Watch file results

component: main
distribution: debian
last_check: 2024-07-23 16:20:29.321707
release: sid
source: obs-move-transition
status: error
version: 3.0.2-1
warnings: In watchfile debian/watch, reading webpage failed: 500 Can't connect to (Temporary failure in name resolution)

# The following rule is right, but the upstream frequently...
# archive/refs/tags/(\d\S+)\.tar\.(?:bz2|gz|xz)

# The upstream frequently forgets to update the tag on GitHub, but he always
# updates the official homepage at (see Homepage field at
# debian/control file). The following rule is a workaround to check the current
# version on the official homepage and to call this version from the GitHub.

# LINTIAN will warn about the filenamemangle. The filenamemangle is needed
# because we are using jumps and workarounds to get the last version from the
# upstream. Consequently, the name got by uscan is an HTML code (this is trash,
# no filename, no version).

opts="searchmode=plain, \
      downloadurlmangle=s/.*u-muted..([\d\.]+).*/https:\/\/\/exeldro\/@PACKAGE@\/archive\/refs\/tags\/$1\.tar\.gz/, \
      filenamemangle=s/.*muted..([\d\.]+)..span./@PACKAGE@-$1\.tar\.gz/" \ .span.class..u-muted..(\d\S+)..span.