Debian Automated Code Analysis

checkbashisms analysis of ants_1.9+svn532-5_i386.deb

possible bashism in ./usr/lib/ants/ line 29 (let ...):
for x in $LL ; do  PARAM1=` awk -v a=$PARAM1 -v b=$x 'BEGIN{print (a + b)}' ` ;  let NFILES=$NFILES+1  ; done
possible bashism in ./usr/lib/ants/ line 22 (let ...):
for x in $LL ; do  PARAM1=` awk -v a=$PARAM1 -v b=$x 'BEGIN{print (a + b)}' ` ;  let NFILES=$NFILES+1  ; done
possible bashism in ./usr/lib/ants/ line 28 (let ...):
let DD=MM-NN
possible bashism in ./usr/lib/ants/ line 37 (let ...):
let DD=MM-NN
possible bashism in ./usr/lib/ants/ line 45 (alternative test command ([[ foo ]] should be [ foo ])):
if [[ ! -s ${OUTPUTNAME}repaired.nii.gz ]] ; then 
possible bashism in ./usr/lib/ants/ line 51 (alternative test command ([[ foo ]] should be [ foo ])):
if [[ ! -s $WM ]] ; then 
possible bashism in ./usr/lib/ants/ line 57 (alternative test command ([[ foo ]] should be [ foo ])):
if [[ ! -s  ${OUT}max.nii.gz ]] ; then 

This report was generated on Sat, 18 Dec 2010 00:39:03 +0000, based on results by checkbashisms 2.10.65git5