cppcheck analysis of kwavecontrol_0.4.2-2.2.dsc
- ./src/kencryptiongroup.h:62 [possible error] - Memory leak: KEncryptionGroup::offRadio
- ./src/kencryptiongroup.h:63 [possible error] - Memory leak: KEncryptionGroup::openRadio
- ./src/kencryptiongroup.h:64 [possible error] - Memory leak: KEncryptionGroup::restrictedRadio
- ./src/kencryptiongroup.h:66 [possible error] - Memory leak: KEncryptionGroup::keyLabel
- ./src/kencryptiongroup.h:67 [possible error] - Memory leak: KEncryptionGroup::keySelection
- ./src/kencryptiongroup.h:68 [possible error] - Memory leak: KEncryptionGroup::editButton
- ./src/kencryptiongroup.h:70 [possible error] - Memory leak: KEncryptionGroup::errorLabel
- ./src/kexperiencedtab.h:37 [possible error] - Memory leak: KExperiencedTab::leftBox
- ./src/kexperiencedtab.h:38 [possible error] - Memory leak: KExperiencedTab::rightBox
- ./src/kinfowidget.h:37 [possible error] - Memory leak: KInfoWidget::gridWidget
- ./src/kkeydialog.cpp:50 [possible error] - Memory leak: inputLayout
- ./src/kkeydialog.h:45 [possible error] - Memory leak: KKeyDialog::asciiButton
- ./src/kkeydialog.h:46 [possible error] - Memory leak: KKeyDialog::hexButton
- ./src/kkeydialog.h:47 [possible error] - Memory leak: KKeyDialog::loginButton
- ./src/kkeydialog.h:48 [possible error] - Memory leak: KKeyDialog::keyEdit
- ./src/kpowergroup.h:48 [possible error] - Memory leak: KPowerGroup::enableRadio
- ./src/kpowergroup.h:49 [possible error] - Memory leak: KPowerGroup::disableRadio
- ./src/kpowergroup.h:51 [possible error] - Memory leak: KPowerGroup::modeSelection
- ./src/kprofilewidget.h:62 [possible error] - Memory leak: KProfileWidget::listView
- ./src/kprofilewidget.h:63 [possible error] - Memory leak: KProfileWidget::loadButton
- ./src/kprofilewidget.h:64 [possible error] - Memory leak: KProfileWidget::saveButton
- ./src/kprofilewidget.h:65 [possible error] - Memory leak: KProfileWidget::removeButton
- ./src/kscanwidget.cpp:392 [error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: macAddr
- ./src/kscanwidget.h:58 [possible error] - Memory leak: KScanWidget::lastApItem
- ./src/kscanwidget.h:67 [possible error] - Memory leak: KScanWidget::scanningLabel
- ./src/kscanwidget.h:73 [possible error] - Memory leak: KScanWidget::scanButton
- ./src/kscanwidget.h:74 [possible error] - Memory leak: KScanWidget::connectButton
- ./src/ksingletabwidget.h:33 [possible error] - Memory leak: KSingleTabWidget::layout
- ./src/kthresholdgroup.h:52 [possible error] - Memory leak: KThresholdGroup::enableBox
- ./src/kthresholdgroup.h:53 [possible error] - Memory leak: KThresholdGroup::thresholdSpin
- ./src/kthresholdgroup.h:54 [possible error] - Memory leak: KThresholdGroup::applyButton
- ./src/ktraffictab.h:56 [possible error] - Memory leak: KTrafficTab::trafficWidget
- ./src/ktraffictab.h:58 [possible error] - Memory leak: KTrafficTab::maxValueLabel
- ./src/ktraffictab.h:59 [possible error] - Memory leak: KTrafficTab::maxValueEdit
- ./src/ktraffictab.h:60 [possible error] - Memory leak: KTrafficTab::maxValueSelect
- ./src/ktraffictab.h:63 [possible error] - Memory leak: KTrafficTab::gridLayout
- ./src/ktraffictab.h:64 [possible error] - Memory leak: KTrafficTab::gridWidget
- ./src/ktraffictab.h:66 [possible error] - Memory leak: KTrafficTab::discardLayout
- ./src/ktraffictab.h:67 [possible error] - Memory leak: KTrafficTab::discardWidget
- ./src/ktraffictab.h:69 [possible error] - Memory leak: KTrafficTab::hLayout
- ./src/ktraffictab.h:70 [possible error] - Memory leak: KTrafficTab::hWidget
- ./src/ktraffictab.h:72 [possible error] - Memory leak: KTrafficTab::recvInscr
- ./src/ktraffictab.h:73 [possible error] - Memory leak: KTrafficTab::recvValue
- ./src/ktraffictab.h:74 [possible error] - Memory leak: KTrafficTab::sentInscr
- ./src/ktraffictab.h:75 [possible error] - Memory leak: KTrafficTab::sentValue
- ./src/ktraffictab.h:76 [possible error] - Memory leak: KTrafficTab::recvLed
- ./src/ktraffictab.h:77 [possible error] - Memory leak: KTrafficTab::sentLed
- ./src/ktraffictab.h:79 [possible error] - Memory leak: KTrafficTab::nwidInscr
- ./src/ktraffictab.h:79 [possible error] - Memory leak: KTrafficTab::nwidValue
- ./src/ktraffictab.h:80 [possible error] - Memory leak: KTrafficTab::codeInscr
- ./src/ktraffictab.h:80 [possible error] - Memory leak: KTrafficTab::codeValue
- ./src/ktraffictab.h:81 [possible error] - Memory leak: KTrafficTab::fragmentInscr
- ./src/ktraffictab.h:81 [possible error] - Memory leak: KTrafficTab::fragmentValue
- ./src/ktraffictab.h:82 [possible error] - Memory leak: KTrafficTab::retriesInscr
- ./src/ktraffictab.h:82 [possible error] - Memory leak: KTrafficTab::retriesValue
- ./src/ktraffictab.h:83 [possible error] - Memory leak: KTrafficTab::miscInscr
- ./src/ktraffictab.h:83 [possible error] - Memory leak: KTrafficTab::miscValue
- ./src/ktraffictab.h:84 [possible error] - Memory leak: KTrafficTab::missedBeaconInscr
- ./src/ktraffictab.h:84 [possible error] - Memory leak: KTrafficTab::missedBeaconValue
- ./src/ktxpowergroup.h:52 [possible error] - Memory leak: KTxPowerGroup::txPowerOffButton
- ./src/ktxpowergroup.h:53 [possible error] - Memory leak: KTxPowerGroup::txPowerAutoButton
- ./src/ktxpowergroup.h:54 [possible error] - Memory leak: KTxPowerGroup::txPowerFixedButton
- ./src/ktxpowergroup.h:56 [possible error] - Memory leak: KTxPowerGroup::powerSelection
- ./src/kwcentry.h:52 [possible error] - Memory leak: KWCEntry::inscriptionLabel
- ./src/kwcentrybar.h:39 [possible error] - Memory leak: KWCEntryBar::valueBar
- ./src/kwcentrybar.h:40 [possible error] - Memory leak: KWCEntryBar::valueLabel
- ./src/kwcentryedit.h:42 [possible error] - Memory leak: KWCEntryEdit::valueEdit
- ./src/kwcentryedit.h:43 [possible error] - Memory leak: KWCEntryEdit::applyButton
- ./src/kwcentrylabel.h:36 [possible error] - Memory leak: KWCEntryLabel::valueLabel
- ./src/kwcentryselection.h:43 [possible error] - Memory leak: KWCEntrySelection::valueSelect
- ./src/kwcentryselection.h:44 [possible error] - Memory leak: KWCEntrySelection::altLabel
- ./src/kwcentryselection.h:45 [possible error] - Memory leak: KWCEntrySelection::applyButton
- ./src/wcard.cpp:522 [error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: device
- ./src/wcard.cpp:1138 [error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: device
- ./src/wcard.cpp:1180 [error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: procBuffer
- ./src/wcard.cpp:1192 [error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: procBuffer
- ./src/wcard.cpp:1197 [error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: procBuffer
- ./src/wcard.cpp:44 [possible error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: WCard::device
- ./src/wcard.cpp:496 [possible error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: WCard::device
- ./src/wcard.cpp:522 [possible error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: WCard::device
- ./src/wcard.cpp:1100 [possible error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: WCard::device
- ./src/wcard.cpp:1138 [possible error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: WCard::device
- ./src/wcard.cpp:48 [possible error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: WCard::rangeBuffer
- ./src/wcard.cpp:45 [possible error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: WCard::procBuffer
- ./src/wcard.cpp:1161 [possible error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: WCard::procBuffer
- ./src/wcard.cpp:1180 [possible error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: WCard::procBuffer
- ./src/wcard.cpp:1192 [possible error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: WCard::procBuffer
- ./src/wcard.cpp:1197 [possible error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: WCard::procBuffer
- ./src/wwidget.cpp:813 [possible error] - Memory leak: device
- ./src/wwidget.h:73 [possible error] - Memory leak: WWidget::tab
- ./src/wwidget.h:81 [possible error] - Memory leak: WWidget::experiencedTab
- ./src/wwidget.h:84 [possible error] - Memory leak: WWidget::profileWidget
- ./src/wwidget.h:114 [possible error] - Memory leak: WWidget::rtsGroup
- ./src/wwidget.h:115 [possible error] - Memory leak: WWidget::fragGroup
- ./src/wwidget.h:116 [possible error] - Memory leak: WWidget::encGroup
Note: if you think the results reveal a security bug,
please don't hesitate to contact the
security team
This report was generated on Thu, 16 Dec 2010 05:49:49 +0000, based on results by cppcheck 1.41-modif