Popularity contest statistics for fdm
Help (click to collapse)- Name is the package name
- Inst. is the number of people who installed this package (sum of the four categories below)
- Vote is the number of people who use this package regularly
- Old is the number of people who installed, but do not use this package regularly
- Recent is the number of people who upgraded this package recently
- No Files is the number of people whose entry did not contain enough information (atime and ctime were 0)
- Within parenthesis the number represents the number of registered popcon users that sent information about this topic
Name | Inst (244478) (1st: adduser) |
Vote (229587) (1st: perl-base) |
Old (204537) (1st: tasksel-data) |
Recent (45860) (1st: linux-image-6.1.0-28-amd64) |
No Files (242903) (1st: debconf-i18n) |
Graph | ||||||||||
Number | % | Rank | Number | % | Rank | Number | % | Rank | Number | % | Rank | Number | % | Rank | ||
fdm | 73 | 0.03% | 41016 | 18 | 0.01% | 24998 | 53 | 0.03% | 27906 | 2 | 0.00% | 33666 | 0 | 0.00% | 113168 | Graph (inst only) |