Watch file results

component: main
distribution: debian
last_check: 2024-07-24 01:22:22.497395
release: sid
source: zoph
status: error
version: 1.0.1-4
warnings: In debian/watch no matching files for watch line archive/v(?:[-_]?[Vv]?(\d[\-+\.:\~\da-zA-Z]*))/zoph-v\d\S*(?i)(?:\.(?:tar\.xz|tar\.bz2|tar\.gz|tar\.zstd?|zip|tgz|tbz|txz))
# Example watch control file for uscan
# Rename this file to "watch" and then you can run the "uscan" command
# to check for upstream updates and more.
# See uscan(1) for format

# Compulsory line, this is a version 4 file

# PGP signature mangle, so foo.tar.gz has foo.tar.gz.sig

# Zoph has now moved to gitlab
#  even though there is not a release there yet

# Matches
# Note that this is slightly different from the version from the wiki as the version's start with v, not a plain version number. archive/v@ANY_VERSION@/zoph-v\d\S*@ARCHIVE_EXT@