cppcheck analysis of milkytracker_0.90.80+dfsg-2.dsc
- ./debian/milkyplay/milkyplay.cpp:57 [possible error] - Memory leak: pModule
- ./src/fx/Fire.cpp:49 [possible error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: Fire::workbuffer
- ./src/fx/ParticleBlobs.cpp:80 [error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: texture
- ./src/fx/ParticleBlobs.cpp:108 [possible error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: ParticleBlobs::temp
- ./src/fx/ParticleEmitter.cpp:124 [error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: texture
- ./src/fx/ParticleEmitter.cpp:135 [error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: texture
- ./src/fx/ParticleEmitter.cpp:217 [error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: texture
- ./src/fx/ParticleEmitter.cpp:262 [possible error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: ParticleEmitter::emitters
- ./src/fx/ParticleFX.cpp:168 [possible error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: ParticleFX::particles
- ./src/fx/ParticleFun.cpp:317 [error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: texture
- ./src/fx/ParticleFun.cpp:359 [possible error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: ParticleFun::flareTexture
- ./src/fx/TCBSplineTest.cpp:63 [possible error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: TCBSplineTest::buffer
- ./src/fx/Twister.cpp:78 [error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: rgbTex
- ./src/fx/Twister.cpp:79 [error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: rgbTex2
- ./src/fx/Twister.cpp:88 [possible error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: Twister::texture
- ./src/fx/Twister.cpp:86 [possible error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: Twister::zbuffer
- ./src/fx/PictureGlow.h:54 [possible error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: PictureGlow::glowBuffer1
- ./src/fx/PictureGlow.h:55 [possible error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: PictureGlow::glowBuffer2
- ./src/milkyplay/ChannelMixer.h:55 [error] - Class MixerSettings which is inherited by class ChannelMixer does not have a virtual destructor
- ./src/milkyplay/ExporterXM.cpp:63 [error] - Buffer access out-of-bounds
- ./src/milkyplay/ExporterXM.cpp:64 [error] - Buffer access out-of-bounds
- ./src/milkyplay/ExporterXM.cpp:65 [error] - Buffer access out-of-bounds
- ./src/milkyplay/ExporterXM.cpp:1441 [error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: lastIns
- ./src/milkyplay/LoaderMXM.cpp:153 [possible error] - Memory leak: smpofs
- ./src/milkyplay/LoaderPLM.cpp:176 [error] - Memory leak: ordHeaders
- ./src/milkyplay/LoaderPLM.cpp:176 [possible error] - Memory leak: ordHeaders
- ./src/milkyplay/LoaderPSM.cpp:824 [possible error] - Memory leak: patternSizes
- ./src/milkyplay/PlayerBase.h:54 [error] - Class PlayModeSettings which is inherited by class PlayerBase does not have a virtual destructor
- ./src/milkyplay/ChannelMixer.h:55 [error] - Class MixerSettings which is inherited by class PlayerGeneric does not have a virtual destructor
- ./src/milkyplay/PlayerBase.h:54 [error] - Class PlayModeSettings which is inherited by class PlayerGeneric does not have a virtual destructor
- ./src/milkyplay/XModule.h:596 [error] - Class XModule which is inherited by class ITSampleLoader does not have a virtual destructor
- ./src/milkyplay/XModule.h:596 [error] - Class XModule which is inherited by class MDLSampleLoader does not have a virtual destructor
- ./src/milkyplay/XModule.h:596 [error] - Class XModule which is inherited by class ADPCMSampleLoader does not have a virtual destructor
- ./src/milkyplay/drivers/generic/RtAudio3Impl.cpp:43 [possible error] - Memory leak: Rt3AudioDriverImpl::audio
- ./src/milkyplay/drivers/generic/RtAudio4Impl.cpp:48 [possible error] - Memory leak: Rt4AudioDriverImpl::audio
- ./src/milkyplay/drivers/generic/rtaudio/RtAudio3.cpp:7719 [error] - Deallocating a deallocated pointer: vls
- ./src/milkyplay/drivers/generic/rtaudio/RtAudio3.cpp:1750 [error] - Dangerous usage of 'fullname' (strncpy doesn't always 0-terminate it)
- ./src/milkyplay/drivers/generic/rtaudio/RtAudio4.cpp:6250 [error] - Deallocating a deallocated pointer: mixerfd
- ./src/ppui/DialogBase.cpp:426 [error] - Array 'key[2]' index 2 out of bounds
- ./src/ppui/DialogBase.cpp:427 [error] - Array 'key[2]' index 2 out of bounds
- ./src/ppui/DialogBase.cpp:428 [error] - Array 'key[2]' index 2 out of bounds
- ./src/ppui/DialogFileSelector.h:48 [possible error] - Memory leak: DialogFileSelector::listBoxFiles
- ./src/ppui/DialogFileSelector.h:49 [possible error] - Memory leak: DialogFileSelector::editFieldCurrentFile
- ./src/ppui/DialogFileSelector.h:75 [possible error] - Memory leak: DialogFileSelector::overwritePrompResponder
- ./src/ppui/Object.h:26 [error] - Class PPObject which is inherited by class PPScreen does not have a virtual destructor
- ./src/ppui/Screen.h:70 [possible error] - Memory leak: PPScreen::rootContainer
- ./src/ppui/sdl/DisplayDevice_SDL.cpp:139 [possible error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: PPDisplayDevice::temporaryBuffer
- ./src/tracker/Decompressor.cpp:75 [error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: buffer
- ./src/tracker/FileIdentificator.cpp:111 [error] - Possible null pointer dereference: module
- ./src/tracker/SectionAdvancedEdit.h:45 [possible error] - Memory leak: SectionAdvancedEdit::checkBoxSplitTrack
- ./src/tracker/SectionAdvancedEdit.h:46 [possible error] - Memory leak: SectionAdvancedEdit::checkBoxSplitTrackNoteOff
- ./src/tracker/SectionDiskMenu.h:72 [possible error] - Memory leak: SectionDiskMenu::listBoxFiles
- ./src/tracker/SectionInstruments.h:48 [possible error] - Memory leak: SectionInstruments::containerEntire
- ./src/tracker/SectionInstruments.h:50 [possible error] - Memory leak: SectionInstruments::containerEnvelopes
- ./src/tracker/SectionInstruments.h:53 [possible error] - Memory leak: SectionInstruments::envelopeEditorControl
- ./src/tracker/SectionInstruments.h:54 [possible error] - Memory leak: SectionInstruments::pianoControl
- ./src/tracker/SectionSamples.h:44 [possible error] - Memory leak: SectionSamples::containerEntire
- ./src/tracker/SectionSamples.h:47 [possible error] - Memory leak: SectionSamples::sampleEditorControl
- ./src/tracker/SectionSettings.h:61 [possible error] - Memory leak: SectionSettings::sectionContainer
- ./src/tracker/SectionSettings.h:64 [possible error] - Memory leak: SectionSettings::listBoxColors
- ./src/tracker/SectionSettings.h:65 [possible error] - Memory leak: SectionSettings::listBoxFontFamilies
- ./src/tracker/SectionSettings.h:66 [possible error] - Memory leak: SectionSettings::listBoxFontEntries
- ./src/tracker/Tracker.cpp:2817 [possible error] - Memory leak: openPanel
- ./src/tracker/Tracker.h:115 [possible error] - Memory leak: Tracker::tabManager
- ./src/tracker/Tracker.h:131 [possible error] - Memory leak: Tracker::sectionTranspose
- ./src/tracker/Tracker.h:132 [possible error] - Memory leak: Tracker::sectionAdvancedEdit
- ./src/tracker/Tracker.h:133 [possible error] - Memory leak: Tracker::sectionDiskMenu
- ./src/tracker/Tracker.h:134 [possible error] - Memory leak: Tracker::sectionHDRecorder
- ./src/tracker/Tracker.h:135 [possible error] - Memory leak: Tracker::sectionSettings
- ./src/tracker/Tracker.h:136 [possible error] - Memory leak: Tracker::sectionInstruments
- ./src/tracker/Tracker.h:137 [possible error] - Memory leak: Tracker::sectionSamples
- ./src/tracker/Tracker.h:138 [possible error] - Memory leak: Tracker::sectionQuickOptions
- ./src/tracker/Tracker.h:139 [possible error] - Memory leak: Tracker::sectionOptimize
- ./src/tracker/Tracker.h:140 [possible error] - Memory leak: Tracker::sectionAbout
- ./src/tracker/Tracker.h:122 [possible error] - Memory leak: Tracker::patternEditorControl
- ./src/tracker/Tracker.h:123 [possible error] - Memory leak: Tracker::peakLevelControl
- ./src/tracker/Tracker.h:124 [possible error] - Memory leak: Tracker::scopesControl
- ./src/tracker/Tracker.h:125 [possible error] - Memory leak: Tracker::playTimeText
- ./src/tracker/Tracker.h:183 [possible error] - Memory leak: Tracker::listBoxOrderList
- ./src/tracker/Tracker.h:184 [possible error] - Memory leak: Tracker::listBoxInstruments
- ./src/tracker/Tracker.h:185 [possible error] - Memory leak: Tracker::listBoxSamples
Note: if you think the results reveal a security bug,
please don't hesitate to contact the
security team
This report was generated on Thu, 16 Dec 2010 05:54:59 +0000, based on results by cppcheck 1.41-modif