-perl libcode-tidyall-plugin-sortlines-naturally-perl libconfig-model-approx-perl libconfig-onion-perl libconfig-zomg-perl libconvert-tnef-perl libcrypt-util-perl libdancer-logger-psgi-perl libdancer-plugin-dbic-perl libdancer-plugin-rest-perl libdata-parsebinary-perl libdata-record-perl libdatetime-incomplete-perl libdbix-class-encodedcolumn-perl libdevel-callparser-perl libdevel-strictmode-perl libdispatch-class-perl libdist-inkt-profile-tobyink-perl libdist-inkt-role-hg-perl libdist-inkt-role-release-perl libdist-inkt-role-test-kwalitee-perl libdist-inkt-role-test-perl libembperl-perl libencode-zapcp1252-perl libencoding-fixlatin-perl libex-monkeypatched-perl libfile-data-perl libfile-zglob-perl libgd-graph3d-perl libgetopt-simple-perl libhtml-formatexternal-perl libhtml-html5-builder-perl libhtml-html5-writer-perl libhtml-prototype-perl libhtml-wikiconverter-dokuwiki-perl libhttp-headers-actionpack-perl libhttp-link-parser-perl libicon-famfamfam-silk-perl libjson-types-perl libjson-webtoken-perl libkiokux-model-perl liblexical-underscore-perl liblinux-io-prio-perl liblwp-useragent-chicaching-perl libmagpie-perl libmarc-file-marcmaker-perl libmarc-file-mij-perl libmarpa-r2-perl libmatch-simple-perl libmatch-simple-xs-perl libmath-cartesian-product-perl libmediascan libmessage-passing-filter-regexp-perl libmethod-autoload-perl libmodule-install-authorrequires-perl libmodule-install-authortests-perl libmodule-install-contributors-perl libmodule-install-copyright-perl libmodule-install-doap-perl libmodule-install-doapchangesets-perl libmodule-install-extratests-perl libmodule-install-manifestskip-perl libmodule-install-rdf-perl libmodule-install-trustmetayml-perl libmodule-manifest-skip-perl libmodule-package-perl libmoosex-arrayref-perl libmoox-log-any-perl libmoox-role-logger-perl libnamespace-sweep-perl libnet-amqp-perl libnet-sftp-sftpserver-perl libnet-statsd-perl libpath-router-perl libpdf-reuse-barcode-perl libperlx-assert-perl libperlx-maybe-xs-perl libplack-middleware-expires-perl libplack-middleware-file-sass-perl libplack-middleware-logany-perl libplack-middleware-logwarn-perl libpoe-component-rssaggregator-perl librdf-acl-perl librdf-doap-lite-perl librdf-generator-void-perl librdf-helper-properties-perl librdf-icalendar-perl librdf-prefixes-perl librdf-queryx-lazy-perl librdf-trin3-perl librdf-trine-node-literal-xml-perl librdf-trine-perl librdf-trinex-functions-perl librdf-trinex-serializer-mockturtlesoup-perl librdf-vcard-perl libregexp-log-perl librole-commons-perl libscalar-does-perl libsendmail-milter-perl libstring-diff-perl libsub-infix-perl libtest-checkdeps-perl libtest-filename-perl libtest-html-w3c-perl libtest-modern-perl libtest-name-fromline-perl libtest-rdf-doap-version-perl libtest-rdf-perl libtest-redisserver-perl libtest-tabledriven-perl libtest-tabs-perl libtry-tiny-byclass-perl libtry-tiny-smartcatch-perl libtrycatch-perl libtypes-datetime-perl libtypes-uuid-perl libunicode-escape-perl libuniversal-ref-perl libweb-machine-perl libweb-mrest-cli-perl libweb-mrest-perl libxml-atom-fromowl-perl libxml-atom-owl-perl libxml-commonns-perl libxml-libxml-lazybuilder-perl libxml-namespace-perl libxml-namespacefactory-perl perlrdf pkg-perl-tools w3c-linkchecker Debian PhotoTools Maintainers gphoto2 Debian PhotoTools Maintainers fgallery jpeg-xl mapivi photoqt pngtools Debian PHP Maintainers dh-php php8.2 Debian PHP PEAR Maintainers php-easyrdf Debian PHP PECL Maintainers php-xmlrpc Debian Pkg-e Team efl Debian Policy Editors debian-policy Debian PostgreSQL Maintainers bucardo omnidb pg-checksums pgpool2 pgq pgsphere postgresql-16 prometheus-sql-exporter slony1-2 Debian Printing Team cjet ghostscript ifhp ijs ink magicfilter mtink pnm2ppa tea4cups Debian Privacy Tools Maintainers monkeysphere Debian publicity team debian-history Debian Pure Blend Team blends Debian Python Team aiosmtplib alembic azure-cli backblaze-b2 beaker beets bidict black blinker breathe cachelib celery cmdtest dask dateparser diff-cover django-q dkimpy-milter (U) elasticsearch-curator feedparser firmware-microbit-micropython flask-limiter flask-silk flask-sqlalchemy flask-wtf git-filter-repo gitinspector google-auth-httplib2 guessit gyp hiro hypercorn ipyparallel jeepyb jsonpickle jupyterhub kas knack kombu manuel markdown-it-py mercurial meson-python mkdocstrings-python-legacy monty nb2plots ocrfeeder ocrmypdf offlineimap3 oscrypto pandoc-plantuml-filter pdfminer pdm picobox pipenv prospector pycrc pylint-celery pylint-common pylint-flask pylint-venv pymilter pymupdf pysrs pytest-mock pytest-pylint pytest-xvfb python-a2wsgi python-activipy python-aioinflux python-asv-runner python-authlib python-autoray python-btrees python-cloup python-dist-meta python-django-ca python-django-object-actions python-django-pgtrigger python-django-postgres-extra python-dnsq python-docutils python-ethtool (U) python-graphene-mongo python-headerparser python-itsdangerous python-jira python-keycloak python-kyotocabinet python-libguess python-libnmap python-limits python-linux-procfs (U) python-lsp-jsonrpc python-lsp-server python-lupa python-mockupdb python-moderngl python-mongoengine python-motor python-mpv python-ofxclient python-pint python-pip python-pyscss python-pysnmp4-mibs (U) python-questionary python-repoze.tm2 python-rt python-sphinx-examples python-stdnum (U) python-validate-pyproject python-werkzeug python-xsdata pytkdocs qdarkstyle rdflib recommonmark rope sentry-python spf-engine (U) sphinx-argparse sqlalchemy (U) sqlite-utils storm stravalib (U) subdownloader taskflow (U) texext tortoisehg (U) tox trac-wikiprint whipper wtforms xhtml2pdf zope.component zope.testrunner Debian Python Team , python-click Debian QA Group apt-listchanges django-anymail gpscorrelate libextractor libmicrohttpd unar xmlstarlet Debian QEMU Team edk2 Debian Qt/KDE Maintainers k3b kalzium kapidox kdoctools knights kontact krita kwave pkg-kde-tools plasma-remotecontrollers Debian R Packages Maintainers r-bioc-lpsymphony r-cran-pander r-cran-redland r-cran-rook rapache Debian Release Team debian-archive-keyring Debian Remote Maintainers freerdp2 freerdp3 libpam-freerdp2 libpam-x2go lightdm-remote-session-freerdp2 lightdm-remote-session-x2go python-x2go x2gobroker Debian Robotics Team foonathan-memory ros2-colcon-argcomplete ros2-colcon-bash ros2-colcon-cmake ros2-colcon-core ros2-colcon-defaults ros2-colcon-devtools ros2-colcon-library-path ros2-colcon-metadata ros2-colcon-notification ros2-colcon-output ros2-colcon-package-information ros2-colcon-package-selection ros2-colcon-parallel-executor ros2-colcon-pkg-config ros2-colcon-python-setup-py ros2-colcon-recursive-crawl ros2-colcon-ros ros2-colcon-test-result ros2-colcon-zsh Debian Ruby Extras Maintainers hiki (U) kwalify (U) ruby-html-proofer Debian Ruby Team bsfilter nanoc rabbit redmine ruby-android-key-attestation ruby-blade ruby-gitlab-markup ruby-haml ruby-kyotocabinet ruby-octokit ruby-odbc ruby-shoulda-context ruby-sinatra ruby-spy Debian Rust Maintainers rust-libsqlite3-sys rust-ripgrep rust-tree-sitter-cli Debian Salt Team salt-pylint Debian Samba Maintainers samba talloc tdb Debian Science Maintainers apertium cvc4 lttoolbox Debian Science Maintainers 3depict bibutils bossa cctbx critterding cvxopt esda facet-analyser fasttext freecad gfsview guidata hyperspy (U) jgrapht loki-ecmwf ncl onetbb orange-canvas-core (U) pybind11 python-h5netcdf python-vispy python-xarray scikit-learn silx skimage spyder sympy tango togl virtuoso-opensource vtk9 xeus xeus-python xeus-zmq xsimd xtensor ycm-cmake-modules zarr Debian Science Team eln scilab Debian Science Team debian-science etsf-io frogdata glpk gnuplot openigtlink pandas paraview plplot tulip uctodata v-sim vtk9 Debian Seafile Team seafile-client Debian Security Tools aircrack-ng binwalk bruteforce-wallet changeme chkrootkit dsniff forensics-extra patator sleuthkit Debian semweb Team zeitgeist Debian Shishi Team shishi Debian Shorewall Team shorewall Debian SOGo Maintainers sbjson Debian SSSD Team sssd Debian Sugar Team etoys gst-plugins-espeak olpc-xo1 squeak-vm sugar sugar-browse-activity sugar-calculate-activity sugar-chat-activity sugar-imageviewer-activity sugar-jukebox-activity sugar-log-activity sugar-memorize-activity sugar-pippy-activity sugar-read-activity sugar-terminal-activity sugar-write-activity Debian systemd Maintainers systemd systemd-bootchart Debian TeX Task Force hintview texlive-base texlive-extra Debian Tryton Maintainers python-sql tryton-modules-account-payment-braintree tryton-modules-account-statement-ofx Debian TTS Team festival rhvoice speech-dispatcher speech-dispatcher-contrib Debian UBports Team rlottie-qml Debian Vim Maintainers neovim vim vim-scripts Debian Virtualbox Team virtualbox Debian VoIP Team asterisk asterisk-prompt-it baresip belle-sip kamailio kannel ring rtpengine spandsp Debian VSquare Team fuse-umfuse-ext2 fuse-umfuse-fat fuse-umfuse-iso9660 lwipv6 umview vde2 Debian Window Maker Team wmbiff Debian X Strike Force wayland weston xcb-util-keysyms xcb-util-renderutil xcb-util-wm xorg xorg-docs Debian Xfce Maintainers tumbler xfce4-goodies Debian XML SGML Team debiandoc-sgml sgml-data Debian XML/SGML Group dita-ot docbook-dsssl docbook-html-forms docbook-mathml docbook-simple docbook-slides docbook-utils docbook2x herold ldp-docbook-stylesheets libxslt linuxdoc-tools w3-dtd-mathml Debian XMPP Maintainers swift-im Debian XMPP Maintainers gsasl jabberd2 sms4you Debian+Ubuntu MATE Packaging Team mate-applets mate-desktop-environment mate-dock-applet mate-polkit mate-sensors-applet mate-user-share mozo onboard DebianParl team debian-parl Debichem Team abinit bkchem debichem gabedit gemmi gnome-chemistry-utils gromacs inchi jmol macromoleculebuilder python-emmet-core xtb Deepak Tripathi python-pysnmp4-mibs (U) ruby-odbc (U) Denis Barbier po4a (U) Denis Briand mc (U) Denis Danilov flycheck (U) rtags (U) Denis Laxalde haskell-hmatrix (U) Denis Roio hasciicam (U) Dennis Braun csound (U) sndfile-tools (U) supercollider (U) swami (U) Dennis Braun amsynth (U) avldrums.lv2 (U) csound-manual (U) drumgizmo (U) libdrumstick (U) projectm (U) setbfree (U) vmpk (U) x42-plugins (U) Dennis van Dok lcas Denys Berkovskyy dmg2img Devscripts Maintainers devscripts Diane Trout dask (U) dask-sphinx-theme doc-central Didier Raboud planetblupi (U) Dima Kogan falcosecurity-libs Dimitar Ivanov dish Dimitri John Ledkov cross-toolchain-base (U) cross-toolchain-base-mipsen (U) cross-toolchain-base-ports (U) Dirk Eddelbuettel littler r-base r-cran-mvnormtest rsymphony wajig (U) Dmitry E. Oboukhov famfamfam-flag fluxbox frogatto-data hedgewars (U) libanyevent-aggressiveidle-perl libanyevent-callback-perl libanyevent-forkobject-perl libanyevent-serialize-perl libanyevent-tools-perl libcoro-twiggy-perl libdata-streamdeserializer-perl libdata-streamserializer-perl libdatapager-perl libjs-jstorage libtest-debian-perl libtree-multinode-perl msgpuck (U) pidgin-mra rtorrent (U) tarantool (U) Dmitry Eremin-Solenikov xawtv (U) Dmitry Shachnev alacarte (U) gnome-applets (U) gnome-keyring (U) gtk+3.0 (U) libwnck3 (U) mathjax pkg-kde-tools (U) python-docutils (U) Dmitry Smirnov civicrm ckbuilder (U) docker.io (U) freespace2 gfarm gnucash-docs gnumeric litecoin mc mysql-workbench synfig (U) xpra zabbix zoneminder dns-root-data packagers dns-root-data dnsdist packagers dnsdist Domenico Andreoli jh7100-bootloader-recovery Dominic Hargreaves libembperl-perl (U) libhtml-formatexternal-perl (U) perl (U) Dominik George debian-edu-config (U) golang-github-nats-io-go-nats (U) impressive-display (U) nats-server (U) nextcloud-spreed-signaling (U) sssd (U) thonny (U) Dominik George debian-edu (U) heimdal (U) Dominique Belhachemi openigtlink (U) Dominique Corbex bibletime (U) Dominique Dumont libconfig-model-approx-perl (U) prettify.js (U) Don Armstrong lilypond (U) spamass-milter Doug Torrance macaulay2 (U) node-nouislider (U) Doug Torrance wmbiff (U) Dovecot Maintainers dovecot Dpkg Developers dpkg-www dput-ng Maintainers dput-ng Dr. Tobias Quathamer aspell-en denemo lilypond (U) lyx open-adventure (U) po4a (U) quilt (U) rapid-photo-downloader Drew Parsons golang-github-anacrolix-missinggo (U) python-emmet-core (U) xtensor (U) Dustin Kirkland byobu hollywood Dylan Aïssi libmtp (U) openrazer svt-av1 (U) weston (U) Eddy Petrișor aspell-ro (U) Eduard Bloch broadcom-sta module-assistant Eduardo M Kalinowski kildclient Edward Betts sqlite-utils (U) Elimar Riesebieter moc ripit Elías Alejandro Año Mendoza sugar-log-activity (U) Emanuele Rocca valgrind (U) Emilio Pozuelo Monfort aisleriot (U) fontconfig (U) gcr (U) gcr4 (U) gnome-logs (U) gnome-user-share (U) gtk+2.0 (U) gtk-doc (U) rhythmbox (U) seahorse (U) shared-mime-info (U) wayland (U) weston (U) Emmanuel Arias monty (U) Emmanuel Arias markdown-it-py (U) Emmanuel Bourg antlr3 (U) apache-curator (U) apache-mime4j (U) aspectj (U) avro-java (U) c3p0 (U) cobertura (U) commons-configuration (U) commons-configuration2 (U) commons-daemon (U) geronimo-concurrent-1.0-spec (U) gossip (U) gtetrinet (U) h2database (U) hawtbuf (U) java-policy (U) jersey1 (U) libcommons-jexl2-java (U) libcommons-jexl3-java (U) libcommons-validator-java (U) libjson-java (U) libjtype-java (U) piespy (U) stringtemplate4 (U) uimaj (U) Emmanuel Bouthenot autopostgresqlbackup Enrico Zini wreport Enrique Hernández Bello fritzing Eric Dorland gnupg1 (U) gnupg2 (U) opensc (U) Eric Heintzmann gnustep-base (U) gworkspace (U) Eric Lavarde libjibx1.2-java (U) Erik de Castro Lopo c2hs (U) haskell-bzlib (U) haskell-curl (U) haskell-json (U) haskell-language-c (U) haskell-language-javascript (U) haskell-lexer (U) haskell-polyparse (U) haskell-pretty-show (U) haskell-regex-tdfa (U) haskell-safe (U) haskell-uniplate (U) haskell-unixutils (U) haxml (U) hscolour (U) Erik Schanze dvgrab Erik Wenzel aggregate Ervin Hegedus modsecurity-apache (U) Ervin Hegedüs tlf (U) Etienne Millon feedparser (U) gmpc (U) gmpc-plugins (U) guessit (U) Eugene V. Lyubimkin nlkt Evgeni Golov geany-plugins (U) Exim4 Maintainers exim4 eximdoc4 Fabian Greffrath deutex (U) xvidcore (U) Fabian Wolff cvc4 (U) Fabien Poulard uimaj (U) Fabio Augusto De Muzio Tobich nss-updatedb Fabio Fantoni cinnamon-settings-daemon (U) memtest86+ nemo (U) nemo-compare (U) Faidon Liambotis jemalloc tox (U) Federico Ceratto freedombox (U) naev python-u2flib-server Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw) webalizer (U) Felipe Sateler python-pyaudio (U) systemd (U) Felix Delattre tilemaker (U) Felix Geyer ninja-build Felix Lechner haskell-devscripts (U) Felix Moessbauer kas (U) Felix Natter jmapviewer (U) Felix Zielcke grub2 (U) memtest86+ (U) Ferenc Wágner cluster-glue (U) gphoto2 (U) pacemaker (U) Filip Pytloun jeepyb (U) Filippo Giunchedi fuse-umfuse-ext2 (U) fuse-umfuse-fat (U) fuse-umfuse-iso9660 (U) hasciicam (U) lwipv6 (U) umview (U) vde2 (U) Filippo Giunchedi sensors-applet (U) Filippo Rusconi daps massxpert (U) massxpert2 (U) minexpert2 (U) Florian Ragwitz xmms2-scrobbler Florian Schlichting libicon-famfamfam-silk-perl (U) librdf-prefixes-perl (U) librdf-trin3-perl (U) librdf-trine-perl (U) libtest-rdf-perl (U) Florian Schlichting libembperl-perl (U) libhttp-link-parser-perl (U) librdf-vcard-perl (U) libxml-atom-fromowl-perl (U) libxml-atom-owl-perl (U) Forrest Cahoon csound (U) Francesco Namuri gramophone2 Francesco Paolo Lovergine grass (U) mapcache (U) mapserver (U) pktools (U) postgis (U) spatialite-tools (U) ypbind-mt ypserv Francisco Vilmar Cardoso Ruviaro golang-github-bettercap-readline (U) Francisco Vilmar Cardoso Ruviaro bruteforce-wallet (U) patator (U) Francois Marier ax25-tools (U) debian-hamradio (U) molly-guard (U) workrave Francois Mazen solfege Frank B. Brokken bobcat ssh-cron Frank Hofmann dpmb (U) Free Ekanayaka amsynth (U) gigedit (U) jack-audio-connection-kit (U) libffado (U) python-pyramid-tm python-pyramid-zcml FreedomBox packaging team freedombox Freexian Packaging Team ccextractor hyperspy (U) odoo Fritz Reichwald qutebrowser Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca facet-analyser (U) Fukui Daichi simple-revision-control Félix Sipma haskell-aeson-diff (U) haskell-edit-distance-vector (U) Gabriel Filion libinfluxdb-http-perl smokeping Gabriele Giacone <1o5g4r8o@gmail.com> critterding (U) Geany Packaging Team geany-plugins Geert Stappers urjtag Gennaro Oliva slurm-wlm (U) slurm-wlm-contrib George Danchev bobcat (U) ssh-cron (U) Georges Khaznadar aseba auto-multiple-choice (U) chemical-structures clonezilla collatinus cron felix-latin fritzing (U) gpsim jmol (U) jsdoc-toolkit jsxgraph kicad (U) node-jsdoc2 (U) pampi partclone pyacidobasic python-reportlab python-rlpycairo scolasync screenkey supercollider (U) sympy (U) wims wims-lti Georgy Komarov libapache2-mod-watchcat Gergely Risko freecell-solver imapcopy Gerrit Pape socklog (U) Gert Wollny gdcm (U) mia (U) vtk9 (U) Ghislain Antony Vaillant pybind11 (U) pytest-xvfb (U) python-h5netcdf (U) python-vispy (U) python-xarray (U) spyder (U) Gianfranco Costamagna binwalk (U) boinc (U) dlt-viewer (U) docbook2x (U) hedgewars (U) poedit (U) python-dlt (U) sphinx-design udiskie virtualbox (U) Giovani Augusto Ferreira forensics-extra (U) Giovanni Mascellani boost1.74 (U) boost1.83 (U) geogebra (U) gitit (U) haskell-feed (U) haskell-filestore (U) haskell-happstack-server (U) haskell-harp (U) haskell-hs-bibutils (U) haskell-hsemail (U) haskell-hsp (U) haskell-hstringtemplate (U) haskell-pandoc-types (U) haskell-recaptcha (U) haskell-safecopy (U) haskell-sendfile (U) haskell-sha (U) haskell-split (U) haskell-texmath (U) haskell-unix-compat (U) haskell-url (U) haskell-xml (U) haskell-xss-sanitize (U) mandelbulber2 Giraffe Maintainers libvmime Giulio Paci basilisk2 (U) opengrm-ngram peg sctk transcriber Giuseppe Bilotta khronos-opencl-man (U) Giuseppe Sacco hylafax GNU/kFreeBSD Maintainers freebsd-buildutils freebsd-glue Gordon Ball xeus (U) xeus-python (U) xeus-zmq (U) Graham Inggs doublecmd (U) Graham Williams wajig Greg Horn coinor-ipopt gregor herrmann arename (U) bti kgb-bot (U) libaudio-cd-perl (U) libconfig-model-approx-perl (U) libdbix-class-encodedcolumn-perl (U) pkg-perl-tools (U) w3c-linkchecker (U) Gregor Riepl uranium (U) Grml Team grml-debootstrap grml2usb GRUB Maintainers grub2 Gudjon I. Gudjonsson comedilib gerbv (U) Guido Günther libguestfs (U) libpam-ccreds munin-libvirt-plugins virt-manager (U) wmwave xsettings-kde Guido Trotter fuse-umfuse-ext2 (U) fuse-umfuse-fat (U) fuse-umfuse-iso9660 (U) lwipv6 (U) umview (U) vde2 (U) Guilhem Moulin cryptsetup (U) Guilherme de Paula Xavier Segundo python-dnsq (U) Guillem Jover kannel (U) rtpengine (U) Guillem Jover dpkg-www (U) Gunnar Hjalmarsson gnome-desktop (U) gnome-settings-daemon (U) gnome-software (U) Guo Yixuan (郭溢譞) boinc (U) brise (U) cuetools librime (U) Guus Sliepen crawl libraw1394 Gürkan Myczko gnustep-base (U) grafx2 (U) gworkspace (U) photoqt (U) wmweather+ (U) Hakan Ardo xfaces halfdog guerillabackup handsome_feng kylin-burner (U) kylin-video (U) Hannes Matuschek qdmr Hanno Stock pandoc-plantuml-filter (U) Hans-Christoph Steiner libloc (U) Harlan Lieberman-Berg librdf-vcard-perl (U) Harley Swick node-eventemitter3 (U) node-fn.name (U) node-pruddy-error (U) Harley Swick node-propget (U) HAYASHI Kentaro sylfilter (U) Hector Oron tthsum Heiko Stuebner abootimg libnl3 Helge Kreutzmann goobox Helmut Grohne shellcheck (U) Henning Sprang flask-sqlalchemy (U) Henrique de Moraes Holschuh amavisd-new (U) autotools-dev cyrus-imapd (U) Herbert Parentes Fortes Neto po-debconf Hideki Yamane crypto-policies mlterm (U) riece snapper sylfilter Hilko Bengen augeas elm-compiler (U) haskell-language-glsl (U) libguestfs (U) libsendmail-milter-perl (U) spatial4j-0.4 (U) utop (U) wimlib zeek Hilmar Preusse hintview (U) texlive-base (U) texlive-extra (U) Holger Levsen debian-cd (U) debian-edu (U) debian-edu-config (U) debian-edu-doc (U) diffoscope (U) disorderfs (U) piuparts (U) Holger Wansing refcard (U) Horde Maintainers php-horde-core php-horde-javascriptminify Hu Feng deepin-icon-theme (U) Hubert Chathi noweb olm (U) Hubert Pham python-pyaudio Hugh McMaster idzebra (U) yaz (U) Hugo Lefeuvre pysolfc (U) Hypra Team compiz-plugins-extra Håvard F. Aasen openscap python-mongoengine (U) Héctor Orón Martínez dejagnu wayland (U) weston (U) Iain Lane brasero (U) cheese (U) dconf (U) gcr (U) gcr4 (U) gnome-applets (U) gnome-contacts (U) gnome-desktop (U) gnome-disk-utility (U) gnome-keyring (U) gnome-logs (U) gtk-doc (U) haskell-cabal-install (U) haskell-hashtables (U) haskell-pcap (U) haskell-skein (U) tracker-miners (U) vala (U) xdg-user-dirs (U) Iain Lane happy (U) haskell-filemanip (U) haskell-quickcheck (U) Iain R. Learmonth hellfire (U) live-tools (U) Ian Campbell qcontrol Ian Jackson elogind (U) pm-utils psutils userv vacation (U) vm Ian Wienand libiptcdata Ileana Dumitrescu boxbackup pipenv (U) Ilias Tsitsimpis haskell-numtype-dk (U) Ilias Tsitsimpis alex (U) bnfc (U) cabal-debian (U) cpphs (U) gitit (U) gtk2hs-buildtools (U) haskell-active (U) haskell-aeson-extra (U) haskell-aeson-qq (U) haskell-annotated-wl-pprint (U) haskell-ap-normalize (U) haskell-arrows (U) haskell-atomic-write (U) haskell-auto-update (U) haskell-barbies (U) haskell-base-compat (U) haskell-base-compat-batteries (U) haskell-base-orphans (U) haskell-base64 (U) haskell-basic-prelude (U) haskell-binary-orphans (U) haskell-blaze-builder (U) haskell-blaze-svg (U) haskell-bmp (U) haskell-bool-extras (U) haskell-boolean (U) haskell-boring (U) haskell-boxes (U) haskell-bytestring-progress (U) haskell-cabal-install (U) haskell-cabal-install-solver (U) haskell-cairo (U) haskell-casa-client (U) haskell-casa-types (U) haskell-cgi (U) haskell-chart (U) haskell-chart-cairo (U) haskell-chasingbottoms (U) haskell-citeproc (U) haskell-clock (U) haskell-colour (U) haskell-commutative-semigroups (U) haskell-concurrent-output (U) haskell-constraints (U) haskell-contravariant (U) haskell-control-monad-free (U) haskell-criterion (U) haskell-crypto-cipher-tests (U) haskell-cryptohash-conduit (U) haskell-crypton (U) haskell-crypton-x509 (U) haskell-crypton-x509-store (U) haskell-crypton-x509-system (U) haskell-crypton-x509-validation (U) haskell-cryptonite-conduit (U) haskell-cryptostore (U) haskell-data-accessor (U) haskell-data-accessor-mtl (U) haskell-data-clist (U) haskell-data-default-class (U) haskell-data-functor-logistic (U) haskell-data-hash (U) haskell-data-ordlist (U) haskell-debian (U) haskell-decimal (U) haskell-dependent-map (U) haskell-dependent-sum (U) haskell-dependent-sum-template (U) haskell-devscripts (U) haskell-diagrams (U) haskell-diagrams-cairo (U) haskell-diagrams-core (U) haskell-diagrams-lib (U) haskell-diagrams-solve (U) haskell-diagrams-svg (U) haskell-dice (U) haskell-diff (U) haskell-digest (U) haskell-disk-free-space (U) haskell-djinn-lib (U) haskell-doclayout (U) haskell-dual-tree (U) haskell-easy-file (U) haskell-echo (U) haskell-emojis (U) haskell-equivalence (U) haskell-erf (U) haskell-exact-pi (U) haskell-extensible-exceptions (U) haskell-extra (U) haskell-fgl (U) haskell-filelock (U) haskell-filtrable (U) haskell-fmlist (U) haskell-foldable1-classes-compat (U) haskell-generic-lens-core (U) haskell-generic-trie (U) haskell-generics-sop (U) haskell-geniplate-mirror (U) haskell-ghc-events (U) haskell-ghc-paths (U) haskell-gi-harfbuzz (U) haskell-gio (U) haskell-gitrev (U) haskell-glib (U) haskell-glob (U) haskell-gloss (U) haskell-gloss-rendering (U) haskell-gluraw (U) haskell-glut (U) haskell-gtk (U) haskell-gtk3 (U) haskell-haddock-library (U) haskell-hadrian (U) haskell-happstack-jmacro (U) haskell-haskell-src (U) haskell-here (U) haskell-hex (U) haskell-hi-file-parser (U) haskell-hierarchical-clustering (U) haskell-hint (U) haskell-hoauth2 (U) haskell-hpack (U) haskell-hslua-cli (U) haskell-hslua-core (U) haskell-hslua-marshalling (U) haskell-hslua-module-doclayout (U) haskell-hslua-module-system (U) haskell-hslua-module-zip (U) haskell-hslua-typing (U) haskell-hsopenssl (U) haskell-hspec-contrib (U) haskell-hspec-core (U) haskell-hspec-discover (U) haskell-hsyaml-aeson (U) haskell-html (U) haskell-http (U) haskell-http-common (U) haskell-http-download (U) haskell-http-streams (U) haskell-http2 (U) haskell-hunit (U) haskell-idna (U) haskell-ifelse (U) haskell-indexed-profunctors (U) haskell-indexed-traversable (U) haskell-indexed-traversable-instances (U) haskell-input-parsers (U) haskell-intervals (U) haskell-invariant (U) haskell-io-streams (U) haskell-irc (U) haskell-ixset-typed (U) haskell-jira-wiki-markup (U) haskell-juicypixels (U) haskell-jwt (U) haskell-language-python (U) haskell-lazysmallcheck (U) haskell-lens-action (U) haskell-lens-aeson (U) haskell-lifted-async (U) haskell-lifted-base (U) haskell-linear (U) haskell-listlike (U) haskell-lrucache (U) haskell-lua (U) haskell-lua-arbitrary (U) haskell-lucid (U) haskell-lucid-svg (U) haskell-map-syntax (U) haskell-memoize (U) haskell-mersenne-random-pure64 (U) haskell-microlens (U) haskell-microlens-aeson (U) haskell-microlens-mtl (U) haskell-microlens-th (U) haskell-mmap (U) haskell-monad-journal (U) haskell-monad-par-extras (U) haskell-monoid-extras (U) haskell-mountpoints (U) haskell-mueval (U) haskell-multipart (U) haskell-mustache (U) haskell-mutable-containers (U) haskell-mwc-random (U) haskell-network (U) haskell-network-control (U) haskell-network-run (U) haskell-network-uri (U) haskell-newtype (U) haskell-newtype-generics (U) haskell-nothunks (U) haskell-numeric-extras (U) haskell-objectname (U) haskell-old-locale (U) haskell-old-time (U) haskell-open-browser (U) haskell-opengl (U) haskell-openglraw (U) haskell-openssl-streams (U) haskell-optparse-simple (U) haskell-ordered-containers (U) haskell-pandoc-lua-engine (U) haskell-pandoc-server (U) haskell-pango (U) haskell-pantry (U) haskell-path (U) haskell-path-io (U) haskell-prettyclass (U) haskell-primitive (U) haskell-process-extras (U) haskell-psqueues (U) haskell-punycode (U) haskell-qrencode (U) haskell-quickcheck-safe (U) haskell-quickcheck-unicode (U) haskell-random (U) haskell-readargs (U) haskell-regex-applicative (U) haskell-regex-applicative-text (U) haskell-regex-base (U) haskell-regex-compat (U) haskell-regex-posix (U) haskell-reinterpret-cast (U) haskell-resolv (U) haskell-retry (U) haskell-rio (U) haskell-rio-orphans (U) haskell-rio-prettyprint (U) haskell-scientific (U) haskell-semialign (U) haskell-setenv (U) haskell-shelly (U) haskell-simple-smt (U) haskell-skylighting-core (U) haskell-skylighting-format-ansi (U) haskell-skylighting-format-blaze-html (U) haskell-skylighting-format-context (U) haskell-skylighting-format-latex (U) haskell-smtlib (U) haskell-sockaddr (U) haskell-src-exts (U) haskell-stack (U) haskell-statevar (U) haskell-statistics (U) haskell-stmonadtrans (U) haskell-storable-complex (U) haskell-store (U) haskell-stream (U) haskell-strict (U) haskell-string-qq (U) haskell-stringprep (U) haskell-syb (U) haskell-tagsoup (U) haskell-tar (U) haskell-tar-conduit (U) haskell-tasty-kat (U) haskell-tasty-lua (U) haskell-tasty-smallcheck (U) haskell-temporary (U) haskell-terminal-progress-bar (U) haskell-terminal-size (U) haskell-text-binary (U) haskell-text-icu (U) haskell-text-metrics (U) haskell-tf-random (U) haskell-th-bang-compat (U) haskell-th-compat (U) haskell-th-constraint-compat (U) haskell-th-extras (U) haskell-these (U) haskell-threads (U) haskell-time-compat (U) haskell-time-locale-compat (U) haskell-transformers-compat (U) haskell-unbounded-delays (U) haskell-unicode-collation (U) haskell-unicode-data (U) haskell-unicode-transforms (U) haskell-unixutils (U) haskell-uri-encode (U) haskell-utf8-string (U) haskell-utility-ht (U) haskell-uuagc-cabal (U) haskell-uuid-types (U) haskell-uulib (U) haskell-vector (U) haskell-vector-algorithms (U) haskell-vector-binary-instances (U) haskell-vector-hashtables (U) haskell-vector-stream (U) haskell-vector-th-unbox (U) haskell-wai-websockets (U) haskell-wcwidth (U) haskell-websockets (U) haskell-witherable (U) haskell-wizards (U) haskell-x11 (U) haskell-x11-xft (U) haskell-xcb-types (U) haskell-yesod-static (U) haskell-zip-archive (U) haskell-zlib (U) hasktags (U) hlint (U) pkg-haskell-tools (U) threadscope (U) uuagc (U) xmonad (U) xmonad-contrib (U) ImageMagick Packaging Team imagemagick Internet Measurement Packaging Team hellfire IOhannes m zmölnig (Debian/GNU) assimp csound (U) gem (U) gmerlin (U) libquicktime (U) libsndfile (U) pd-pddp (U) sndfile-tools (U) sonic-visualiser (U) Israel Galadima node-corepack (U) node-quickjs-emscripten (U) node-yarnpkg (U) Iulian Udrea haskell-adjunctions (U) haskell-bifunctors (U) haskell-categories (U) haskell-comonad (U) haskell-dimensional (U) haskell-distributive (U) haskell-free (U) haskell-http-date (U) haskell-keys (U) haskell-numinstances (U) haskell-semigroupoids (U) haskell-simple-sendfile (U) haskell-void (U) Iulian Udrea haskell-data-memocombinators (U) haskell-ieee754 (U) haskell-math-functions (U) haskell-monad-par (U) haskell-monadrandom (U) haskell-vector-space (U) Iustin Pop haskell-hoogle (U) haskell-js-flot (U) haskell-js-jquery (U) haskell-test-framework-quickcheck2 (U) shelltestrunner (U) Ivan Hu tpm2-tools (U) tpm2-tss (U) Ivan Udovichenko horizon (U) Jaime Robles klog Jaimos Skriletz fvwm Jakob Haufe glabels i3-wm (U) schroot (U) Jakub Adam antlr3 (U) dita-ot (U) jnr-x86asm (U) libsequence-library-java (U) Jakub Ružička bird2 knot (U) Jaldhar H. Vyas dovecot (U) festival (U) James Cowgill aom (U) easytag (U) ffmpeg (U) gerbera (U) mpv (U) James McCoy neovim (U) rust-tree-sitter-cli (U) subversion vim (U) vim-scripts (U) James Page java-xmlbuilder (U) libjackson-json-java (U) zookeeper (U) James Turton tulip (U) James Valleroy freedombox (U) manuel (U) python-activipy (U) Jameson Rollins monkeysphere (U) Jan Dittberner cracklib2 jsonpickle (U) lsyncd python-repoze.tm2 (U) virtualenvwrapper Jan Jeroným Zvánovec aspell-hsb Jan Lübbe python-pysnmp4-mibs Jan Wagner monitoring-plugins (U) nagios-plugins-contrib (U) Jaromír Mikeš avldrums.lv2 (U) dataquay (U) gigedit (U) qmapshack (U) setbfree (U) sonic-visualiser (U) swami (U) traverso (U) x42-plugins (U) Jason Guy isc-kea (U) Javier Fernandez-Sanguino debian-history (U) Javier Fernandez-Sanguino Peña debian-faq Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña checksecurity Jean Baptiste Favre trafficserver Jean Parpaillon averell Jean-Philippe MENGUAL festival (U) Jeff Epler linuxcnc (U) Jeffrey Ratcliffe gscan2pdf Jelmer Vernooij dovecot (U) Jelmer Vernooij samba (U) talloc (U) tdb (U) Jeremy Bicha alacarte (U) dconf (U) gnome-dictionary (U) gnome-packagekit (U) vinagre (U) Jeremy Bicha gnome-nettool (U) gnome-user-share (U) libwnck3 (U) onboard (U) yelp (U) Jeremy Bícha gtk+2.0 (U) Jeremy Bícha aisleriot (U) bolt (U) cheese (U) colord (U) epiphany-browser (U) evolution-data-server (U) gcr (U) gcr4 (U) gdm3 (U) glib2.0 (U) gnome-chess (U) gnome-contacts (U) gnome-desktop (U) gnome-disk-utility (U) gnome-keyring (U) gnome-logs (U) gnome-remote-desktop (U) gnome-settings-daemon (U) gnome-software (U) gnome-terminal (U) gtk+3.0 (U) gtk-doc (U) gtkmm-documentation (U) gupnp (U) libnotify (U) libsigc++-2.0 (U) libsigc++-3.0 (U) libxml++2.6 (U) mozjs102 (U) rhythmbox (U) seahorse (U) tracker-miners (U) vala (U) Jeremy Lainé asterisk (U) sailcut Jeremy Sowden shorewall (U) wmbiff (U) Jeroen Dekkers sbjson (U) Jeroen Ploemen sysbench Jerome Benoit gmp-ecm (U) merkaartor (U) recommonmark (U) sagemath (U) Jerome Kieffer silx (U) Jessica Clarke pbuilder (U) Joachim Bauch nextcloud-spreed-signaling (U) Joachim Breitner darcs-monitor (U) djinn (U) haskell-devscripts (U) Joachim Reichel cppcheck Joachim Wiedorn hylafax (U) squidguard Joao Eriberto Mota Filho forensics-extra (U) linssid mrtg Jochen Sprickerhof gpsbabel (U) h2database (U) jameica-h2database (U) libloc (U) python-lsp-jsonrpc (U) python-lsp-server (U) ros2-colcon-argcomplete (U) ros2-colcon-bash (U) ros2-colcon-cmake (U) ros2-colcon-core (U) ros2-colcon-defaults (U) ros2-colcon-devtools (U) ros2-colcon-library-path (U) ros2-colcon-metadata (U) ros2-colcon-notification (U) ros2-colcon-output (U) ros2-colcon-package-information (U) ros2-colcon-package-selection (U) ros2-colcon-parallel-executor (U) ros2-colcon-pkg-config (U) ros2-colcon-python-setup-py (U) ros2-colcon-recursive-crawl (U) ros2-colcon-ros (U) ros2-colcon-test-result (U) ros2-colcon-zsh (U) Johannes 'josch' Schauer pymupdf (U) Johannes Schauer Marin Rodrigues botch searx wayvnc John Francesco Ferlito libao (U) John Goerzen haskell-configfile (U) haskell-convertible (U) hdbc (U) hdbc-postgresql (U) hdbc-sqlite3 (U) hslogger (U) ldap-haskell (U) magic-haskell (U) missingh (U) simplesnap zfsnap John Millikin haskell-dbus (U) haskell-knob (U) haskell-options (U) haskell-patience (U) John Paul Adrian Glaubitz kiwi mate-applets (U) mate-desktop-environment (U) mate-polkit (U) mate-sensors-applet (U) mate-user-share (U) mozo (U) John Paulett jsonpickle (U) Jonas Meurer cryptsetup (U) mailman3 (U) Jonas Meurer django-q (U) Jonas Smedegaard abiword akira (U) amqp-specs asterisk (U) baresip (U) basilisk2 blends (U) debian-design (U) debian-parl (U) dialect dsdo etoys (U) fonts-arkpandora (U) fonts-noto (U) fonts-roboto (U) gcc-or1k-elf (U) gst-plugins-espeak (U) haskell-hsyaml (U) haskell-intern (U) haskell-swish (U) http-icons ijs (U) jack-audio-connection-kit (U) jshash (U) konclude libapp-cpants-lint-perl (U) libatombus-perl (U) libatompub-perl (U) libatteanx-store-ldf-perl (U) libbloom-filter-perl (U) libcal-dav-perl (U) libcatalyst-authentication-credential-http-perl (U) libcatalyst-view-petal-perl (U) libcatmandu-mods-perl (U) libcatmandu-wikidata-perl (U) libcgi-expand-perl (U) libcode-tidyall-plugin-sortlines-naturally-perl (U) libconfig-onion-perl (U) libconfig-zomg-perl (U) libconvert-tnef-perl (U) libcrypt-util-perl (U) libdancer-logger-psgi-perl (U) libdancer-plugin-dbic-perl (U) libdancer-plugin-rest-perl (U) libdata-parsebinary-perl (U) libdata-record-perl (U) libdatetime-incomplete-perl (U) libdevel-callparser-perl (U) libdevel-strictmode-perl (U) libdispatch-class-perl (U) libdist-inkt-profile-tobyink-perl (U) libdist-inkt-role-hg-perl (U) libdist-inkt-role-release-perl (U) libdist-inkt-role-test-kwalitee-perl (U) libdist-inkt-role-test-perl (U) libencode-zapcp1252-perl (U) libencoding-fixlatin-perl (U) libex-monkeypatched-perl (U) libfile-data-perl (U) libfile-zglob-perl (U) libgd-graph3d-perl (U) libgdchart-gd2 libgetopt-simple-perl (U) libhtml-html5-builder-perl (U) libhtml-html5-writer-perl (U) libhtml-wikiconverter-dokuwiki-perl (U) libhttp-headers-actionpack-perl (U) libhttp-link-parser-perl (U) libicon-famfamfam-silk-perl (U) libjs-img.srcset (U) libjson-types-perl (U) libjson-webtoken-perl (U) libkiokux-model-perl (U) liblexical-underscore-perl (U) liblinux-io-prio-perl (U) liblwp-useragent-chicaching-perl (U) libmagpie-perl (U) libmarc-file-marcmaker-perl (U) libmarc-file-mij-perl (U) libmarpa-r2-perl (U) libmatch-simple-perl (U) libmatch-simple-xs-perl (U) libmath-cartesian-product-perl (U) libmessage-passing-filter-regexp-perl (U) libmethod-autoload-perl (U) libmodule-install-authorrequires-perl (U) libmodule-install-authortests-perl (U) libmodule-install-contributors-perl (U) libmodule-install-copyright-perl (U) libmodule-install-doap-perl (U) libmodule-install-doapchangesets-perl (U) libmodule-install-extratests-perl (U) libmodule-install-manifestskip-perl (U) libmodule-install-rdf-perl (U) libmodule-install-trustmetayml-perl (U) libmodule-manifest-skip-perl (U) libmodule-package-perl (U) libmoosex-arrayref-perl (U) libmoox-log-any-perl (U) libmoox-role-logger-perl (U) libnamespace-sweep-perl (U) libnet-amqp-perl (U) libnet-statsd-perl (U) libpath-router-perl (U) libperlx-assert-perl (U) libperlx-maybe-xs-perl (U) libplack-middleware-expires-perl (U) libplack-middleware-file-sass-perl (U) libplack-middleware-logany-perl (U) libplack-middleware-logwarn-perl (U) librdf-acl-perl (U) librdf-doap-lite-perl (U) librdf-generator-void-perl (U) librdf-helper-properties-perl (U) librdf-icalendar-perl (U) librdf-prefixes-perl (U) librdf-queryx-lazy-perl (U) librdf-trin3-perl (U) librdf-trine-node-literal-xml-perl (U) librdf-trine-perl (U) librdf-trinex-functions-perl (U) librdf-trinex-serializer-mockturtlesoup-perl (U) librdf-vcard-perl (U) libregexp-log-perl (U) librole-commons-perl (U) libscalar-does-perl (U) libstring-diff-perl (U) libsub-infix-perl (U) libtest-checkdeps-perl (U) libtest-filename-perl (U) libtest-modern-perl (U) libtest-name-fromline-perl (U) libtest-rdf-doap-version-perl (U) libtest-rdf-perl (U) libtest-redisserver-perl (U) libtest-tabledriven-perl (U) libtest-tabs-perl (U) libtry-tiny-byclass-perl (U) libtry-tiny-smartcatch-perl (U) libtrycatch-perl (U) libtypes-datetime-perl (U) libtypes-uuid-perl (U) libunicode-escape-perl (U) libuniversal-ref-perl (U) libweb-machine-perl (U) libweb-mrest-cli-perl (U) libweb-mrest-perl (U) libxml-atom-fromowl-perl (U) libxml-atom-owl-perl (U) libxml-commonns-perl (U) libxml-libxml-lazybuilder-perl (U) libxml-namespace-perl (U) libxml-namespacefactory-perl (U) ltx (U) morla netatalk (U) olpc-xo1 (U) pandoc (U) pandoc-sidenote (U) perlrdf (U) pinot (U) po4a (U) python-duniterpy (U) rmagic squeak-vm (U) sugar (U) sugar-browse-activity (U) sugar-calculate-activity (U) sugar-chat-activity (U) sugar-imageviewer-activity (U) sugar-jukebox-activity (U) sugar-log-activity (U) sugar-memorize-activity (U) sugar-pippy-activity (U) sugar-read-activity (U) sugar-terminal-activity (U) sugar-write-activity (U) usermode uwsgi (U) zeitgeist (U) Jonathan Carter bluefish debian-junior (U) flask-silk (U) xabacus Jonathan Dowland ikiwiki Jonathan Kamens apt-listchanges Jonathan Marsden bibletime (U) Jonathan McDowell gcc-xtensa (U) onak rtorrent (U) Jonathan Nieder git Jonathan Shipley gworkspace (U) Jonathan Wiltshire debian-archive-keyring (U) Joost van Baal debian-faq (U) Joost van Baal-Ilić draai filetraq systraq Jordan Justen waffle Jordi Mallach at-spi2-core (U) brasero (U) gimp-help (U) gnome-nettool (U) grub2 (U) mailutils rhythmbox (U) sbjson (U) seahorse (U) workrave (U) xdg-user-dirs (U) Jorge Salamero Sanz libreplaygain (U) Jorge Salamero Sanz gsasl (U) Jose G. López scid Jose Luis Rivas rtorrent Jose M Calhariz logcheck (U) Josef Schneider deb-gview Josenilson Ferreira da Silva esda (U) python-dist-meta (U) Joseph Nahmias cachelib (U) diff-cover (U) fceux gyp (U) ipyparallel (U) oscrypto (U) pax-britannica (U) Josh Triplett ikiwiki (U) Josh Triplett molly-guard (U) Joshua Peisach cinnamon-settings-daemon (U) nemo (U) nemo-compare (U) Josip Rodin debian-faq (U) maint-guide (U) Josselin Mouette gnome-nettool (U) libglade2 (U) seahorse (U) Josue Ortega acpi-support lxmusic (U) José Antonio Jiménez Madrid eterm José L. Redrejo Rodríguez killer (U) José Manuel Santamaría Lema knights (U) Joël Krähemann gsequencer (U) Juhani Numminen pysolfc (U) Julian Andres Klode apt (U) dh-autoreconf grub2 (U) networkd-dispatcher Julian Gilbey node-webfont (U) picobox (U) pylint-venv (U) python-lsp-jsonrpc (U) python-lsp-server (U) spyder (U) taskflow Julian Taylor keepass2 (U) Julien Cristau mercurial (U) Julien Danjou xcb-util-keysyms (U) xcb-util-renderutil (U) xcb-util-wm (U) Julien Lamy xsimd (U) Julien Muchembled python-btrees (U) Julien Puydt coq-quickchick (U) coq-reduction-effects (U) coq-simple-io (U) elpi (U) python-itsdangerous (U) sagemath (U) scilab (U) yojson (U) Julien Viard de Galbert webalizer Junichi Uekawa jack-audio-connection-kit (U) Juri Grabowski php-horde-core (U) php-horde-javascriptminify (U) Justin Geibel haskell-http-media (U) Justin Mazzola Paluska python-pyaudio (U) Jérémy Bobbio cdebconf-entropy (U) Jérémy Lal basilisk2 (U) gyp (U) luarocks (U) redmine (U) Jörg Frings-Fürst foomatic-filters mailgraph openvpn (U) sane-backends xsane Kamal Mostafa xlog (U) Kan-Ru Chen (陳侃如) mupdf Kari Pahula crossfire crossfire-client gecode haskell-exception-mtl (U) haskell-fgl-visualize (U) haskell-futhark (U) haskell-futhark-data (U) haskell-futhark-manifest (U) haskell-futhark-server (U) haskell-language-c-quote (U) haskell-mainland-pretty (U) haskell-srcloc (U) libtpl littlewizard Karl Ramm zephyr Karsten Merker flash-kernel (U) Kartik Mistry apertium (U) lttoolbox (U) recoll Kea isc-kea Kees Cook mp3cd Kei Hibino haskell-hdbc-session (U) haskell-names-th (U) haskell-quickcheck-simple (U) haskell-sql-words (U) haskell-text-postgresql (U) haskell-th-data-compat (U) haskell-th-reify-compat (U) Keith Packard fontconfig (U) Keith Packard gcc-arm-none-eabi (U) picolibc snek Keng-Yu Lin dogecoin (U) Kentaro Hayashi digimend-dkms fasttext (U) fcitx-imlist (U) Kevin M. Rosenberg cl-modlisp Kevin Zambrano falselogin Kilian Krause asterisk-prompt-it (U) belle-sip (U) Kiwamu Okabe haskell-ansi-terminal (U) haskell-ansi-wl-pprint (U) haskell-base16-bytestring (U) haskell-hakyll (U) haskell-hcwiid (U) haskell-hoogle (U) haskell-hostname (U) haskell-psqueue (U) haskell-snap-core (U) haskell-snap-server (U) haskell-test-framework (U) haskell-test-framework-hunit (U) haskell-test-framework-quickcheck2 (U) haskell-texmath (U) pandoc (U) verilog-mode (U) Klas Lindfors libu2f-host (U) knot packagers knot Ko van der Sloot frogdata (U) uctodata (U) kpcyrd rust-libsqlite3-sys (U) Krzysztof Krzyżaniak (eloy) whipper (U) Kumar Appaiah festival (U) Kumar Appaiah libyanfs-java (U) Kunal Mehta mediawiki (U) php-luasandbox (U) Kurt Kremitzki freecad (U) Kurt Roeckx libid3tag libmad madplay Kyle Robbertze camlimages (U) camomile (U) glasscoder liquidsoap (U) ocaml-gettext (U) Kylin Team kylin-burner kylin-video LaMont Jones hpsockd postfix Laszlo Boszormenyi (GCS) apscheduler bubblewrap (U) cc1541 cxxtest jfsutils revelation syslog-ng (U) Laszlo Kajan gridengine (U) Laszlo Kajan librostlab (U) proftmb (U) Laurent Bigonville alacarte (U) brasero (U) cheese (U) dconf (U) evolution-data-server (U) gcr (U) gcr4 (U) gdm3 (U) gnome-contacts (U) gnome-desktop (U) gnome-disk-utility (U) gnome-settings-daemon (U) gnome-software (U) gnome-user-share (U) gupnp (U) mallard-rng (U) nut plymouth rhythmbox (U) seahorse (U) tracker-miners (U) vinagre (U) yelp (U) Leandro Cunha arc-kde (U) materia-kde (U) Leandro Ramos go-for-it (U) Leo Antunes nagios-plugins-contrib (U) Leo Costela pidgin-awayonlock Leon Marz asciidoc pixz Lev Lamberov dumb-jump-el (U) emacs-bind-map (U) emacs-git-messenger (U) esup-el (U) ido-ubiquitous (U) pyim-el (U) swi-prolog use-package (U) virtualenvwrapper-el (U) xmonad-extras (U) xmonad-wallpaper (U) libloc maintainers libloc LinuxCNC Developers linuxcnc Lior Kaplan aspell-hy (U) aspell-ro php8.2 (U) Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer kile (U) pkg-kde-tools (U) wacomtablet (U) Live Systems Maintainers live-tools Lluis Campos golang-github-mendersoftware-mender-artifact (U) Loic Minier dbus (U) libquicktime (U) Lorenzo Puliti mplayer (U) runit Louis Bettens alex (U) gitit (U) haskell-devscripts (U) haskell-dyre (U) haskell-filestore (U) haskell-gtk-traymanager (U) haskell-hakyll (U) haskell-texmath (U) taffybar (U) xmonad (U) Louis-Philippe Véronneau python-mpv (U) Loïc Martin xvidcore (U) Luca Bigliardi hasciicam vde2 (U) Luca Boccassi azure-cli (U) iproute2 (U) knack (U) norm policykit-1 (U) rpm (U) systemd (U) systemd-bootchart (U) Luca Bruno fbcat Lucas Kanashiro redmine (U) ruby-sinatra (U) Lucas Nussbaum pajeng (U) Ludovic Brenta gnat-gps libaws Ludovic Claude antlr3 (U) byacc-j Ludovic Drolez swish-e Ludovico Cavedon cssparser (U) Ludovico Gardenghi fuse-umfuse-fat (U) Ludovico Gardenghi fuse-umfuse-ext2 (U) fuse-umfuse-iso9660 (U) lwipv6 (U) molly-guard (U) umview (U) vde2 (U) Luigi Gangitano libecap Lukas Schwaighofer dsniff (U) syslinux (U) Luke Faraone cmospwd tempest-for-eliza luzip665 exaile LXQt Packaging Team juffed lxqt-branding-debian lxqt-config lxqt-themes nomacs pcmanfm-qt Ma Aiguo deepin-album (U) deepin-boot-maker (U) Maarten L. Hekkelman libzeep (U) Maarten van Gompel frogdata (U) uctodata (U) Magnus Holmgren aspell-sv directvnc uw-imap Mahyuddin Susanto gmult (U) Maintainers of GStreamer packages gst-libav1.0 Maintainers of GStreamer packages gst-plugins-bad1.0 Maintainers of GStreamer packages gst-plugins-base1.0 Maintainers of GStreamer packages gst-plugins-good1.0 Maintainers of GStreamer packages gstreamer-vaapi Maintainers of Mozilla-related packages firefox firefox-esr Makoto Yamashita sdpa Mandos Maintainers mandos Manoj Srivastava mailagent wm-icons Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo aptitude (U) Marc Dequènes (Duck) boswars (U) kwalify redmine (U) Marc Fournier collectd (U) Marc Haber exim4 (U) eximdoc4 (U) molly-guard (U) Marc Leeman gst-libav1.0 (U) gst-plugins-bad1.0 (U) gst-plugins-base1.0 (U) gst-plugins-good1.0 (U) gstreamer-vaapi (U) ogmtools Marc Pavot ario Marcel Fourne haskell-charsetdetect-ae (U) haskell-dynamic-state (U) haskell-oo-prototypes (U) haskell-word-trie (U) haskell-yi-language (U) haskell-yi-rope (U) yi (U) Marcel Fourné haskell-yi-core (U) haskell-yi-frontend-pango (U) haskell-yi-frontend-vty (U) haskell-yi-keymap-emacs (U) haskell-yi-keymap-vim (U) haskell-yi-misc-modes (U) haskell-yi-mode-haskell (U) haskell-yi-mode-javascript (U) Marcelo Jorge Vieira (metal) jscropperui (U) tt-rss (U) Marco Balmer fadecut Marco d'Itri inn2 libberkeleydb-perl purity-off systemd (U) systemd-bootchart (U) tin Marco Nenciarini pgpool2 (U) yaret Marco Trevisan (Treviño) cheese (U) evolution-data-server (U) gcr (U) gcr4 (U) gdm3 (U) glib2.0 (U) gnome-contacts (U) gnome-desktop (U) gnome-remote-desktop (U) gnome-settings-daemon (U) gnome-terminal (U) libnotify (U) mozjs102 (U) Marco Villegas php-easyrdf (U) Marcos Fouces chkrootkit (U) dsniff (U) Marcus Better commons-daemon (U) nekohtml (U) Marcus Schäfer kiwi (U) Margarita Manterola cinnamon-settings-daemon (U) nemo (U) Mario Limonciello tpm2-tss (U) Mario Stephan knowthelist Marius Gavrilescu filters Marius Gripsgard wayland (U) Mark Brown xemacs21 Mark Hindley elogind (U) Mark Hymers freeradius (U) gridengine (U) Mark Nevill libxdg-basedir Mark Purcell asterisk (U) asterisk-prompt-it (U) icecc (U) icecc-monitor (U) kile (U) spandsp (U) Mark Vejvoda megaglest (U) Markus Koschany asc (U) box2d (U) debian-games (U) megaglest (U) monopd (U) spring (U) springlobby (U) wabt (U) Markus Nullmeier pgsphere (U) Markus Uhlin swirc Markus Wanner courier courier-unicode postgis (U) simgear (U) Markus Wurzenberger logdata-anomaly-miner Martijn van Brummelen grsync Martin python-pyscss (U) sms4you (U) trac-wikiprint (U) treemacs (U) xhtml2pdf (U) Martin Hosken grcompiler (U) open-font-design-toolkit (U) Martin Pitt calibre (U) cockpit (U) cracklib2 (U) gnome-nettool (U) libblockdev (U) policykit-1 (U) postgresql-16 (U) systemd (U) systemd-bootchart (U) udisks2 (U) Martin Quinson frogatto-data (U) pajeng po4a quilt Martin Stigge wmweather+ Martin Wimpress mate-applets (U) mate-dock-applet (U) mate-sensors-applet (U) mozo (U) Martina Ferrari kgb-bot (U) prometheus-alertmanager (U) Marvin Stark syrep Masayuki Hatta haskell-yi-core (U) haskell-yi-frontend-pango (U) Mate Kukri grub2 (U) Mateusz Kijowski mysql-workbench (U) Mateusz Łukasik audacious-plugins (U) spacefm volumeicon Mathias Behrle python-sql (U) tryton-modules-account-payment-braintree (U) tryton-modules-account-statement-ofx (U) Mathias Gibbens logcheck (U) Mathias Gibbens node-gulp-sass (U) Mathieu Malaterre docbook-dsssl (U) docbook-html-forms (U) docbook-mathml (U) docbook-simple (U) docbook-slides (U) docbook-utils (U) herold (U) hw-probe jpeg-xl (U) khronos-opencl-man (U) khronos-opengl-man4 pngtools (U) w3-dtd-mathml (U) xmlformat Mathieu Mirmont socklog Mathieu Parent samba (U) talloc (U) tdb (U) Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre tpm2-tools (U) tpm2-tss Matrix Packaging Team olm Mats Erik Andersson rgbpaint windowlab Matt Palmer ledger (U) Matteo Cypriani fdutils ps2eps qmmp Matteo F. Vescovi opensubdiv (U) Matthew Vernon openssh (U) Matthias Geiger secrets (U) Matthias Klose build-essential build-essential-mipsen cross-toolchain-base (U) cross-toolchain-base-mipsen (U) cross-toolchain-base-ports (U) gcc-10 (U) gcc-11 (U) gcc-12 (U) gcc-13 (U) gcc-14 (U) gcc-9 (U) gcc-9-cross (U) gcc-9-cross-mipsen (U) gcc-9-cross-ports (U) gcc-snapshot (U) pillow python3-stdlib-extensions python3.11 python3.12 Matthias Klumpp apper appstream appstream-generator btrfsd debspawn flatpak (U) flatpak-builder (U) gnome-packagekit gnome-software (U) ostree (U) package-update-indicator projectm (U) vibe.d (U) xdg-user-dirs (U) Mattia Rizzolo devscripts (U) diffoscope (U) libpodofo pbuilder (U) subdownloader (U) ubuntu-dev-tools (U) Mattias Ellert nordugrid-arc voms Max Vozeler cdebconf-entropy (U) Maximiliano Curia cinnamon-settings-daemon (U) gems nemo (U) Maytham Alsudany kitty (U) Mechtilde Stehmann csvjdbc (U) noweb (U) MediaWiki packaging team mediawiki php-luasandbox Mehdi Dogguy ben (U) camlimages (U) dh-ocaml (U) dochelp headache (U) lablgl (U) ocamlgraph (U) opam (U) slurm-wlm (U) Michael Ablassmeier streamripper Michael Banck abinit (U) bkchem (U) debichem (U) gnome-chemistry-utils (U) gridengine (U) jmol (U) pg-checksums (U) Michael Biebl alacarte (U) brasero (U) cheese (U) cockpit (U) dbus (U) firewalld (U) gcr (U) gnome-dictionary (U) gnome-nettool (U) gnome-user-share (U) libblockdev (U) libwnck3 (U) policykit-1 (U) systemd-bootchart (U) udisks2 (U) vinagre (U) xdg-user-dirs (U) yelp (U) Michael Fladischer celery (U) hypercorn (U) kombu (U) python-a2wsgi (U) python-django-ca (U) python-django-object-actions (U) python-django-pgtrigger (U) python-django-postgres-extra (U) python-lupa (U) python-xsdata (U) Michael Gilbert protoaculous Michael Hanke connectome-workbench (U) pandas (U) psychopy (U) scikit-learn (U) volpack (U) Michael Hanke neurodebian (U) pydicom (U) Michael Jeanson sanoid Michael Meskes bucardo (U) clamav (U) kontact (U) Michael Prokop grml-debootstrap (U) grml2usb (U) rtpengine (U) Michael R. Crusoe cwltest (U) r-cran-rook (U) vg (U) Michael R. Crusoe mira (U) Michael Schutte python-docutils (U) Michael Stapelberg golang-github-jinzhu-gorm (U) i3-wm (U) Michael Tautschnig clamav (U) libclamunrar (U) Michael Tokarev samba (U) talloc (U) tdb (U) Michael Tremer libloc (U) Michael Vogt apt (U) synaptic Michal Arbet aodh (U) ceilometer (U) horizon (U) keystone (U) octavia (U) openstack-trove (U) python-glance-store (U) python-jsonschema (U) zaqar (U) Michal Čihař rpm (U) stardict-czech stardict-english-czech stardict-german-czech Micheal Waltz fbcat (U) Mickael Asseline python-glance-store (U) Miguel A. Colón Vélez mpg123 (U) mplayer (U) Miguel Landaeta ruby-octokit (U) Mihai Moldovan x2gobroker (U) Mike Gabriel autofs blends (U) credential-sheets (U) debian-edu (U) debian-edu-artwork-legacy (U) debian-edu-config (U) desktop-autoloader (U) freerdp2 (U) freerdp3 (U) ganeti-os-noop (U) gosa (U) haskell-monadlist (U) haskell-smtp-mail (U) impressive-display (U) jquery-i18n-properties (U) libnet-sftp-sftpserver-perl (U) libpam-freerdp2 (U) libpam-x2go (U) lightdm-autologin-greeter (U) lightdm-remote-session-freerdp2 (U) lightdm-remote-session-x2go (U) mailman3 (U) mate-applets (U) mate-desktop-environment (U) mate-dock-applet (U) mate-polkit (U) mate-sensors-applet (U) mate-user-share (U) mozo (U) nextcloud-spreed-signaling (U) onboard (U) openboard (U) openboard-extras-nonfree (U) php-horde-core (U) php-horde-javascriptminify (U) python-x2go (U) rlottie-qml (U) slbackup-php (U) standardskriver (U) surf-display (U) tea4cups (U) uif veyon (U) weston (U) x2gobroker (U) Mike Hommey firefox (U) firefox-esr (U) vmfs-tools Mike Miller ocserv (U) Mikolaj Konarski allure (U) haskell-assert-failure (U) haskell-enummapset (U) haskell-lambdahack (U) haskell-minimorph (U) haskell-miniutter (U) haskell-sdl2-ttf (U) Milan Kupcevic esptool Milan Zamazal polyglot Mirco Bauer gnome-subtitles (U) Miriam Ruiz box2d (U) btanks (U) haskell-sdl (U) Miriam Ruiz libxdg-basedir (U) love (U) pianobooster (U) pink-pony (U) plume-creator zaz (U) Mirrorbits Maintainers mirrorbits Mischa Salle lcas (U) Mo Zhou chafa onetbb (U) ranger (U) Moray Allan matchbox-panel Moritz Muehlenhoff slrn Moritz Schlarb seafile-client (U) Mpampis Kostas burrow (U) mpd maintainers gmpc gmpc-plugins Muammar El Khatib cegui-mk2 (U) mtpaint Mutt maintainers mutt neomutt Neil Roeth openjade opensp psgml NeuroDebian Team connectome-workbench neurodebian Nicholas Bamber libtest-html-w3c-perl (U) Nicholas Breen gromacs (U) Nicholas D Steeves calibre (U) emacs-goodies-el (U) emacs-ivy (U) eproject-el (U) find-file-in-project (U) puppet-mode (U) Nicholas Guriev libtgowt Nick Andrik guifications lyx (U) myspell-el-gr Nick Black growlight notcurses Nick Daly freedombox (U) Nick Morrott libpoe-component-rssaggregator-perl (U) pytest-xvfb (U) Nick Morrott firmware-microbit-micropython (U) Nico Schlömer vtk9 (U) Nicola Di Lieto uacme Nicolas Bonnefon glogg Nicolas Boulenguez adasockets (U) gcc-or1k-elf gnat-gps (U) libaws (U) Nicolas Braud-Santoni lutok opam (U) Nicolas Dandrimont flask-limiter (U) hiro (U) piuparts (U) python-limits (U) Nicolas Delvaux lift Nicolas Mora libical3 Nicolas Schier moreutils Nicolas Spalinger open-font-design-toolkit (U) nicoo libu2f-host (U) libu2f-server (U) tasksel (U) Niels Thykier debian-archive-keyring (U) NIIBE Yutaka chise-base Niko Tyni perl pkg-perl-tools (U) Nikos Tsipinakis newsboat picom Nilesh Patra golang-github-jhillyerd-enmime (U) kitty riseup-vpn (U) Nis Martensen reportbug (U) Nisha Pariyar deepin-boot-maker (U) Noah Meyerhans cloud-init (U) cloud-utils (U) dovecot (U) iputils spamassassin Nobuhiro Iwamatsu bluez-alsa (U) cairo-dock (U) cairo-dock-plug-ins (U) dv4l erlang-ranch (U) golang-github-jinzhu-gorm (U) guvcview isight-firmware-tools (U) libopenobex mtdev ussp-push NOKUBI Takatsugu namazu2 uim Norbert Preining cinnamon-settings-daemon (U) kalzium (U) kapidox (U) knights (U) kwave (U) nemo (U) nemo-compare (U) texlive-base (U) texlive-extra (U) Norbert Schlia ffmpegfs Norbert Tretkowski mylvmbackup (U) Noël Köthe info-beamer Ognyan Kulev gwaterfall OHURA Makoto auctex (U) dvi2ps-fontdata Ole Streicher astropy (U) blends (U) debian-astro (U) debian-science (U) pgsphere (U) plplot (U) skimage (U) Olek Wojnar cegui-mk2 (U) Olivier Sallou biomaj3 (U) biomaj3-daemon (U) biomaj3-download (U) biomaj3-process (U) biomaj3-user (U) gbrowse (U) gkl (U) Olly Betts pinot xapian-omega Ondřej Kobližek pytest-pylint (U) Ondřej Kobližek backblaze-b2 (U) Ondřej Nový backblaze-b2 (U) libvpx (U) python-mockupdb (U) python-motor (U) Ondřej Surý bind9 (U) bird bird2 (U) blinker (U) cyrus-imapd (U) cyrus-sasl2 (U) dh-php (U) dns-root-data (U) dnsviz (U) hash-slinger (U) isc-kea (U) knot (U) libidn2 (U) lua-http php-xmlrpc (U) php8.2 (U) rapache (U) Orestis Ioannou wtforms (U) Osamu Aoki debian-history (U) debian-reference debiandoc-sgml (U) debmake-doc librime (U) maint-guide Otto Kekäläinen python-lsp-jsonrpc (U) Ove Kaaven simgear (U) Oxan van Leeuwen guessit (U) Pablo Mestre Drake python-lsp-jsonrpc (U) python-lsp-server (U) rope (U) Paolo Greppi node-yarnpkg (U) Paride Legovini cloud-utils (U) isc-kea (U) Pascal Packaging Team doublecmd Patrick Franz kapidox (U) kdoctools (U) kontact (U) plasma-remotecontrollers (U) Patrick Matthäi fraqtive glusterfs kid3 mlt xine-lib-1.2 Patrick Ouellette ax25-tools (U) Patrick Uiterwijk birthday Paul Brossier aconnectgui alsamixergui alsaplayer gem (U) Paul Gevers cacti (U) ebook-speaker (U) emacspeak (U) festival (U) libmediascan (U) speech-dispatcher (U) speech-dispatcher-contrib (U) viking Paul Seyfert shellex Paul Tagliamonte docker.io (U) dput-ng (U) fluxbox (U) Paul van Tilburg ruby-haml (U) ruby-odbc (U) Paul Wise autorevision check-all-the-things funguloids (U) Paulo Henrique de Lima Santana (phls) acheck pglistener Paulo Roberto Alves de Oliveira (aka kretcheu) rows Paulo Vital opencryptoki openssl-ibmca Per Andersson debian-junior (U) Peter Blackman strawberry Peter Colberg cgit (U) Peter Eisentraut postgresql-16 (U) Peter Palfrader nagios-plugins-contrib (U) tor Peter Pentchev alttab id3 id3tool kakoune keychain Peter Pentchev matanza (U) Peter Van Eynde clisp (U) Petter Reinholdtsen blends (U) debian-edu (U) debian-edu-config (U) debian-gis (U) freedombox (U) killer (U) muttprint (U) Petter Reinholdtsen nagios-plugins-contrib (U) Peymaneh golang-github-naoina-toml (U) Phil Brooke adasockets fvwm1 ripmime vacation Phil Wyett compton Philip Hands arduino (U) localechooser (U) Philip Rinn gimagereader Philippe Coval mosquitto (U) pinball (U) Philippe SWARTVAGHER dia Phillip Susi gparted Picca Frédéric-Emmanuel cctbx (U) debian-pan (U) guidata (U) haskell-hmatrix-gsl (U) hyperspy (U) silx (U) spyder (U) tango (U) Pierre Chifflier libprelude vym Pierre Gruet bibutils (U) gkl (U) jgrapht (U) jmol (U) libapfloat-java (U) scilab (U) Pierre-Elliott Bécue aiosmtplib (U) django-q (U) isync mailman3 (U) Pino Toscano ebook-tools icecc (U) icecc-monitor (U) k3b (U) kmymoney (U) krita (U) ktechlab (U) pkg-kde-tools (U) skrooge (U) virt-manager (U) Piotr Ożarowski beaker (U) freedombox (U) sqlalchemy Pirate Praveen golang-github-rubenv-sql-migrate (U) libjs-graphael node-rollup-plugin-sass (U) ruby-shoulda-context (U) ruby-sinatra (U) piuparts developers team piuparts Pulak Bhushan python-autoray (U) Qijiang Fan brise (U) librime (U) Quoc-Viet Nguyen mupdf (U) Radostan Riedel cctbx (U) Radovan Garabík efingerd utalk Rafael Laboissière jed-extra (U) plplot (U) rolo Ralf Treinen camlimages (U) dh-ocaml (U) headache (U) lablgl (U) meta-ocaml (U) ocaml-odoc (U) ppx-deriving (U) ppx-deriving-yojson (U) Raphael Geissert le switchsh Raphaël Hertzog debian-cd (U) debian-handbook publican Raphaël Hertzog ccextractor (U) debusine Raphaël Hertzog live-tools (U) vboot-utils (U) Rebecca N. Palmer pandas (U) Reiner Herrmann awesome Reinhard Tartler debian-multimedia (U) easytag (U) ffmpeg (U) golang-github-checkpoint-restore-checkpointctl (U) handbrake (U) jack-audio-connection-kit (U) jackd2 (U) libquicktime (U) mjpegtools (U) mpg123 (U) mplayer (U) mpv (U) projectm (U) xvidcore (U) Remi Duraffort lava (U) Rene Engelhard dictionaries-common (U) graphite2 (U) hsqldb1.8.0 (U) libcmis (U) libexttextcat (U) libformula (U) libreoffice (U) muttprint pentaho-reporting-flow-engine (U) Rene Mayorga rsstail Rene Weber mapivi (U) Reportbug Maintainers reportbug Reproducible builds folks diffoscope disorderfs Rhonda D'Vine fillets-ng (U) Ricardo Mones claws-mail libetpan pecomato Richard B Winters crmsh (U) Richard Jones libguestfs (U) Richard Laager ntpsec pidgin Rico Tzschichholz ogmrip (U) vala (U) RISKO Gergely vlogger Ritesh Raj Sarraf laptop-mode-tools virtualbox (U) Robert Edmonds dns-root-data (U) dnsviz (U) knot (U) Robert Greener haskell-commonmark (U) haskell-commonmark-extensions (U) haskell-commonmark-pandoc (U) haskell-filestore (U) haskell-hslua (U) haskell-jira-wiki-markup (U) haskell-pandoc-types (U) Robert James Clay jamnntpd Robert Luberda doc-base dwww man2html wmxmms2 Robert Millan freebsd-buildutils (U) freebsd-glue (U) Robert S. Edmonds pcaputils Roberto C. Sanchez luabind Roberto C. Sanchez bibletime (U) Roberto C. Sánchez shorewall (U) Roberto Lumbreras multitee proxy-suite slirp tv-fonts Robin Gareus setbfree (U) x42-plugins (U) Roger A. Light mosquitto (U) Roger Shimizu broadcom-sta (U) golang-github-seiflotfy-cuckoofilter (U) golang-github-xtaci-kcp (U) libbloom (U) Rogério Brito rtorrent (U) Roland Mas django-q (U) facet-analyser (U) jupyterhub (U) node-colorspace (U) node-enabled (U) node-fn.name (U) node-kuler (U) node-logform (U) node-one-time (U) node-text-hex (U) node-triple-beam (U) node-winston (U) node-winston-compat (U) node-winston-transport (U) orange-canvas-core (U) Roland Rosenfeld privoxy Romain Beauxis gmerlin (U) oss4 (U) Romain Francoise foomuuri shorewall (U) Romain Perier wireless-regdb (U) Roman Tsisyk msgpuck tarantool Roman V. Nikolaev twatch Ron Lee libao Ross Gammon libdrumstick (U) vmpk (U) Ross Gammon debian-multimedia (U) gramps x42-plugins (U) Ross Vandegrift efl (U) RPM packaging team osc rpm Ruben Undheim debian-electronics (U) Runa Sandvik icmptx Russ Allbery debian-policy (U) gnubg gss (U) shishi (U) Russell Coker warzone2100 (U) Ryan Kavanagh beets (U) haskell-x11 (U) mlton opensmtpd xmonad (U) xmonad-contrib (U) Rémi Palancher slurm-wlm (U) Sakirnth Nagarasa md-toc Salvatore Bonaccorso pkg-perl-tools (U) Sam Hartman freeradius (U) openafs (U) pam zephyr (U) Sam Hocevar asc (U) Sam Morris sensors-applet Sam Protsenko instead Samuel Henrique aircrack-ng (U) changeme (U) python-libnmap (U) shellcheck (U) Samuel Thibault at-spi2-core (U) compiz-plugins-extra (U) dasher (U) ebook-speaker (U) emacspeak (U) festival (U) installation-guide (U) lios loadlin oss4 rhvoice (U) speech-dispatcher (U) speech-dispatcher-contrib (U) Sandro Knauß kontact (U) pysrs (U) Sandro Tosi python-cattrs python-requests-cache reportbug (U) Santiago Garcia Mantinan asterisk-prompt-it (U) debian-cd (U) Santiago Ruano Rincón bzip2 (U) lua-http (U) sugar (U) Sascha Manns ignore-me Sascha Steinbiss barrnap (U) datatables.js (U) genomethreader (U) genometools (U) gnome-keysign mussort Scarlett Moore kapidox (U) Scott Christley maude (U) Scott Howard arduino (U) bossa (U) Scott James Remnant build-essential-mipsen (U) Scott Kitterman clamav (U) dkimpy-milter libclamunrar (U) opendmarc postfix (U) pymilter (U) python-pip (U) spf-engine xml2rfc (U) Scott Talbert haskell-attoparsec-aeson (U) haskell-bitwise (U) haskell-bv-sized (U) haskell-clash-ghc (U) haskell-clash-lib (U) haskell-clash-prelude (U) haskell-concurrent-extra (U) haskell-concurrent-supply (U) haskell-copilot (U) haskell-copilot-c99 (U) haskell-copilot-core (U) haskell-copilot-interpreter (U) haskell-copilot-language (U) haskell-copilot-libraries (U) haskell-copilot-prettyprinter (U) haskell-copilot-theorem (U) haskell-data-reify (U) haskell-doctest-parallel (U) haskell-ghc-tcplugins-extra (U) haskell-ghc-typelits-extra (U) haskell-ghc-typelits-knownnat (U) haskell-ghc-typelits-natnormalise (U) haskell-gi-gmodule (U) haskell-hedgehog-classes (U) haskell-hslua-aeson (U) haskell-hslua-classes (U) haskell-hslua-list (U) haskell-hslua-module-path (U) haskell-hslua-module-version (U) haskell-hslua-objectorientation (U) haskell-hslua-packaging (U) haskell-hslua-repl (U) haskell-hspec-hedgehog (U) haskell-isocline (U) haskell-kvitable (U) haskell-language-c99 (U) haskell-language-c99-simple (U) haskell-language-c99-util (U) haskell-libbf (U) haskell-lift-type (U) haskell-lpeg (U) haskell-lumberjack (U) haskell-pandoc (U) haskell-pandoc-lua-marshal (U) haskell-parameterized-utils (U) haskell-prettyprinter-interp (U) haskell-quickcheck-classes-base (U) haskell-sdl2-image (U) haskell-sdl2-mixer (U) haskell-semirings (U) haskell-string-interpolate (U) haskell-tasty-ant-xml (U) haskell-tasty-checklist (U) haskell-tasty-hslua (U) haskell-typst (U) haskell-versions (U) haskell-what4 (U) haskell-zenc (U) Sean Whitton debian-policy (U) haskell-argon2 (U) haskell-dice-entropy-conduit (U) haskell-filepath-bytestring (U) haskell-finite-field (U) haskell-first-class-families (U) haskell-git-lfs (U) haskell-http-client-restricted (U) haskell-posix-pty (U) haskell-protobuf (U) haskell-raaz (U) haskell-readline (U) haskell-secret-sharing (U) haskell-servant-client (U) haskell-singletons (U) haskell-text-conversions (U) haskell-text-short (U) haskell-token-bucket (U) haskell-type-errors (U) haskell-type-level-numbers (U) haskell-zxcvbn-c (U) paredit-el (U) persp-projectile (U) Sebastian Andrzej Siewior clamav (U) libclamunrar (U) Sebastian Dröge dbus (U) gst-libav1.0 (U) gst-plugins-bad1.0 (U) gst-plugins-base1.0 (U) gst-plugins-good1.0 (U) gstreamer-vaapi (U) libglade2 (U) libreplaygain (U) libvpx (U) shared-mime-info (U) xdg-user-dirs (U) Sebastian Harl collectd (U) Sebastian Hilbert gnumed-client (U) Sebastian Kuzminsky freecad (U) linuxcnc (U) Sebastian Ramacher davs2 (U) ffmpeg (U) handbrake (U) isrcsubmit (U) libffado (U) libvpx (U) logdata-anomaly-miner (U) mpg123 (U) mpv (U) xavs2 (U) Sebastian Reichel tt-rss tt-rss-notifier-chrome Sebastian Silva sugar-imageviewer-activity (U) sugar-read-activity (U) Sebastien Bacher cheese (U) dconf (U) gnome-disk-utility (U) seahorse (U) Sebastien Delafond aptly odoo (U) Serge Hallyn edk2 (U) Serge Hallyn shadow (U) Sergei Golovan dh-lua (U) lua-posix (U) manderlbot (U) Sergio Durigan Junior kombu (U) Shadow package maintainers shadow Shan-Bin Chen lxmusic (U) Shane Wegner cachefilesd Shawn Landden python-kyotocabinet (U) ruby-kyotocabinet (U) Shayan Doust argh (U) pplacer (U) ShuxiongYe findbugs (U) Simon Fondrie-Teitler python-itsdangerous (U) Simon Horman perdition Simon Josefsson gsasl (U) gss (U) gssproxy jabberd2 (U) libidn2 (U) shishi (U) Simon Kelley brag Simon McVittie bubblewrap (U) dbus (U) flatpak (U) flatpak-builder (U) git-evtag glib2.0 (U) gmpc (U) gtk+3.0 (U) meson-python (U) ostree (U) policykit-1 (U) xdg-dbus-proxy (U) Simon Quigley lxqt-config (U) pastebinit (U) pcmanfm-qt (U) ubuntu-dev-tools (U) Simon Richter asterisk-prompt-it (U) Simon Wunderlich s3d Simtec Electronics ekeyd Simó Albert i Beltran molly-guard Sjoerd Simons dbus (U) gnome-desktop (U) gst-libav1.0 (U) gst-plugins-bad1.0 (U) gst-plugins-base1.0 (U) gst-plugins-good1.0 (U) gstreamer-vaapi (U) ostree (U) plymouth (U) systemd (U) systemd-bootchart (U) Sophie Brun ccextractor (U) Sophie Brun vboot-utils Sruthi Chandran ruby-gitlab-markup (U) Stanislav Maslovski cdde Stefan Fritsch apr-util (U) Stefan Kropp debian-junior (U) Stefan Potyra dlt-viewer Stefan Schantl libloc (U) Stefan Schoerghofer nagios-plugins-contrib (U) Stefano Karapetsas mate-applets (U) mate-desktop-environment (U) mate-polkit (U) mate-sensors-applet (U) mate-user-share (U) mozo (U) Stefano Rivera beets (U) distro-info (U) git-filter-repo (U) python-authlib (U) python-pip (U) python3.12 (U) ubuntu-dev-tools (U) Stefanos Harhalakis libnet Steffen Moeller boinc (U) libjpedal-jbig2-java mira (U) pyensembl (U) r-cran-rook (U) treeview (U) Stephan Lachnit python-headerparser (U) Stephane Popinet gfsview (U) Stephen Frost postgis (U) Stephen Kitt basilisk2 (U) heroes (U) mednafen (U) pycrc (U) python-evdev xmp Stephen Nelson libjibx1.2-java (U) openjpa (U) Steve Capper onetbb (U) Steve Langasek edk2 (U) pam (U) pam-session-timelimit samba (U) Steve M. Robbins gdcm (U) ghostscript (U) Steve McIntyre <93sam@debian.org> abcde debian-cd (U) grub2 (U) jigdo Steven Chamberlain freebsd-glue (U) Steven Chamberlain freebsd-buildutils (U) Stewart Ferguson ckb-next python-ethtool python-linux-procfs Stéphane Glondu ben (U) dh-ocaml (U) extlib (U) lablgl (U) lwt (U) meta-ocaml (U) mumudvb nss-passwords (U) ocaml-atd (U) ocaml-config-file (U) ocaml-cstruct (U) ocaml-csv (U) ocaml-usb (U) ocplib-endian (U) ppx-deriving (U) ppx-tools (U) unison-2.53 (U) Sudip Mukherjee genimage lucene8 (U) nsntrace offlineimap3 (U) trace-cmd Sune Vuorela gnupg1 (U) Sune Vuorela kalzium (U) kontact (U) Sunil Mohan Adapa freedombox (U) tt-rss (U) Sven Bartscher haskell-abstract-par (U) haskell-memoize (U) haskell-pqueue (U) haskell-set-extra (U) haskell-setlocale (U) Sven Eckelmann s3d (U) Sylvestre Ledru black (U) findbugs (U) libjrosetta-java (U) mozillavpn rust-ripgrep (U) syslog-ng maintainers syslog-ng SZ Lin (林上智) nnn SZALAY Attila syslog-ng (U) Sébastien Jodogne gdcm (U) Sébastien Noel oss4 (U) Sébastien Villemot glpk (U) grandorgue Sérgio Benjamim libretro-beetle-psx (U) mupen64plus-qt (U) Taavi Väänänen mediawiki (U) Takaya Yamashita auto-complete-el Taku YASUI bsfilter (U) erlang-ranch (U) hiki libdata-javascript-anon-perl libfile-searchpath-perl libhtml-popuptreeselect-perl nttcp pandorafms-agent Takuo KITAME imaprowl TANIGUCHI Takaki haskell-attoparsec (U) haskell-cereal (U) haskell-directory-tree (U) haskell-dlist (U) haskell-haxr (U) haskell-hxt (U) haskell-hxt-charproperties (U) haskell-hxt-curl (U) haskell-hxt-http (U) haskell-hxt-regex-xmlschema (U) haskell-hxt-relaxng (U) haskell-hxt-tagsoup (U) haskell-hxt-unicode (U) haskell-listlike (U) yash Tatsuya Kinoshita mew mew-beta mhc skksearch skktools w3m-el w3m-el-snapshot Teddy Hogeborn mandos (U) Teemu Hukkanen hatari Teus Benschop bibletime (U) Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo gsasl (U) The Debichem Group massxpert massxpert2 minexpert2 Theppitak Karoonboonyanan thaixfonts Thiago Andrade Marques psad Thibaut Paumard dasher (U) Thierry Randrianiriana xjobs Thomas Andrejak libprelude (U) Thomas Dreibholz hipercontracer Thomas Gaugler nsis Thomas Goirand alembic (U) aodh (U) bandit (U) ceilometer (U) cloud-init (U) cloud-utils (U) horizon (U) keystone (U) kombu (U) octavia (U) openstack-trove (U) python-contextily (U) python-django-compressor (U) python-glance-store (U) python-google-auth (U) python-itsdangerous (U) python-jsonschema (U) python-momepy (U) python-oslo.cache (U) python-osprofiler (U) python-pint (U) python-pysaml2 (U) python-pyscss (U) python-pysnmp-lextudio (U) python-werkzeug (U) python-wsme (U) zaqar (U) Thomas Lange dracut fai Thomas Perl gpodder Thomas Perret paperwork python-pyocr Thomas Pierson clementine Thomas Preud'homme gcc-arm-none-eabi (U) Thomas Stewart w1retap Thomas Ward pastebinit vmfs6-tools Thorsten Alteholz cjet (U) dvbstream gnucobol3 gnucobol4 golang-github-tombuildsstuff-giovanni (U) ifhp (U) ink (U) magicfilter (U) mtink (U) node-original (U) node-querystringify (U) node-requires-port (U) node-url-parse (U) pnm2ppa (U) slirp (U) treeview (U) usb-modeswitch uucp Thorsten Glaser minify-maven-plugin (U) Tiago Bortoletto Vaz amsynth (U) gnome-subtitles (U) Tiago Ilieve cloud-utils (U) Tianon Gravi docker.io (U) golang-github-jinzhu-gorm (U) Tim Booth pyqi (U) Tim Lunn gnome-contacts (U) gnome-desktop (U) gnome-disk-utility (U) gnome-keyring (U) gnome-user-share (U) gtk-doc (U) Tim Potter docker.io (U) Tim Small edac-utils (U) Timo Aaltonen 389-ds-base (U) custodia (U) freeipa (U) gss-ntlmssp sssd (U) Timo Aaltonen gstreamer-vaapi (U) Timo Röhling breathe (U) foonathan-memory (U) python-cloup (U) python-moderngl (U) ros2-colcon-argcomplete (U) ros2-colcon-bash (U) ros2-colcon-cmake (U) ros2-colcon-core (U) ros2-colcon-defaults (U) ros2-colcon-devtools (U) ros2-colcon-library-path (U) ros2-colcon-metadata (U) ros2-colcon-notification (U) ros2-colcon-output (U) ros2-colcon-package-information (U) ros2-colcon-package-selection (U) ros2-colcon-parallel-executor (U) ros2-colcon-pkg-config (U) ros2-colcon-python-setup-py (U) ros2-colcon-recursive-crawl (U) ros2-colcon-ros (U) ros2-colcon-test-result (U) ros2-colcon-zsh (U) Timo Weingärtner ssh-agent-filter Timon Engelke ros2-colcon-argcomplete (U) ros2-colcon-bash (U) ros2-colcon-cmake (U) ros2-colcon-core (U) ros2-colcon-defaults (U) ros2-colcon-devtools (U) ros2-colcon-library-path (U) ros2-colcon-metadata (U) ros2-colcon-notification (U) ros2-colcon-output (U) ros2-colcon-package-information (U) ros2-colcon-package-selection (U) ros2-colcon-parallel-executor (U) ros2-colcon-pkg-config (U) ros2-colcon-python-setup-py (U) ros2-colcon-recursive-crawl (U) ros2-colcon-ros (U) ros2-colcon-test-result (U) ros2-colcon-zsh (U) Timothy Pearson chromium (U) Tino Didriksen apertium (U) lttoolbox (U) Tino Mettler rapid-photo-downloader (U) Tobias Frost darkradiant (U) pdfsandwich swift-im (U) Tobias Hansen sagemath (U) sludge (U) Tobias Hansen out-of-order (U) Tobias Heider nvi Tom Lee capnproto Tomas Fasth algol68g Tomasz Buchert gravit (U) Tomasz Rybak pycuda (U) pyopencl (U) pytools Tommi Höynälänmaa guile-cairo Tong Sun golang-github-jaguilar-vt100 (U) shc tony mancill bobcat (U) bpm-tools bti (U) capnproto (U) gpodder (U) jedit (U) jnr-x86asm (U) pdsh (U) spatial4j (U) ssh-cron (U) wsjtx (U) xlog (U) zookeeper (U) Torsten Werner asmix (U) commons-configuration (U) dynalang (U) jnr-x86asm (U) kunststoff (U) libajaxtags-java (U) libjrosetta-java (U) libjson-java (U) libjspeex-java (U) libjtype-java (U) liblastfm-java (U) libpdfrenderer-java (U) libswarmcache-java (U) libvorbisspi-java (U) surefire (U) wmcpu (U) wmdate (U) wmmatrix (U) Trent W. Buck crawl (U) TSUCHIYA Masatoshi fasttext (U) Tzafrir Cohen asterisk (U) asterisk-prompt-it (U) belle-sip (U) freedombox (U) spandsp (U) Ubuntu Developers ubuntu-dev-tools Ulrich Dangel grml-debootstrap (U) grml2usb (U) Unit 193 arch-install-scripts package-update-indicator (U) Utkarsh Gupta ruby-blade (U) Utkarsh Gupta golang-github-jaguilar-vt100 (U) redmine (U) ruby-octokit (U) Utopia Maintenance Team bubblewrap cockpit dbus firewalld flatpak flatpak-builder libblockdev ostree policykit-1 udisks2 xdg-dbus-proxy Uwe Hermann amideco aview avrp cdcd crimson cycfx2prog d52 flobopuyo gmemusage m16c-flash mtkbabel phnxdeco pscan urjtag xbubble Uwe Steinmann orpie routino (U) uWSGI packaging team uwsgi Vagrant Cascadian flash-kernel (U) Valentin Vidic booth (U) cluster-glue (U) crmsh (U) google-auth-httplib2 (U) heartbeat (U) osmid (U) resource-agents (U) Vangelis Mouhtsis mate-applets (U) mate-desktop-environment (U) mate-dock-applet (U) mate-polkit (U) mate-sensors-applet (U) mate-user-share (U) mozo (U) onboard (U) Varun Hiremath asmix c3p0 (U) concalc jmagick (U) kunststoff (U) libcommons-validator-java (U) libjson-java (U) libjspeex-java (U) liblastfm-java (U) libswarmcache-java (U) libvorbisspi-java (U) libyanfs-java (U) pidgin-festival searchmonkey wmcpu wmdate wmmatrix Vasudev Kamath fonts-arkpandora (U) libgdchart-gd2 (U) Vasudev Kamath baresip (U) fonts-fantasque-sans (U) fonts-noto (U) fonts-roboto (U) Vasyl Gello kodi (U) kodi-pvr-hdhomerun (U) Vern Sun cconv ranger Victor Seva kamailio (U) kannel (U) lua-ldoc (U) luacheck (U) rtpengine (U) Victor Westerhuis kmscon sioyek Vincent Bernat curlftpfs fvwm-crystal pytest-mock (U) xnee Vincent Cheng conky frogatto-data (U) gstreamer-vaapi (U) Vincent Danjean idzebra libpdf-reuse-barcode-perl (U) paje.app yaz Vincent Prat astroplan (U) Vincent Sanders ekeyd (U) Víctor Cuadrado Juan drumgizmo (U) W. Martin Borgert refcard (U) Walter Franzini fhist wenbo kylin-burner (U) Wesley W. Terpstra (Debian) bidentd st Will Daniels virtuoso-opensource (U) William Grzybowski bidict (U) sentry-python (U) Wolfgang Schweer debian-edu (U) Wookey jed-extra Wouter Verhelst pmw Xavier Grave gnat-gps (U) Xavier Guimard arbiterjs (U) libapache2-authcassimple-perl (U) libapache2-sitecontrol-perl (U) xiao sheng wen fqterm (U) stardict Ximin Luo jmol (U) sagemath (U) Xiyue Deng clojure-mode (U) flycheck (U) Yadd cyrus-imapd (U) node-inwasm (U) node-react-toastify (U) node-sixel (U) node-vega-embed (U) node-vega-tooltip (U) wabt (U) Yangfl deepin-icon-theme (U) deepin-movie-reborn (U) minder netctl qtox sequeler Yanhao Mo deepin-icon-theme (U) deepin-movie-reborn (U) deepin-music (U) deepin-terminal (U) securefs Yann Dirson git-reintegrate tagua Yaroslav Halchenko connectome-workbench (U) edac-utils neurodebian (U) pandas (U) psychopy (U) pydicom (U) scikit-learn (U) skimage (U) svgtune Yavor Doganov gnustep-base (U) gnustep-netclasses (U) gworkspace (U) popplerkit.framework (U) renaissance (U) steptalk (U) Ying-Chun Liu (PaulLiu) adarkroom berrynet cadencii charactermanaj clutter-imcontext darknet darnwdl freeboard ibus-client-clutter imx-usb-loader jlha-utils kawari8 libomxil-bellagio mapsforge mobile-atlas-creator node-mqtt (U) onscripter optee-client pypinyin python-telegram-bot repetier-host rlvm tiled-qt tl-parser tpm2-tools tpm2-tss (U) ucrpf1host ums2net wavtool-pl xsystem35 Yogeswaran Umasankar python-asv-runner (U) python-autoray (U) YOKOTA Hiroshi calibre (U) Youhei SASAKI cairo-dock (U) cairo-dock-plug-ins (U) rabbit (U) ruby-sinatra (U) Yukiharu YABUKI lxqt-config (U) YunQiang Su brise (U) build-essential-mipsen (U) cross-toolchain-base-mipsen (U) fcitx (U) gcc-9-cross-mipsen (U) libpinyin (U) librime (U) libxslt (U) Yury V. Zaytsev mc (U) Yves-Alexis Perez tumbler (U) xfce4-goodies (U) Zephyr IM Team zephyr Étienne Mollier psychopy (U) pyensembl (U) python-biopython (U) python-pbcore (U) resfinder (U) أحمد المحمودي (Ahmed El-Mahmoudy) elinks mlterm pcb (U) xpra (U)