buildd log scanner tag I-no-compiler-commands
![[history graph of absolute numbers]](../graphs/I-no-compiler-commands_absolute.png)
![[history graph of percentage]](../graphs/I-no-compiler-commands_percent.png)
No compiler commands were detected. Either the log contains none or they were not correctly detected.
Possible issues this might hint at:
- A package being Architecture: all, though it only contains architecture independent data.
- The build system is hiding compiler warnings, but not one of the known villains caught by W-compiler-flags-hidden.
Possible non-issues this might hint at:
- A package contains only binaries generated not with a C or C++ compiler.
- A package not containing any binaries but being validly architecture-dependent. (like architecture specific dependencies).
This warning was generated by blhc, see the link for more information and limitations. Run it manually on the build log to get more detailed information. Please report false positives/negatives and other bugs in blhc.
list of packages
- 0install-solver
- 64tass
- a7xpg
- aac-tactics
- abbtr
- acmetool
- acpica-unix
- adabrowse
- adapterremoval
- advi
- aegean
- afdko
- age
- alberta
- alertmanager-irc-relay
- alex
- allure
- amazon-ecr-credential-helper
- amd64-microcode
- amdgcn-tools
- amdgcn-tools-18
- amfora
- android-platform-art
- android-platform-external-boringssl
- android-platform-frameworks-base
- android-platform-system-tools-aidl
- android-platform-system-tools-hidl
- android-sdk-meta
- ansimarkup
- antlr
- approx
- appstream-generator
- apt-setup
- aptly
- ardour
- arduino
- argyll
- arm-trusted-firmware
- armci-mpi
- arpys
- asc
- asciijump
- asis
- assetfinder
- astap
- astap-cli
- asyncfuture
- attr
- audiotools
- audtty
- aws-nuke
- axiom
- baconqrcode
- badger
- baler
- balloon
- bam
- base-files
- battery-stats
- bbpager
- bbswitch
- bcron
- beangulp
- beanprice
- beanquery
- ben
- bettercap
- bfh-metapackages
- bfs
- bgoffice
- bibtex2html
- bilibop
- bin-prot
- biniou
- bisect-ppx
- bitlbee
- black
- blockout2
- bluetooth-data-tools
- bmtk
- bnfc
- bombadillo
- boohu
- breeze-grub
- breeze-gtk
- brig
- brise
- browserpass
- bterm-unifont
- btop
- buildapp
- burrow
- busco
- busybox
- c2go
- c2hs
- cabal-debian
- cached-ipaddress
- caddy
- cafeobj
- cairo-ocaml
- calendar
- cam2ip
- caml2html
- camlbz2
- camlidl
- camlmix
- camlp-streams
- camlp4
- camlp5
- camlp5-buildscripts
- camlpdf
- camltemplate
- camlzip
- camomile
- canid
- cat-bat
- cbatticon
- cbor2
- ccsm
- cdftools
- certinfo
- certspotter
- certstream-server-go
- cevomapgen
- cfgrib
- chasquid
- checkpw
- chromium
- cidr
- cif2hkl
- cinnamon-desktop-environment
- cl-clx-sbcl
- cl-uffi
- cliphist
- clipman
- cloudsql-proxy
- cmdliner
- cobra-cli
- coccinelle
- codesearch
- codetiming
- coinst
- conda-package-handling
- containerd
- coq-bignums
- coq-corn
- coq-deriving
- coq-dpdgraph
- coq-equations
- coq-ext-lib
- coq-extructures
- coq-gappa
- coq-hierarchy-builder
- coq-hott
- coq-interval
- coq-iris
- coq-libhyps
- coq-math-classes
- coq-menhirlib
- coq-mtac2
- coq-record-update
- coq-reduction-effects
- coq-reglang
- coq-relation-algebra
- coq-serapi
- coq-simple-io
- coq-stdpp
- coq-unicoq
- coq-unimath
- coqeal
- coquelicot
- corekeeper
- corrosion
- cosign
- cothreads
- coz-profiler
- cppo
- cppzmq
- cpu-checker
- cpupower-gui
- cqrlog
- critcl
- crowbar
- crowdsec
- crowdsec-custom-bouncer
- crowdsec-firewall-bouncer
- crudini
- cryptgps
- cryptokit
- crystal
- cubicsdr
- cumin
- d-itg
- darcs
- dasel
- datapacker
- db-defaults
- dbus-deviation
- dcontainers
- ddrescueview
- debian-cloud-images
- debian-edu
- debian-installer
- debiman
- debos
- debram
- debug-me
- deck
- deepin-qt5dxcb-plugin
- delve
- dh-dlang
- dh-make-golang
- dialect
- diet-ng
- digimend-dkms
- dioptas
- direnv
- displaycal-py3
- distrobuilder
- djinn
- dmarc-cat
- dnscrypt-proxy
- dnss
- dochelp
- docker-registry
- dose3
- dothost
- doublecmd
- dpdk-kmods
- drawing
- dtkcommon
- dub
- duf
- dune-localfunctions
- dune-typetree
- dustmite
- e3
- easy-format
- easygen
- eccodes-python
- edlin
- efm-langserver
- ejabberd
- ejabberd-contrib
- eliom
- elixir-ex-doc
- elixir-lang
- elixir-makeup
- elixir-makeup-elixir
- elkcode
- elm-compiler
- elpi
- elvish
- emd
- emptty
- enlighten
- ensmallen
- eoconv
- erlang-asciideck
- erlang-base64url
- erlang-bbmustache
- erlang-cf
- erlang-cowboy
- erlang-cowlib
- erlang-erlware-commons
- erlang-getopt
- erlang-goldrush
- erlang-horse
- erlang-idna
- erlang-jose
- erlang-lager
- erlang-luerl
- erlang-metrics
- erlang-mimerl
- erlang-p1-acme
- erlang-p1-mysql
- erlang-p1-oauth2
- erlang-p1-pgsql
- erlang-p1-pkix
- erlang-p1-stun
- erlang-p1-utils
- erlang-p1-yconf
- erlang-proper
- erlang-ranch
- erlang-redis-client
- erlang-unicode-util-compat
- erlang-uuid
- etcd
- ethflux
- etl
- eukleides
- exiflooter
- extension-helpers
- extlib
- extundelete
- facedetect
- facile
- fast-float
- fbless
- fcopulae
- fdroidcl
- fenics
- fever
- ffcv
- ffcvt
- fflas-ffpack
- ffuf
- fiche
- fieldslib
- findlib
- findlibs
- flash-kernel
- flocq
- fookb
- fq
- fregression
- frescobaldi
- frozenlist
- fscrypt
- ftpcopy
- fwupd-amd64-signed
- fwupd-arm64-signed
- fwupd-armhf-signed
- fwupd-i386-signed
- fwupdate
- fzf
- g10k
- ga
- game-data-packager
- ganeti
- gap-io
- gappa
- garagemq
- gd4o
- gdu
- gem2deb
- genx
- geoipupdate
- geventhttpclient
- gfapy
- gff2aplot
- gftl-shared
- ggd-utils
- gh
- gifwrap
- gir-to-d
- git-annex
- git-credential-azure
- git-credential-oauth
- git-lfs
- git-repair
- git-sizer
- git-subrepo
- gitaly
- gitbatch
- gitbrute
- gitlab
- gitlab-ci-multi-runner
- gitlab-shell
- gitleaks
- glab
- glib-d
- glirc
- glx-alternatives
- gmidimonitor
- gnome-bluetooth3
- gnome-music
- gnss-share
- gnucobol
- gnumach
- gnustep-make
- go-cve-dictionary
- go-exploitdb
- go-gir-generator
- go-md2man-v2
- go-mmproxy
- go-mtpfs
- go-qrcode
- go-rpmdb
- go-sendxmpp
- goawk
- gobgp
- gobuster
- gocc
- gocryptfs
- goda
- goiardi
- gojq
- gokey
- golang-1.22
- golang-1.23
- golang-1.24
- golang-bindata
- golang-connectrpc-connect
- golang-defaults
- golang-github-alecthomas-chroma
- golang-github-alecthomas-chroma-v2
- golang-github-anacrolix-dms
- golang-github-anacrolix-missinggo
- golang-github-avast-apkverifier
- golang-github-axgle-mahonia
- golang-github-aymerick-douceur
- golang-github-benbjohnson-tmpl
- golang-github-blynn-nex
- golang-github-bmatsuo-lmdb-go
- golang-github-calmh-xdr
- golang-github-canonical-go-dqlite
- golang-github-cavaliergopher-grab
- golang-github-checkpoint-restore-checkpointctl
- golang-github-cheekybits-genny
- golang-github-cloudflare-cfssl
- golang-github-cloudflare-redoctober
- golang-github-colinmarc-hdfs
- golang-github-containerd-imgcrypt
- golang-github-containerd-nydus-snapshotter
- golang-github-containerd-stargz-snapshotter
- golang-github-containernetworking-plugins
- golang-github-containers-buildah
- golang-github-containers-dnsname
- golang-github-containers-gvisor-tap-vsocks
- golang-github-containers-luksy
- golang-github-containers-storage
- golang-github-coredhcp-coredhcp
- golang-github-coreos-discovery-etcd-io
- golang-github-cowsql-go-cowsql
- golang-github-dataence-porter2
- golang-github-dcso-bloom
- golang-github-dnstap-golang-dnstap
- golang-github-docker-docker-credential-helpers
- golang-github-eknkc-amber
- golang-github-emersion-go-msgauth
- golang-github-etcd-io-gofail
- golang-github-evanw-esbuild
- golang-github-fernet-fernet-go
- golang-github-ffuf-pencode
- golang-github-francoispqt-gojay
- golang-github-geertjohan-go.rice
- golang-github-glendc-go-external-ip
- golang-github-go-debos-fakemachine
- golang-github-go-enry-go-license-detector
- golang-github-go-git-go-git
- golang-github-go-jose-go-jose
- golang-github-golang-jwt-jwt
- golang-github-golang-mock
- golang-github-golang-protobuf-1-3
- golang-github-golang-protobuf-1-5
- golang-github-google-blueprint
- golang-github-google-wire
- golang-github-googleapis-enterprise-certificate-proxy
- golang-github-grpc-ecosystem-grpc-gateway
- golang-github-gucumber-gucumber
- golang-github-hashicorp-serf
- golang-github-hashicorp-terraform-config-inspect
- golang-github-hhatto-gorst
- golang-github-hugelgupf-p9
- golang-github-humanlogio-humanlog
- golang-github-inetaf-tcpproxy
- golang-github-influxdata-yarpc
- golang-github-jhillyerd-enmime
- golang-github-katalix-go-l2tp
- golang-github-mailru-easyjson
- golang-github-mattn-go-sqlite3
- golang-github-mendersoftware-mender-artifact
- golang-github-micromdm-scep
- golang-github-mightyguava-jl
- golang-github-mozillazg-go-pinyin
- golang-github-muka-go-bluetooth
- golang-github-niklasfasching-go-org
- golang-github-notaryproject-notation
- golang-github-odeke-em-cli-spinner
- golang-github-odeke-em-ripper
- golang-github-onsi-ginkgo-v2
- golang-github-openshift-imagebuilder
- golang-github-pelletier-go-toml
- golang-github-pointlander-peg
- golang-github-pquerna-ffjson
- golang-github-prometheus-community-pgbouncer-exporter
- golang-github-protocolbuffers-txtpbfmt
- golang-github-pzhin-go-sophia
- golang-github-rakyll-statik
- golang-github-rogpeppe-go-internal
- golang-github-rootless-containers-bypass4netns
- golang-github-rsc-devweb
- golang-github-rubenv-sql-migrate
- golang-github-sebest-xff
- golang-github-segmentio-ksuid
- golang-github-smallstep-truststore
- golang-github-sylabs-sif
- golang-github-tdewolff-minify
- golang-github-tinylib-msgp
- golang-github-traefik-yaegi
- golang-github-ugorji-go-codec
- golang-github-varlink-go
- golang-github-vbatts-tar-split
- golang-github-vincent-petithory-dataurl
- golang-github-vmware-vmw-guestinfo
- golang-github-xenolf-lego
- golang-github-xo-terminfo
- golang-github-xordataexchange-crypt
- golang-github-yosssi-ace
- golang-github-zmap-zlint
- golang-gogoprotobuf
- golang-golang-x-tools
- golang-golang-x-vuln
- golang-google-grpc
- golang-google-protobuf
- golang-honnef-go-tools
- golang-k8s-kube-openapi
- golang-mvdan-sh
- golang-pault-go-ykpiv
- golang-petname
- golang-sourcehut-emersion-gqlclient
- golang-v2ray-core
- gomuks
- google-android-installers
- google-guest-agent
- gopass
- gopls
- gosop
- goss
- gost
- gosu
- gotestsum
- goval-dictionary
- govarnam
- goverlay
- gox
- goxkcdpwgen
- gpgmngr
- gpiozero
- gron
- grub
- grub-cloud
- grub-efi-amd64-signed
- grub-efi-arm64-signed
- grub-efi-ia32-signed
- gsort
- gtk-d
- guetzli
- guile-commonmark
- guile-gcrypt
- guile-git
- guile-json
- guile-lib
- guile-lzlib
- guile-semver
- guile-sqlite3
- guile-zlib
- guile-zstd
- guiqwt
- gum
- gunroar
- habluetooth
- hackage-tracker
- happy
- hash-slinger
- haskell-aeson
- haskell-annotated-wl-pprint
- haskell-cabal-install
- haskell-cracknum
- haskell-git-mediate
- haskell-hadrian
- haskell-hledger-interest
- haskell-hledger-ui
- haskell-hledger-web
- haskell-hopenpgp-tools
- haskell-hsini
- haskell-hspec-discover
- haskell-multimap
- haskell-multistate
- haskell-snap-templates
- haskell-stack
- haskell-typed-process
- haskell-x509-util
- haskell-yesod-bin
- hasktags
- hcloud-cli
- hd-idle
- hdf-eos5
- headache
- heartbleeder
- hellfire
- hevea
- hey
- hidapi-cffi
- hippomocks
- hjson-go
- hlins
- hol-light
- hol88
- home-assistant-bluetooth
- homer-api
- hts-nim-tools
- hub
- hugo
- hugo-mx-gateway
- hut
- hyperic-sigar
- hyperspy
- i3lock-fancy
- ibus-table-extraphrase
- icingadb
- iconnect-tools
- ifrench-gut
- igaelic
- ignition
- ii
- ii-esu
- iirish
- iitalian
- imanx
- immer
- imvirt
- in-toto-golang
- incus
- influxdb
- init-system-helpers
- inn
- ino-headers
- installation-locale
- intake
- intel-acm
- intel-microcode
- intel-mkl
- interface99
- invidtui
- iotop
- ipadic
- ipig
- ipp-usb
- iraf-fitsutil
- iraf-mscred
- iraf-rvsao
- iraf-sptable
- iraf-st4gem
- iraf-xdimsum
- irtt
- ispell-czech
- itkgenericlabelinterpolator
- iva
- jackd2
- jane-street-headers
- janest-base
- janest-ocaml-compiler-libs
- java-common
- jid
- jigzo
- jinput
- jp
- jqp
- js-of-ocaml
- js-of-ocaml-ocamlbuild
- json2file-go
- jsonm
- jst-config
- junixsocket
- justbuild
- kappanhang
- kcptun
- kdump-tools
- kel-agent
- kf6-extra-cmake-modules
- kickoff
- kind
- kleborate
- kubecolor
- kubectx
- kubernetes
- kubernetes-split-yaml
- kvazaar
- kworkflow
- kxd
- laby
- lager
- lambda-term
- lambdabot
- lazpaint
- ldns
- ledit
- lem
- lf
- lhs2tex
- libalien-gnuplot-perl
- libalien-wxwidgets-perl
- libanyevent-perl
- libasi
- libatteanx-store-sparql-perl
- libblocksruntime
- libcairo-gobject-perl
- libcommon-sense-perl
- libcompress-raw-zlib-perl
- libdata-messagepack-stream-perl
- libdevice-usb-pcsensor-hidtemper-perl
- libfdf
- libfplus
- libfreeaptx
- libgridxc
- libjcode-pm-perl
- libkainjow-mustache
- libkkc-data
- libkmlframework-java
- liblocale-gettext-perl
- libmarc-charset-perl
- libmbd
- libnest2d
- libnet-jabber-loudmouth-perl
- libnop
- libopenaptx
- libpthread-stubs
- libreoffice-voikko
- librespeed-cli
- libsbig
- libsys-syscall-perl
- libtext-iconv-perl
- libtext-table-perl
- libxmlbird
- licenserecon
- linkchecker
- linksem
- lintian-ssg
- linux-signed-amd64
- linux-signed-arm64
- liquidctl
- liquidsoap
- lltsv
- llvm-defaults
- lmdbxx
- localechooser
- lpctools
- lua-uri
- lua-vips
- lua5.2
- lua5.3
- luma.core
- luma.emulator
- luma.lcd
- luma.led-matrix
- luma.oled
- lumin
- lwjgl
- lwt
- lwt-log
- lwt-ssl
- lxc-templates
- lxd
- lxqt-metapackages
- macsyfinder
- madonctl
- magyarispell
- mailfront
- mate-dock-applet
- mathcomp-algebra-tactics
- mathcomp-analysis
- mathcomp-bigenough
- mathcomp-finmap
- mathcomp-multinomials
- mathcomp-real-closed
- mathcomp-zify
- maxima
- maxima-sage
- mediawiki2latex
- memtester
- mender-cli
- mender-client
- mender-connect
- menhir
- meta-asahi-platform
- meta-gnome3
- meta-kde
- meta-phosh
- meta-plasma-mobile
- metadata-cleaner
- metalang99
- meteo-qt
- metomi-isodatetime
- metview-python
- micro
- mighttpd2
- milksnake
- miller
- minica
- minieigen
- miniflux
- minio-client
- minisat+
- minpack
- mir-core
- mirage
- mirrorbits
- misery
- mkcert
- mlpost
- mm
- mmark
- mocassin
- mockery
- molly-brown
- molotov
- mon-contrib
- mopac
- morbig
- morsmall
- mosdepth
- mpi-defaults
- mricron
- msgpack-cxx
- mtail
- mu-cade
- mustache-d
- mysecureshell
- mysql-defaults
- mysql-ocaml
- nanolyse
- nats-server
- ncbi-entrez-direct
- ncdc
- ncftp
- ne
- nebula
- neon27
- nextcloud-spreed-signaling
- nik4
- ninix-aya
- nmrpflash
- nncp
- node-iconv
- node-leveldown
- node-libpq
- node-modern-syslog
- node-node-pty
- node-opencv
- node-re2
- node-sqlite3
- node-websocket
- norwegian
- not-ocamlfind
- notary
- notification-position-reloaded
- nproc
- nqp
- nrepl-clojure
- nss-passwords
- nted
- nurpawiki
- nvidia-cudnn
- nvidia-graphics-drivers
- nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla
- nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla-418
- nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla-450
- nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla-460
- nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla-470
- nvidia-support
- nwg-bar
- nwg-hello
- nwg-look
- nyacc
- oasis
- obfs4proxy
- objconv
- obs-cli
- obus
- ocaml-afl-persistent
- ocaml-alcotest
- ocaml-alsa
- ocaml-angstrom
- ocaml-ansi-terminal
- ocaml-ao
- ocaml-asn1-combinators
- ocaml-astring
- ocaml-atd
- ocaml-backoff
- ocaml-base64
- ocaml-batteries
- ocaml-benchmark
- ocaml-bigarray-compat
- ocaml-bigstringaf
- ocaml-bitstring
- ocaml-bos
- ocaml-ca-certs
- ocaml-cairo2
- ocaml-charinfo-width
- ocaml-cinaps
- ocaml-cohttp
- ocaml-conduit
- ocaml-config-file
- ocaml-containers
- ocaml-cpu
- ocaml-crunch
- ocaml-cry
- ocaml-csexp
- ocaml-cstruct
- ocaml-csv
- ocaml-ctypes
- ocaml-curses
- ocaml-dbus
- ocaml-digestif
- ocaml-domain-local-await
- ocaml-domain-name
- ocaml-dscheck
- ocaml-dssi
- ocaml-dtools
- ocaml-dune
- ocaml-duppy
- ocaml-duration
- ocaml-eqaf
- ocaml-expect
- ocaml-faad
- ocaml-ffmpeg
- ocaml-fileutils
- ocaml-flac
- ocaml-fmt
- ocaml-fpath
- ocaml-frei0r
- ocaml-gavl
- ocaml-gen
- ocaml-getopt
- ocaml-gettext
- ocaml-gmap
- ocaml-gnuplot
- ocaml-graphics
- ocaml-gstreamer
- ocaml-hex
- ocaml-hmap
- ocaml-inifiles
- ocaml-inotify
- ocaml-integers
- ocaml-intrinsics-kernel
- ocaml-ipaddr
- ocaml-iter
- ocaml-kdf
- ocaml-ladspa
- ocaml-lame
- ocaml-lastfm
- ocaml-linenoise
- ocaml-lo
- ocaml-logs
- ocaml-luv
- ocaml-magic
- ocaml-magic-mime
- ocaml-mdx
- ocaml-mem-usage
- ocaml-merlin
- ocaml-metadata
- ocaml-mew
- ocaml-mew-vi
- ocaml-mirage-clock
- ocaml-mirage-crypto
- ocaml-mirage-kv
- ocaml-mirage-kv-mem
- ocaml-mm
- ocaml-mmap
- ocaml-monolith
- ocaml-mtime
- ocaml-multicore-bench
- ocaml-multicore-magic
- ocaml-multicoretests
- ocaml-num
- ocaml-obuild
- ocaml-octavius
- ocaml-odoc
- ocaml-ogg
- ocaml-ohex
- ocaml-optint
- ocaml-opus
- ocaml-oseq
- ocaml-parany
- ocaml-parsexp
- ocaml-pbkdf
- ocaml-portaudio
- ocaml-pp
- ocaml-pprint
- ocaml-ptime
- ocaml-ptmap
- ocaml-pulseaudio
- ocaml-qcheck
- ocaml-qtest
- ocaml-randomconv
- ocaml-re
- ocaml-reins
- ocaml-res
- ocaml-result
- ocaml-rope
- ocaml-rresult
- ocaml-samplerate
- ocaml-saturn
- ocaml-sedlex
- ocaml-sexplib0
- ocaml-sha
- ocaml-shine
- ocaml-shout
- ocaml-soundtouch
- ocaml-spdx-licenses
- ocaml-speex
- ocaml-sqlite3
- ocaml-stdcompat
- ocaml-stdio
- ocaml-stdlib-random
- ocaml-stringext
- ocaml-swhid-core
- ocaml-theora
- ocaml-thread-table
- ocaml-time-now
- ocaml-topkg
- ocaml-trie
- ocaml-unix-errno
- ocaml-uri
- ocaml-usb
- ocaml-uucd
- ocaml-uucp
- ocaml-uunf
- ocaml-uuseg
- ocaml-version
- ocaml-visitors
- ocaml-voaacenc
- ocaml-vorbis
- ocaml-x509
- ocaml-xmlplaylist
- ocaml-zarith
- ocamlagrep
- ocamlbuild
- ocamlcreal
- ocamldap
- ocamldsort
- ocamlformat
- ocamlgraph
- ocamlgsl
- ocamlify
- ocamlmod
- ocamlpam
- ocamlrss
- ocamlviz
- ocamlwc
- ocamlweb
- oci-image-tools
- oci-seccomp-bpf-hook
- ocp-indent
- ocplib-endian
- ocplib-simplex
- ocsigenserver
- ocsinventory-agent
- ocsipersist
- octave-quaternion
- ocurl
- oidc-agent
- oldsys-preseed
- omd
- onedrive
- onedriver
- only
- ont-fast5-api
- opam-0install-cudf
- opam-file-format
- open-gram
- openjdk-11-jre-dcevm
- openni
- opensmtpd-filter-rspamd
- opensmtpd-filter-senderscore
- opensnitch
- openstack-debian-images
- openvpn-systemd-resolved
- openwince-include
- openzwave
- opt
- oras
- ordered-map
- oregano
- orpie
- oss-compat
- ott
- ounit
- p0f
- packmol
- packup
- pagodacf
- paleomix
- pandoc
- pandoc-citeproc-preamble
- panicparse
- parallel-fastq-dump
- paramcoq
- parmap
- parsec47
- partman-auto
- partman-basicfilesystems
- partman-efi
- partman-partitioning
- partman-prep
- pat
- patat
- pcc-libs
- pcpp
- pcre2-ocaml
- pdfsandwich
- pebble
- peco
- pekka-kana-2
- pforth
- pg-comparator
- pg-fact-loader
- pgloader
- pgocaml
- phybin
- phyutility
- pianobar
- picolisp
- pinfish
- piuparts
- pivy
- pk4
- pkg-haskell-tools
- planets
- plasma-wayland-protocols
- plasmidid
- plasmidseeker
- plattenalbum
- pmon-update
- png2svg
- podman
- pollen
- polygen
- posixtestsuite
- postgresql-common
- postgresql-ocaml
- powerline
- powerline-go
- pplacer
- ppx-assert
- ppx-base
- ppx-bin-prot
- ppx-cold
- ppx-compare
- ppx-custom-printf
- ppx-derivers
- ppx-deriving
- ppx-deriving-yojson
- ppx-enumerate
- ppx-expect
- ppx-fields-conv
- ppx-globalize
- ppx-hash
- ppx-here
- ppx-import
- ppx-inline-test
- ppx-js-style
- ppx-let
- ppx-optcomp
- ppx-sexp-conv
- ppx-stable-witness
- ppx-string
- ppx-variants-conv
- ppx-yojson-conv
- ppx-yojson-conv-lib
- ppxlib
- ppxlib-jane
- premake4
- presto
- pristine-lfs
- privatebin-cli
- proalign
- progress-linux-metapackages
- projectl
- prometheus
- prometheus-alertmanager
- prometheus-apache-exporter
- prometheus-bind-exporter
- prometheus-bird-exporter
- prometheus-blackbox-exporter
- prometheus-dnsmasq-exporter
- prometheus-elasticsearch-exporter
- prometheus-exporter-exporter
- prometheus-frr-exporter
- prometheus-hacluster-exporter
- prometheus-haproxy-exporter
- prometheus-homeplug-exporter
- prometheus-ipmi-exporter
- prometheus-libvirt-exporter
- prometheus-mailexporter
- prometheus-mongodb-exporter
- prometheus-mqtt-exporter
- prometheus-mysqld-exporter
- prometheus-mysqlrouter-exporter
- prometheus-nextcloud-exporter
- prometheus-nginx-exporter
- prometheus-node-exporter
- prometheus-pgbackrest-exporter
- prometheus-postfix-exporter
- prometheus-postgres-exporter
- prometheus-process-exporter
- prometheus-pushgateway
- prometheus-redis-exporter
- prometheus-smokeping-prober
- prometheus-snmp-exporter
- prometheus-sql-exporter
- prometheus-squid-exporter
- prometheus-tplink-plug-exporter
- prometheus-varnish-exporter
- protobuild
- prove6
- psimd
- psmt2-frontend
- pugl
- pup
- pxp
- pycson
- pydantic
- pyephem
- pyethash
- pyfltk
- pyfribidi
- pyftdi
- pygac
- pyjdata
- pykwalify
- pylibmc
- pymad
- pymbolic
- pyml
- pymol
- pymupdf
- pynx
- pyreadstat
- pysvn
- python-cassandra-driver
- python-catalogue
- python-cobra
- python-cogent
- python-convertertools
- python-cooler
- python-crcmod
- python-csa
- python-cups
- python-depinfo
- python-dicompylercore
- python-espeak
- python-freecontact
- python-getdns
- python-kyotocabinet
- python-laszip
- python-librtmp
- python-libtrace
- python-linux-procfs
- python-loompy
- python-lzo
- python-meld3
- python-nss
- python-pamqp
- python-pcre2
- python-peachpy
- python-pipdeptree
- python-poetry-dynamic-versioning
- python-ptrace
- python-pyani
- python-pycosat
- python-pyepics
- python-pynndescent
- python-pynvml
- python-qrencode
- python-questplus
- python-ratelimiter
- python-schedutils
- python-tktooltip
- python-ulid-transform
- python3-defaults
- python3-stdlib-extensions
- pythonprop
- pythran
- pyxrd
- q2-cutadapt
- q2-dada2
- q2-fragment-insertion
- q2-metadata
- q2-phylogeny
- qemu-web-desktop
- qpack
- qrterminal
- qrupdate
- qt-material
- qtxmlpatterns-opensource-src
- quickemu
- quickroute-gps
- quicktun
- r-bioc-basilisk
- r-cran-biwt
- r-cran-dimred
- r-cran-gbrd
- r-cran-kmsurv
- r-cran-spatstat
- r-cran-tidyselect
- r-cran-timedate
- r-other-chbutils
- r-other-kcha-psiplot
- raincat
- raku-file-find
- raku-file-which
- raku-getopt-long
- raku-hash-merge
- raku-json-class
- raku-json-fast
- raku-json-marshal
- raku-json-name
- raku-json-optin
- raku-json-unmarshal
- raku-librarycheck
- raku-license-spdx
- raku-log
- raku-meta6
- raku-readline
- raku-tap-harness
- raku-test-meta
- raku-uri
- raku-zef
- rakudo
- rang
- rapidfuzz-cpp
- rar
- ratt
- rawdns
- rclone
- react
- reactivedata
- rear
- rebar
- receptor
- reflex
- rekor
- renaissance
- reparser
- reposurgeon
- restic
- revelation
- rime-array
- rime-bopomofo
- rime-cangjie
- rime-cantonese
- rime-double-pinyin
- rime-ipa
- rime-loengfan
- rime-luna-pinyin
- rime-middle-chinese
- rime-pinyin-simp
- rime-quick
- rime-scj
- rime-soutzoe
- rime-stroke
- rime-terra-pinyin
- rime-wubi
- rime-wugniu
- robustirc-bridge
- rootlesskit
- rootskel-gtk
- ros-common-msgs
- ros-message-runtime
- ros-navigation-msgs
- ros-pcl-msgs
- ros-pluginlib
- ros-ros-comm-msgs
- ros-std-msgs
- ros2-ament-cmake
- ruby-defaults
- ruby-fssm
- ruby-kakasi-ffi
- ruby-mimemagic
- runc
- ruptime
- rust-aom-sys
- rust-clap-mangen
- rust-cxxbridge-macro
- rust-elsa
- rust-errno
- rust-futures
- rust-futures-sink
- rust-getopts
- rust-gix-bitmap
- rust-gix-chunk
- rust-gix-hash
- rust-gix-negotiate
- rust-gix-pack
- rust-gix-packetline
- rust-gix-trace
- rust-grep-cli
- rust-hostname
- rust-imagesize
- rust-ioctl-sys
- rust-libusb1-sys
- rust-magnus-macros
- rust-pbkdf2
- rust-pin-project-internal
- rust-pnet-sys
- rust-python-pkginfo
- rust-sailfish-macros
- rust-sequoia-policy-config
- rust-type-map
- rust-unsafe-any
- rust-value-bag-serde1
- rust-winapi-util
- rust-zune-jpeg
- s390-sysconfig-writer
- sacc
- sagemath
- sasm
- scheme-bytestructures
- scmutils
- sdaps
- secsipidx
- senpai
- sepp
- seqkit
- seqsero
- sexplib310
- sfeed
- sgp4
- shards
- shellcheck
- shelltestrunner
- shhmsg
- shim-helpers-amd64-signed
- shim-helpers-arm64-signed
- shim-signed
- shoelaces
- shovill
- sia
- sigstore-go
- sigsum-go
- singularity-container
- skeema
- skopeo
- sl-modem
- slapi-nis
- slinkwatch
- slt
- smbus2
- smrtanalysis
- snowflake
- soapdenovo
- soapdenovo2
- soju
- sosreport
- sparskit
- specutils
- speg
- sphinx-intl
- spiped
- sptlrx
- srst2
- ssh-tools
- sshesame
- ssreflect
- stayrtr
- steam-installer
- stravalib
- stterm
- sup-mail
- surf
- suricata-update
- swedish
- syncthing
- sysconfig
- sysconftool
- syslog-ocaml
- systemd-boot-efi-amd64-signed
- systemd-boot-efi-arm64-signed
- t1utils
- tatan
- tbox
- tcllib
- tcltk-defaults
- tea-cli
- terminews
- termit
- termshark
- terraform-switcher
- textql
- tfk8s
- tftp-proxy
- tilix
- timekpr-next
- tipp
- titanion
- tm-align
- tml
- tnseq-transit
- tomboy-ng
- toon
- tophide
- torbrowser-launcher
- torus-trooper
- tp-smapi
- tpm2-tools
- transgui
- translation-finder
- trimesh
- trocla
- trompeloeil-cpp
- tty-record
- tty-share
- tumiki-fighters
- tuna
- tuxblocs
- tycho2
- typerep
- tyxml
- udm
- ufoai
- ulex
- umoci
- unikmer
- upse
- urwid
- ustreamer
- utop
- uuagc
- uuidm
- uutf
- val-and-rick
- valgrind-if-available
- variantslib
- vcfanno
- veccore
- victoriametrics
- vip-manager
- vip-manager2
- visualvm
- voikko-fi
- vuls
- webhook
- websocketd
- wego
- winff
- winrmcp
- wireguard-go
- wit
- wormhole-william
- wuzz
- wyhash
- wyrd
- xfce4-goodies
- xml-light
- xmlm
- xmms2
- xmobar
- xmpp-dns
- xorg
- xq
- xraylarch
- xsimd
- xstr
- xstrp4
- xvidcore
- yanosim
- yarl
- yggdrasil
- yi
- yojson
- yorick-full
- yosys-plugin-ghdl
- yubihsm-connector
- yubikey-agent
- yubikey-touch-detector
- zed
- zeroinstall-injector
- zipl-installer
- zug
- zutty