Debian Automated Code Analysis

checkbashisms analysis of acl2_4.1-5.dsc

possible bashism in ./books/coi/make/Makefile.bash line 69 ($(OS|MACH)TYPE):
if [ $OSTYPE == "msys" ]
possible bashism in ./books/coi/make/Makefile.bash line 69 (should be 'b = a'):
if [ $OSTYPE == "msys" ]
possible bashism in ./books/coi/make/Makefile.bash line 82 ('function' is useless):
function Debug () {
possible bashism in ./books/coi/make/Makefile.bash line 89 ('function' is useless):
function DebugNewline () {
possible bashism in ./books/coi/make/Makefile.bash line 107 ('function' is useless):
function IncludeBookDependencies ()
possible bashism in ./books/coi/make/Makefile.bash line 185 ('function' is useless):
function LDDependencies ()
possible bashism in ./books/coi/make/Makefile.bash line 320 (should be 'b = a'):
    if [ "$lib" == ":system" ]
possible bashism in ./books/coi/make/Makefile.bash line 322 ('((' should be '$(('):
	if (( $EOL_PENDING ))
possible bashism in ./books/coi/make/Makefile.bash line 337 ('((' should be '$(('):
	if (( $EOL_PENDING ))
possible bashism in ./books/coi/make/Makefile.bash line 464 (alternative test command ([[ foo ]] should be [ foo ])):
	if [[ "$WHICH_DIRS" == "master" \
	      && "$LIB_ROOT" != "" \
	      && "$LIB_ROOT" != "$MAKEDIR/.." ]]
possible bashism in ./books/coi/make/Makefile.bash line 464 (should be 'b = a'):
	if [[ "$WHICH_DIRS" == "master" \
	      && "$LIB_ROOT" != "" \
	      && "$LIB_ROOT" != "$MAKEDIR/.." ]]
possible bashism in ./books/coi/make/Makefile.bash line 471 ('((' should be '$(('):
	    if (( $EOL_PENDING ))
possible bashism in ./books/coi/make/Makefile.bash line 513 (alternative test command ([[ foo ]] should be [ foo ])):
	    if [[ "$WHICH_DIRS" == "local" ]]
possible bashism in ./books/coi/make/Makefile.bash line 513 (should be 'b = a'):
	    if [[ "$WHICH_DIRS" == "local" ]]
possible bashism in ./books/coi/make/Makefile.bash line 530 ('((' should be '$(('):
	    if (( $EOL_PENDING ))
possible bashism in ./books/coi/make/Makefile.bash line 584 ($(OS|MACH)TYPE):
	if [ $OSTYPE == "msys" ]
possible bashism in ./books/coi/make/Makefile.bash line 584 (should be 'b = a'):
	if [ $OSTYPE == "msys" ]
possible bashism in ./books/coi/make/Makefile.bash line 631 ('((' should be '$(('):
    if (( $FILES_DIFFER ))
possible bashism in ./books/coi/make/Makefile.bash line 702 ('((' should be '$(('):
	if (( $EOL_PENDING ))
possible bashism in ./books/coi/make/Makefile.bash line 822 ('((' should be '$(('):
	if (( $EOL_PENDING ))
possible bashism in ./books/coi/make/Makefile.bash line 889 ('((' should be '$(('):
    if (( $FILES_DIFFER ))
possible bashism in ./books/coi/make/Makefile.bash line 921 (alternative test command ([[ foo ]] should be [ foo ])):
if [[ "$@" == "deps" ]]
possible bashism in ./books/coi/make/Makefile.bash line 921 (should be 'b = a'):
if [[ "$@" == "deps" ]]
possible bashism in ./books/coi/overkill/Makefile-overkill.bash line 9 (should be '.', not 'source'):
source "$MAKEDIR/Makefile-okillprep.bash"
possible bashism in ./books/coi/overkill/Makefile.bash line 12 ('function' is useless):
function Debug () {
possible bashism in ./books/coi/overkill/Makefile.bash line 19 ('function' is useless):
function DebugNewline () {
possible bashism in ./books/coi/overkill/Makefile.bash line 65 (alternative test command ([[ foo ]] should be [ foo ])):
if [[ "$@" != "deps" ]]
possible bashism in ./books/coi/overkill/Overkill-support.bash line 12 ('function' is useless):
function CheckOverkill ()
possible bashism in ./books/coi/overkill/Overkill-support.bash line 35 ('function' is useless):
function CheckOverkillHosts ()
possible bashism in ./books/coi/overkill/Makefile-pcert.bash line 51 ('function' is useless):
function Debug () 
possible bashism in ./books/coi/overkill/Makefile-pcert.bash line 59 ('function' is useless):
function DebugNewline () 
possible bashism in ./books/coi/overkill/Makefile-pcert.bash line 109 ($HOST(TYPE|NAME)):
    echo "Pending: $FILENAME ($HOSTNAME) `date +%s`" >> $OUTLOG
possible bashism in ./books/coi/overkill/Makefile-pcert.bash line 226 ($HOST(TYPE|NAME)):
    echo "             (format ofile \"Failure: $FILENAME ($HOSTNAME)~%\"))" >> $WORK
possible bashism in ./books/coi/overkill/Makefile-pcert.bash line 289 ($HOST(TYPE|NAME)):
echo "      (format ofile \"HOSTNAME=$HOSTNAME~%\")" >> $WORK
possible bashism in ./books/coi/overkill/Makefile-pcert.bash line 304 ($HOST(TYPE|NAME)):
    echo "      (format ofile \"Success: $FILENAME ($HOSTNAME)~%\")" >> $WORK
possible bashism in ./books/coi/overkill/Makefile-pcert.bash line 305 ($HOST(TYPE|NAME)):
    echo "    (format ofile \"Failure: $FILENAME ($HOSTNAME)~%\")))" >> $WORK
possible bashism in ./books/coi/overkill/Makefile-libs.bash line 11 (should be '.', not 'source'):
source $MAKEDIR/Makefile-checks.bash
possible bashism in ./books/coi/overkill/Makefile-libs.bash line 19 (alternative test command ([[ foo ]] should be [ foo ])):
if [[ "$QUIET" != "1" ]]
possible bashism in ./books/coi/overkill/Makefile-libs.bash line 200 (alternative test command ([[ foo ]] should be [ foo ])):
	if [[ "$BASE_PATH/$PATH_PART" == "`pwd -P`" ]]
possible bashism in ./books/coi/overkill/Makefile-libs.bash line 200 (should be 'b = a'):
	if [[ "$BASE_PATH/$PATH_PART" == "`pwd -P`" ]]
possible bashism in ./books/coi/overkill/Makefile-libs.bash line 265 (alternative test command ([[ foo ]] should be [ foo ])):
	if [[ "$QUIET" != "1" ]]
possible bashism in ./books/coi/overkill/Makefile-libs.bash line 275 (alternative test command ([[ foo ]] should be [ foo ])):
	if [[ "$QUIET" != "1" ]]
possible bashism in ./books/coi/overkill/Makefile-libs.bash line 285 (alternative test command ([[ foo ]] should be [ foo ])):
    if [[ "$QUIET" != "1" ]]
possible bashism in ./books/coi/overkill/Makefile-checks.bash line 24 ('function' is useless):
function Debug ()
possible bashism in ./books/coi/overkill/Makefile-checks.bash line 32 ('function' is useless):
function DebugNewline ()
possible bashism in ./books/coi/overkill/Makefile-checks.bash line 50 ('function' is useless):
function ParseLib () 
possible bashism in ./books/coi/overkill/Makefile-checks.bash line 52 ($"foo" should be eval_gettext "foo"):
    if [ "`echo $1 | egrep "^:[A-Za-z0-9_-]+$"`" ]
possible bashism in ./books/coi/overkill/Makefile-checks.bash line 102 ($"foo" should be eval_gettext "foo"):
if [ "`echo $BOOKS | egrep "^[ ]*([A-Za-z0-9_-]+[ ]*)+$"`" ]
possible bashism in ./books/coi/overkill/Makefile-checks.bash line 124 ('function' is useless):
function CheckBook() 
possible bashism in ./books/coi/overkill/Makefile-checks.bash line 129 (alternative test command ([[ foo ]] should be [ foo ])):
        if [[ "$CheckBook_temp" == "$FILENAME" ]]
possible bashism in ./books/coi/overkill/Makefile-checks.bash line 129 (should be 'b = a'):
        if [[ "$CheckBook_temp" == "$FILENAME" ]]
possible bashism in ./books/coi/overkill/Makefile-checks.bash line 150 ('function' is useless):
function CheckLib ()
possible bashism in ./books/coi/overkill/Makefile-checks.bash line 156 (alternative test command ([[ foo ]] should be [ foo ])):
        if [[ "`echo $1 | tr -t [:lower:] [:upper:]`" == "`echo $CheckLib_temp | tr -t [:lower:] [:upper:]`" ]]
possible bashism in ./books/coi/overkill/Makefile-checks.bash line 156 (should be 'b = a'):
        if [[ "`echo $1 | tr -t [:lower:] [:upper:]`" == "`echo $CheckLib_temp | tr -t [:lower:] [:upper:]`" ]]
possible bashism in ./books/coi/overkill/Makefile-checks.bash line 162 (alternative test command ([[ foo ]] should be [ foo ])):
    if [[ "`echo $1 | tr -t [:lower:] [:upper:]`" == ":SYSTEM" ]]
possible bashism in ./books/coi/overkill/Makefile-checks.bash line 162 (should be 'b = a'):
    if [[ "`echo $1 | tr -t [:lower:] [:upper:]`" == ":SYSTEM" ]]
possible bashism in ./books/coi/overkill/Makefile-checks.bash line 186 ('function' is useless):
function MangleFile ()
possible bashism in ./books/coi/overkill/Makefile-checks.bash line 210 ('function' is useless):
function CheckOverkill ()
possible bashism in ./books/coi/overkill/Makefile-checks.bash line 233 ('function' is useless):
function CheckOverkillHosts ()
possible bashism in ./books/coi/overkill/Makefile-okillprep.bash line 11 (should be '.', not 'source'):
source $MAKEDIR/Makefile-checks.bash
possible bashism in ./books/coi/overkill/Makefile-okillprep.bash line 12 (should be '.', not 'source'):
source $MAKEDIR/Overkill-support.bash
possible bashism in ./books/coi/overkill/Makefile-deps.bash line 11 (should be '.', not 'source'):
source $MAKEDIR/Makefile-checks.bash
possible bashism in ./books/coi/overkill/Makefile-deps.bash line 178 (alternative test command ([[ foo ]] should be [ foo ])):
if [[ "$QUIET" != "1" ]]
possible bashism in ./books/coi/overkill/Makefile-deps.bash line 258 ('function' is useless):
function ComputeDepsSets () {
possible bashism in ./books/coi/overkill/Makefile-deps.bash line 360 ($"foo" should be eval_gettext "foo"):
 if [ "`echo $1 | grep -i "\.lisp$"`" ] 
possible bashism in ./books/coi/overkill/Makefile-deps.bash line 486 (alternative test command ([[ foo ]] should be [ foo ])):
	if [[ "$QUIET" != "1" ]]
possible bashism in ./books/coi/overkill/Makefile-deps.bash line 496 (alternative test command ([[ foo ]] should be [ foo ])):
	if [[ "$QUIET" != "1" ]]
possible bashism in ./books/coi/overkill/Makefile-deps.bash line 505 (alternative test command ([[ foo ]] should be [ foo ])):
    if [[ "$QUIET" != "1" ]]
possible bashism in ./books/coi/overkill/Makefile-deps.bash line 527 (alternative test command ([[ foo ]] should be [ foo ])):
	if [[ "$QUIET" != "1" ]]
possible bashism in ./books/coi/overkill/Makefile-deps.bash line 541 (alternative test command ([[ foo ]] should be [ foo ])):
    if [[ "$QUIET" == "1" ]]
possible bashism in ./books/coi/overkill/Makefile-deps.bash line 541 (should be 'b = a'):
    if [[ "$QUIET" == "1" ]]

This report was generated on Thu, 16 Dec 2010 09:38:02 +0000, based on results by checkbashisms 2.10.65git5