possible bashism in ./source/configure line 2845 (should be 'b = a'): if test "$USE_VIEW" == "true" -a "$enable_spacenavigator" = "yes" ; then possible bashism in ./source/configure line 18440 (should be 'b = a'): if test "${FFTW_SUPPORT}" == true ; then possible bashism in ./source/configure line 19293 (should be 'b = a'): if test "${BALL_COMPLEX_PRECISION}" == "float" ; then possible bashism in ./source/configure line 19341 (should be 'b = a'): if test "${BALL_COMPLEX_PRECISION}" == "double" ; then possible bashism in ./source/configure line 19389 (should be 'b = a'): if test "${BALL_COMPLEX_PRECISION}" == "long double" ; then possible bashism in ./source/configure line 19930 (should be 'b = a'): if test "${SPACENAV_SUPPORT}" == true ; then possible bashism in ./source/configure line 20128 (test with unary -a (should be -e)): if test -a "${SPACENAV_LIBDIR}/libspnav.so" ; then possible bashism in ./source/configure line 21465 (brace expansion): for libextension in `ls $BOOSTLIBDIR/libboost_system*.{so,a}* 2>/dev/null | sed 's,.*/,,' | sed -e 's;^lib\(boost_system.*\)\.so.*$;\1;' -e 's;^lib\(boost_system.*\)\.a*$;\1;'` ; do possible bashism in ./source/configure line 21545 (brace expansion): for libextension in `ls $BOOSTLIBDIR/boost_system*.{dll,a}* 2>/dev/null | sed 's,.*/,,' | sed -e 's;^\(boost_system.*\)\.dll.*$;\1;' -e 's;^\(boost_system.*\)\.a*$;\1;'` ; do possible bashism in ./source/configure line 21851 (brace expansion): for libextension in `ls $BOOSTLIBDIR/libboost_thread*.{so,a}* 2>/dev/null | sed 's,.*/,,' | sed -e 's;^lib\(boost_thread.*\)\.so.*$;\1;' -e 's;^lib\(boost_thread.*\)\.a*$;\1;'` ; do possible bashism in ./source/configure line 21931 (brace expansion): for libextension in `ls $BOOSTLIBDIR/boost_thread*.{dll,a}* 2>/dev/null | sed 's,.*/,,' | sed -e 's;^\(boost_thread.*\)\.dll.*$;\1;' -e 's;^\(boost_thread.*\)\.a*$;\1;'` ; do possible bashism in ./source/configure line 22545 (should be 'b = a'): if test "${LPSOLVE_SUPPORT}" == true ; then possible bashism in ./source/configure line 22705 (test with unary -a (should be -e)): if test -a "${LPSOLVE_LIBDIR}/liblpsolve55.a" ; then possible bashism in ./source/configure line 23036 (should be 'b = a'): if test "${SPACENAV_SUPPORT}" == true ; then possible bashism in ./source/configure line 23234 (test with unary -a (should be -e)): if test -a "${SPACENAV_LIBDIR}/libspnav.so" ; then possible bashism in ./source/configure line 24715 (test with unary -a (should be -e)): if test -a "${QTDIR}/lib/libQtCore.${SHARED_LIB_SUFFIX}" ; then possible bashism in ./source/configure line 24870 (test with unary -a (should be -e)): if test -a "${QTDIR}/lib/libQtGui.${SHARED_LIB_SUFFIX}" ; then possible bashism in ./source/configure line 25028 (test with unary -a (should be -e)): if test -a "${QTDIR}/lib/libQtNetwork.${SHARED_LIB_SUFFIX}" ; then possible bashism in ./source/configure line 25181 (test with unary -a (should be -e)): if test -a "${QTDIR}/lib/libQtSql.${SHARED_LIB_SUFFIX}" ; then possible bashism in ./source/configure line 25339 (test with unary -a (should be -e)): if test -a "${QTDIR}/lib/libQtXml.${SHARED_LIB_SUFFIX}" ; then possible bashism in ./source/configure line 25493 (test with unary -a (should be -e)): if test -a "${QTDIR}/lib/libQtOpenGL.${SHARED_LIB_SUFFIX}" ; then possible bashism in ./source/configure line 27655 (should be 'b = a'): if test "$py_version" == "None"; then possible bashism in ./source/configure line 38908 (should be VAR="${VAR}foo"): SUBDIRS+=" PLUGIN EXTENSIONS" possible bashism in ./source/config/check_tests line 7 ('((' should be '$(('): for ((i=1; i<=length ;i++)) possible bashism in ./source/config/check_tests line 36 (let ...): let "j+=1" possible bashism in ./source/config/check_tests line 59 (let ...): let "j+=1" possible bashism in ./source/config/testTestExists line 3 ('function' is useless): function myprint() possible bashism in ./source/config/testTestExists line 6 ('$[' should be '$(('): for ((a=0; a <=$[40 - `echo $1 | wc -c` ]; a++)) possible bashism in ./source/config/testTestExists line 6 ('((' should be '$(('): for ((a=0; a <=$[40 - `echo $1 | wc -c` ]; a++)) possible bashism in ./source/config/testTestExists line 32 ('$[' should be '$(('): size=$[ `echo $prefix | wc -c` ] possible bashism in ./source/config/testTestExists line 33 ('$[' should be '$(('): prefix=`echo $prefix | head -c $[ $size-3 ]` possible bashism in ./source/config/testTestExists line 34 ('$[' should be '$(('): size=$[ `echo $prefix | wc -c` ] possible bashism in ./source/config/testTestExists line 36 ('$[' should be '$(('): size=$[ `echo $prefix | wc -c` ] possible bashism in ./source/config/testTestExists line 37 ('$[' should be '$(('): testfile=$testfile`echo $prefix | tail -c $[ $size-1 ]`_test.C
This report was generated on Thu, 16 Dec 2010 11:38:02 +0000, based on results by checkbashisms 2.10.65git5