Watch file results
component: main
debian_mangled_uversion: 21.1
debian_uversion: 21.1+dfsg
distribution: debian
last_check: 2024-10-10 00:50:32.910156
release: sid
source: kodi
status: up to date
upstream_url: refs/tags/21.1-Omega
upstream_version: 21.1
version: 2:21.1+dfsg-5
version=4 # Alpha bare git branch # # Since v20, bare git snapshots must follow the tagged release cycle: # # pretty=20.0~alphaX+git%cd.%h, \ # pretty=20.0~betaX+git%cd.%h, \ # pretty=20.0~rcX+git%cd.%h, \ # # where X starts with zero. The 'pretty' attribute must be changed manually # after the correspondent tagged release is published. # #opts="mode=git, \ # pgpmode=none, \ # pretty=20.0~alpha0+git%cd.%h, \ # repack, \ # repacksuffix=+dfsg, \ # compression=xz, \ # uversionmangle=s/\([\.0-9a-zA-Z]\)-.*$/\1/;s/rc/~rc/;s/a/~alpha/;s/b/~beta/;s/RC/~rc/;s/A/~alpha/;s/B/~beta/, \ # dversionmangle=auto" \ # \ #HEAD \ #debian # Release git tags # TODO: Change Kodi codename in refs/tags before packaging next Kodi major release opts="mode=git, \ pgpmode=none, \ repack, \ repacksuffix=+dfsg, \ compression=xz, \ uversionmangle=s/\([\.0-9a-zA-Z]\)-.*$/\1/;s/rc/~rc/;s/a/~alpha/;s/b/~beta/;s/RC/~rc/;s/A/~alpha/;s/B/~beta/, \ dversionmangle=auto" \ \ refs/tags/@ANY_VERSION@-Omega \ debian # libdvdread opts="component=libdvdread-embedded, \ mode=git, \ pretty=%cd.%h, \ repack, \ compression=xz, \ dversionmangle=auto" \ \ heads/master \ ignore # libdvdnav opts="component=libdvdnav-embedded, \ mode=git, \ pretty=%cd.%h, \ repack, \ compression=xz, \ dversionmangle=auto" \ \ heads/master \ ignore # repo-resources # TODO: Change Kodi codename in heads/ before packaging next Kodi major release opts="component=repo-resources-embedded, \ mode=git, \ pretty=%cd.%h, \ repack, \ compression=xz, \ dversionmangle=auto" \ \ heads/omega \ ignore