Popularity contest statistics for net-snmp

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Number % Rank Number % Rank Number % Rank Number % Rank Number % Rank
snmpd 15730 6.71% 3860 11150 5.08% 1728 4453 2.28% 3616 122 0.16% 7674 5 0.00% 45083 Graph (inst only)
snmptrapd 968 0.41% 14294 483 0.22% 7070 467 0.24% 11261 16 0.02% 15995 2 0.00% 65366 Graph (inst only)
snmp 18498 7.89% 3593 2990 1.36% 3239 14928 7.66% 1421 571 0.76% 4360 9 0.00% 35723 Graph (inst only)
libsnmp-base 140428 59.93% 465 12700 5.79% 1641 13117 6.73% 1603 471 0.63% 4668 114140 49.04% 72 Graph (inst only)
libsnmp40t64 6752 2.88% 6030 1284 0.59% 4895 405 0.21% 12003 560 0.74% 4387 4503 1.93% 2843 Graph (inst only)
libnetsnmptrapd40t64 217 0.09% 26182 40 0.02% 18496 131 0.07% 19191 15 0.02% 16222 31 0.01% 22517 Graph (inst only)
libsnmp-dev 4482 1.91% 7284 288 0.13% 8580 4012 2.06% 3880 180 0.24% 6642 2 0.00% 62178 Graph (inst only)
libsnmp-perl 3245 1.38% 8546 263 0.12% 8857 504 0.26% 10912 8 0.01% 21150 2470 1.06% 3837 Graph (inst only)
tkmib 207 0.09% 26728 9 0.00% 31924 191 0.10% 16318 7 0.01% 22696 0 0.00% 197709 Graph (inst only)
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popcon graph for net-snmp

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