Watch file results
component: main
debian_mangled_uversion: 3.1.0
debian_uversion: 3.1.0
distribution: debian
last_check: 2024-12-06 00:20:29.539078
release: sid
source: libcgroup
status: up to date
upstream_version: 3.1.0
version: 3.1.0-2
version=4 # searchmode: use searchmode plain to search in the JSON returned by the API # filenamemangle: extract from the URL the GitHub project name (the last path part before /tarball/) and the version, # to generate a resulting tarball named: ${PROJECT_NAME}-${VERSION}.tar.gz # pgpsigurlmangle: retrieve also the tarball PGP signature assuming it was uploaded with name ${PROJECT_NAME}-v${VERSION} # extracting from the tarball download URL the GitHub username/organization, the GitHub project name and # the version generating the signature URL as required by GitHub # URL: use the project API URL to get the release information, looking for the tarball URL and extracting the version from # the last part of the URL path. # We have to un-break some upstream version numbers, and transfrom .rc to ~rc opts=searchmode=plain,\ uversionmangle=s/v(\d\.\d+)/$1/;s/\.rc/~rc/,\ filenamemangle=s~.+/([^/]+)/tarball/v(@ANY_VERSION@)~$1-$2.tar.gz~,\[^/]+)/([^/]+)/tarball/v(@ANY_VERSION@)$1/$2/releases/download/v$3/$2-$3.tar.gz.asc~ \ https://api\.github\.com/repos/[^/]+/[^/]+/tarball/v([^"]+)