possible bashism in ./debian/filters/samba-to-ps line 38 ('$((n++))' should be '$n; $((n=n+1))'): echo "DEBUG: $prog: arg $((count++)): \"$x\"" >&2 possible bashism in ./debian/filters/dvipipetops line 83 ('$((n++))' should be '$n; $((n=n+1))'): echo "DEBUG: $prog: arg $((count++)): \"$x\"" >&2 possible bashism in ./debian/filters/dvipipetops line 144 (bash arrays, ${name[0|*|@]}): "$CUPS_DVIPS" -R -f $CUPS_DVIPS_OPTS <"$file" 2>&1 1>&3- | \ { while read -r -a line; do echo "INFO: $prog: ${line[*]}" >&2; done 3>&-; } possible bashism in ./debian/filters/dvipipetops line 144 (should be >word 2>&1): "$CUPS_DVIPS" -R -f $CUPS_DVIPS_OPTS <"$file" 2>&1 1>&3- | \ { while read -r -a line; do echo "INFO: $prog: ${line[*]}" >&2; done 3>&-; }
This report was generated on Tue, 19 Apr 2011 06:38:09 +0000, based on results by checkbashisms 2.10.65git5