Debian Automated Code Analysis

checkbashisms analysis of texlive-base_2009-11.dsc

possible bashism in ./texmf-dist/scripts/pgfplots/ line 9 ('function' is useless):
function echoHelp()
possible bashism in ./texmf-dist/scripts/pgfplots/ line 17 (echo -e):
	echo -e \
		" [--maxpoints N]  [--styles [0|1] ]   [ --axes [0|1] ]  [ -o OUTFILE ]  INFILE ...\n"\
		"converts Matlab figures (.fig-files) to pgfplots-files (.pgf-files).\n"\
		"This script is a front-end for matlab2pgfplots.m (which needs to be in matlab's search path)\n"\
		" >> help matlab2pgfplots\n"\
		"at your matlab prompt for more information.\n"
possible bashism in ./texmf-dist/scripts/pgfplots/ line 20 ('function' is useless):
function dumpHelp() {
possible bashism in ./texmf-dist/scripts/pgfplots/ line 57 (echo -e):
	echo -e \
		"`basename $0` [OPTIONS] [--texdefs <defsfile> | --mainfile <latexmainfile>.tex ]  [plot1.pgf plot2.pgf .... plotn.pgf]\n"\
		"converts each plot*.pgf to plot*.pdf.\n"\
		"This is done by running \n"\
		"  latex --jobname plot1 latexmainfile\n"\
		"for each single plot. See the pgfmanual section \"Externalizing graphics\".\n"\
		"    will also produce eps output files.\n"\
		"--driver D\n"\
		"    will use either \"dvipdfm\", \"dvips\" or \"pdflatex\"\n"\
		"    please note that only pdflatex works without additional\n"\
		"    work.\n"\
		"--mainfile FILE\n"\
		"    A tex-file which has been configured for externalized graphics.\n"\
		"    Two conditions must be met to perform the conversion of\n"\
		"      \"plot.pgf\"  -> \"plot.pdf\":\n"\
		"    1. FILE needs the command\n"\
		"         \pgfrealjobname{FILE}\n"\
		"       (see the pgf manual for details)\n"\
		"    2. It needs to include \"plot.pgf\" somewhere (using \input{plot.pgf})\n"\
		"    Use this flag if the argument of --mainfile does not contain\n"\
		"      \input{TARGET.pgf},\n"\
		"    i.e. if (2.) is not fulfilled. In this case, the conversion for this\n"\
		"    input file will be skipped.\n"\
		"--texdefs FILE\n"\
		"    Generates a temporary tex-file\n"\
		"    \documentclass{article}\n"\
		"    \input{FILE}\n"\
		"    \begin{document}\n"\
		"    \input{plot1.pgf}\n"\
		"    \end{document}\n"\
		"    and converts this one to pdf.\n"\
		"    If FILE is '-', the input step is omitted.\n"
possible bashism in ./texmf-dist/scripts/pgfplots/ line 90 (${foo:3[:1]}):
	if [ "${TEX_DEFINES:0:1}" != "/" ]; then
possible bashism in ./texmf-dist/scripts/pgfplots/ line 108 (bash arrays, ${name[0|*|@]}):
for A in "${PGF_FILES[@]}"; do
possible bashism in ./texmf-dist/scripts/pgfplots/ line 190 (echo -e):
				echo -e "running\n"\
					"  '$CMD --jobname $TMP_JOB_FILE $TEX_FILE'\n"\
					"resulted in a zero-size file \"$TMP_JOB_FILE.$INTERM_EXTENSION\"!\n"\
					"Please check\n"\
					"- if $TEX_FILE contains\n"\
					"    \pgfrealjobname{`basename ${TEX_FILE%%.tex}`}\n"\
					"- if $TEX_FILE contains\n"\
					"    \input{$A}\n"\
					"You may take a look at\n\t$TARGET_FILE.log\n for more information.\n"\
					"Maybe `basename $0` --texdefs is more appropriate for this application?\n"\
					"It doesn't need \input{}...\n"\
possible bashism in ./texmf-dist/scripts/pgfplots/ line 197 (brace expansion):
possible bashism in ./texmf-dist/scripts/pgfplots/ line 264 (echo -e):
			echo -e "FAILED: could not convert\n\t$A\n->\t$TARGET_FILE.pdf" 1>&2;
possible bashism in ./texmf-dist/source/generic/xypic/dvitogif89a line 128 (echo -e):
  echo -e "\nImage: $ppm" >&2
possible bashism in ./texmf-dist/source/generic/xypic/dvitogif89a line 176 (echo -e):
echo -e "\nPacking animation:" >&2

This report was generated on Thu, 16 Dec 2010 21:38:20 +0000, based on results by checkbashisms 2.10.65git5