./mozilla/config/mkdepend/parse.c:432 [error] - Possible null pointer dereference: file - otherwise it is redundant to check if file is null at line 434
./mozilla/content/events/src/nsRecycled.h:64 [error] - Class nsRecycledSingle<nsDOMEvent> which is inherited by class nsDOMEvent does not have a virtual destructor
./mozilla/content/events/src/nsDOMEvent.cpp:1314 [possible error] - Memory leak: it
./mozilla/content/events/src/nsDOMKeyboardEvent.cpp:196 [possible error] - Memory leak: it
./mozilla/content/events/src/nsDOMMouseEvent.cpp:290 [possible error] - Memory leak: it
./mozilla/content/events/src/nsDOMMutationEvent.cpp:152 [possible error] - Memory leak: it
./mozilla/content/events/src/nsDOMPageTransitionEvent.cpp:92 [possible error] - Memory leak: it
./mozilla/content/events/src/nsDOMPopupBlockedEvent.cpp:211 [possible error] - Memory leak: it
./mozilla/content/events/src/nsDOMTextEvent.cpp:137 [possible error] - Memory leak: it
./mozilla/content/events/src/nsDOMUIEvent.cpp:524 [possible error] - Memory leak: it
./mozilla/content/events/src/nsDOMXULCommandEvent.cpp:144 [possible error] - Memory leak: it
./mozilla/embedding/browser/activex/src/common/ControlSite.h:72 [error] - Class CControlSiteSecurityPolicy which is inherited by class CControlSite does not have a virtual destructor
./mozilla/embedding/browser/activex/src/plugin/npwin.cpp:134 [error] - Invalid number of character ({) when these macros are defined: ''.
./mozilla/embedding/browser/activex/src/plugin/npwin.cpp:134 [error] - Invalid number of character ({) when these macros are defined: 'MOZ_ACTIVEX_PLUGIN_XPCONNECT'.
./mozilla/embedding/browser/activex/src/plugin/npwin.cpp:134 [error] - Invalid number of character ({) when these macros are defined: '_NPAPI_H_'.
./mozilla/embedding/browser/activex/src/plugin/npwin.cpp:134 [error] - Invalid number of character ({) when these macros are defined: '_NPUPP_H_'.
./mozilla/embedding/components/printingui/src/win/nsPrintDialogUtil.cpp:1254 [error] - Invalid number of character (() when these macros are defined: 'MOZ_REQUIRE_CURRENT_SDK'.
./mozilla/extensions/spellcheck/myspell/src/baseaffix.hxx:4 [error] - Class AffEntry which is inherited by class PfxEntry does not have a virtual destructor
./mozilla/extensions/spellcheck/myspell/src/baseaffix.hxx:4 [error] - Class AffEntry which is inherited by class SfxEntry does not have a virtual destructor
./mozilla/extensions/sql/pgsql/src/mozSqlConnectionPgsql.cpp:242 [possible error] - Memory leak: result
./mozilla/extensions/sql/sqlite/src/mozSqlConnectionSqlite.cpp:342 [possible error] - Memory leak: result
./mozilla/extensions/transformiix/source/xml/dom/standalone/dom.h:148 [error] - Class NodeList which is inherited by class NodeDefinition does not have a virtual destructor
./mozilla/extensions/transformiix/source/xml/dom/standalone/dom.h:148 [error] - Class NodeList which is inherited by class NodeListDefinition does not have a virtual destructor
./mozilla/layout/base/nsFrameManagerBase.h:66 [error] - Class nsFrameManagerBase which is inherited by class nsFrameManager does not have a virtual destructor
./mozilla/layout/base/nsPresShell.cpp:1719 [possible error] - Memory leak: it
./mozilla/mailnews/import/oexpress/WabObject.h:50 [error] - Class CWabIterator which is inherited by class nsOEAddressIterator does not have a virtual destructor
./mozilla/mailnews/import/oexpress/nsOEMailbox.cpp:48 [error] - Class CMbxScanner which is inherited by class CIndexScanner does not have a virtual destructor
./mozilla/mailnews/import/outlook/src/MapiApi.cpp:1667 [possible error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: CMapiFolder::m_lpEid
./mozilla/mailnews/import/outlook/src/MapiApi.cpp:1706 [possible error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: CMsgStore::m_lpEid
./mozilla/mailnews/import/outlook/src/MapiApi.cpp:1767 [possible error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: CMapiFolderContents::m_fLpEid
./mozilla/mailnews/import/outlook/src/MapiApi.cpp:1866 [possible error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: CMapiFolderContents::m_lastLpEid
./mozilla/mailnews/import/src/nsImportABDescriptor.cpp:54 [possible error] - Memory leak: it
./mozilla/mailnews/mime/src/mimei.cpp:1473 [error] - Possible null pointer dereference: options - otherwise it is redundant to check if options is null at line 1476
./mozilla/modules/plugin/base/src/ns4xPlugin.h:258 [error] - Class NPPStack which is inherited by class NPPAutoPusher does not have a virtual destructor
./mozilla/modules/plugin/base/src/nsJSNPRuntime.h:53 [error] - Class nsJSObjWrapperKey which is inherited by class nsJSObjWrapper does not have a virtual destructor
./mozilla/modules/plugin/base/src/nsPluginHostImpl.cpp:3384 [error] - Possible null pointer dereference: aOwner - otherwise it is redundant to check if aOwner is null at line 3409
./mozilla/netwerk/protocol/http/src/nsAHttpTransaction.h:104 [error] - Class nsAHttpSegmentReader which is inherited by class nsHttpConnection does not have a virtual destructor
./mozilla/netwerk/protocol/http/src/nsAHttpTransaction.h:120 [error] - Class nsAHttpSegmentWriter which is inherited by class nsHttpConnection does not have a virtual destructor
./mozilla/netwerk/protocol/http/src/nsAHttpTransaction.h:104 [error] - Class nsAHttpSegmentReader which is inherited by class nsHttpPipeline does not have a virtual destructor
./mozilla/netwerk/streamconv/converters/nsDirIndexParser.cpp:279 [error] - Possible null pointer dereference: aDataStr
./mozilla/plugin/oji/MRJ/plugin/Source/EmbeddedFrame.cpp:159 [error] - Invalid number of character ({) when these macros are defined: ''.
./mozilla/plugin/oji/MRJ/plugin/Source/EmbeddedFrame.cpp:159 [error] - Invalid number of character ({) when these macros are defined: 'JNI_H'.
./mozilla/plugin/oji/MRJ/plugin/Source/EmbeddedFrame.cpp:159 [error] - Invalid number of character ({) when these macros are defined: 'SUPPORT_AGGREGATION'.
./mozilla/plugin/oji/MRJ/plugin/Source/EmbeddedFrame.cpp:159 [error] - Invalid number of character ({) when these macros are defined: '__MACWINDOWS__'.
./mozilla/plugin/oji/MRJ/plugin/Source/MRJConsole.cpp:191 [error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: buffer
./mozilla/plugin/oji/MRJ/plugin/Source/MRJNetworking.cpp:70 [error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: text
./mozilla/profile/src/nsProfileAccess.cpp:154 [error] - Possible null pointer dereference: profiles - otherwise it is redundant to check if profiles is null at line 157
./mozilla/toolkit/mozapps/installer/unix/wizard/nsXIEngine.cpp:678 [error] - Undefined behaviour: libpath is used wrong in call to sprintf or snprintf. Quote: If copying takes place between objects that overlap as a result of a call to sprintf() or snprintf(), the results are undefined.
./mozilla/toolkit/mozapps/installer/windows/wizard/setup/xpnetHook.cpp:520 [error] - Possible null pointer dereference: conn - otherwise it is redundant to check if conn is null at line 527
./mozilla/widget/src/beos/nsSwitchToUIThread.h:53 [error] - Class nsSwitchToUIThread which is inherited by class nsWindow does not have a virtual destructor
./mozilla/widget/src/mac/nsDeleteObserver.h:61 [error] - Class nsDeleteObserver which is inherited by class nsMacEventDispatchHandler does not have a virtual destructor
./mozilla/widget/src/os2/nsSwitchToUIThread.h:49 [error] - Class nsSwitchToUIThread which is inherited by class nsWindow does not have a virtual destructor
./mozilla/widget/src/windows/nsSwitchToUIThread.h:49 [error] - Class nsSwitchToUIThread which is inherited by class nsWindow does not have a virtual destructor
./mozilla/widget/src/xremoteclient/nsRemoteClient.h:49 [error] - Class nsRemoteClient which is inherited by class XRemoteClient does not have a virtual destructor
./mozilla/xpcom/tests/TestAutoPtr.cpp:74 [error] - Class TestRefObjectBaseA which is inherited by class TestRefObject does not have a virtual destructor
./mozilla/xpcom/tests/TestAutoPtr.cpp:82 [error] - Class TestRefObjectBaseB which is inherited by class TestRefObject does not have a virtual destructor
./mozilla/xpcom/tests/TestFactory.cpp:109 [possible error] - Memory leak: t
./mozilla/xpfe/bootstrap/appleevents/nsAETokens.h:80 [error] - Class ConstAETokenDesc which is inherited by class AETokenDesc does not have a virtual destructor
./mozilla/xpinstall/wizard/os2/setup/xpnetHook.cpp:522 [error] - Possible null pointer dereference: conn - otherwise it is redundant to check if conn is null at line 529
./mozilla/xpinstall/wizard/unix/src2/nsXIEngine.cpp:623 [error] - Undefined behaviour: libpath is used wrong in call to sprintf or snprintf. Quote: If copying takes place between objects that overlap as a result of a call to sprintf() or snprintf(), the results are undefined.
./mozilla/xpinstall/wizard/windows/setup/xpnetHook.cpp:532 [error] - Possible null pointer dereference: conn - otherwise it is redundant to check if conn is null at line 539
Note: if you think the results reveal a security bug,
please don't hesitate to contact the
security team
This report was generated on Thu, 16 Dec 2010 05:49:44 +0000, based on results by cppcheck 1.41-modif