cppcheck analysis of saods9_4.0b7-2.dsc
- ./ast-3.5/cmpframe.c:6917 [error] - Uninitialized variable: coord
- ./funtools-1.3.0b9/doc/evcol.c:102 [error] - Array 'shape[17]' index 17 out of bounds
- ./funtools-1.3.0b9/funcalc.c:250 [error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: fp
- ./funtools-1.3.0b9/funtest/evcol.c:102 [error] - Array 'shape[17]' index 17 out of bounds
- ./funtools-1.3.0b9/funtest/mkev.c:325 [error] - Memory leak: padbuf
- ./funtools-1.3.0b9/util/file.c:240 [error] - Resource leak: ifd
- ./funtools-1.3.0b9/util/file.c:409 [possible error] - Memory leak: buf
- ./funtools-1.3.0b9/util/parse.c:137 [error] - Possible null pointer dereference: tbuf
- ./funtools-1.3.0b9/util/tclmainlib.c:250 [error] - Undefined behaviour: mode is used wrong in call to sprintf or snprintf. Quote: If copying takes place between objects that overlap as a result of a call to sprintf() or snprintf(), the results are undefined.
- ./htmlwidget/src/htmlurl.c:256 [error] - Uninitialized variable: z
- ./htmlwidget/tools/httpget.c:73 [error] - Resource leak: out
- ./htmlwidget/tools/makeheaders.c:2961 [error] - Resource leak: in
- ./htmlwidget/tools/mktclapp.c:939 [possible error] - Resource leak: in
- ./mktclapp/mktclapp.c:991 [possible error] - Resource leak: in
- ./saotk/colorbar/colorbar.C:514 [possible error] - Memory leak: grey
- ./saotk/colorbar/colorbar.C:514 [possible error] - Memory leak: red
- ./saotk/colorbar/colorbar.C:514 [possible error] - Memory leak: green
- ./saotk/colorbar/colorbar.C:514 [possible error] - Memory leak: blue
- ./saotk/colorbar/colorbar.C:514 [possible error] - Memory leak: a
- ./saotk/colorbar/colorbar.C:514 [possible error] - Memory leak: b
- ./saotk/colorbar/colorbar.C:514 [possible error] - Memory leak: bb
- ./saotk/colorbar/colorbar.C:514 [possible error] - Memory leak: he
- ./saotk/colorbar/colorbar.C:514 [possible error] - Memory leak: i8
- ./saotk/colorbar/colorbar.C:514 [possible error] - Memory leak: aips
- ./saotk/colorbar/colorbar.C:514 [possible error] - Memory leak: sls
- ./saotk/colorbar/colorbar.C:514 [possible error] - Memory leak: heat
- ./saotk/colorbar/colorbar.C:514 [possible error] - Memory leak: cool
- ./saotk/colorbar/colorbar.C:514 [possible error] - Memory leak: rainbow
- ./saotk/colorbar/colorbar.C:514 [possible error] - Memory leak: standard
- ./saotk/colorbar/colorbar.C:514 [possible error] - Memory leak: staircase
- ./saotk/colorbar/colorbar.C:514 [possible error] - Memory leak: color
- ./saotk/colorbar/colorbar.C:514 [possible error] - Memory leak: hsv
- ./saotk/colorbar/colorbarpseudo8.C:125 [possible error] - Memory leak: colorbar
- ./saotk/colorbar/colorbarpseudo8.C:263 [error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: cells
- ./saotk/colorbar/colorbarpseudo8.C:267 [error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: cells
- ./saotk/colorbar/colorbarpseudo8.C:335 [error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: defColors
- ./saotk/colorbar/colorbarpseudo8.C:334 [error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: defCells
- ./saotk/colorbar/colorbarpseudo8.C:333 [error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: cells
- ./saotk/colorbar/colorbarpseudo8.C:367 [error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: colors
- ./saotk/colorbar/colorbarrgbtrue16.C:113 [possible error] - Memory leak: colorbar
- ./saotk/colorbar/colorbarrgbtrue24.C:110 [possible error] - Memory leak: colorbar
- ./saotk/colorbar/colorbarrgbtrue8.C:111 [possible error] - Memory leak: colorbar
- ./saotk/colorbar/colorbartrue16.C:110 [possible error] - Memory leak: colorbar
- ./saotk/colorbar/colorbartrue24.C:109 [possible error] - Memory leak: colorbar
- ./saotk/colorbar/colorbartrue8.C:111 [possible error] - Memory leak: colorbar
- ./saotk/fitsy++/alloc.h:16 [information] - Failed to instantiate template. The checking continues anyway.
- ./saotk/fitsy++/alloc.h:22 [information] - Failed to instantiate template. The checking continues anyway.
- ./saotk/fitsy++/alloc.h:39 [information] - Failed to instantiate template. The checking continues anyway.
- ./saotk/fitsy++/file.C:508 [error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: buf
- ./saotk/fitsy++/file.C:662 [error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: buf
- ./saotk/fitsy++/hist.C:214 [error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: good
- ./saotk/fitsy++/hist.C:253 [error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: good
- ./saotk/frame/fitsanalysis.C:54 [error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: src
- ./saotk/frame/fitsanalysis.C:53 [error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: kernel
- ./saotk/frame/fitsdata.C:149 [possible error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: FitsData::autoCutHist
- ./saotk/frame/framebase.C:737 [error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: pdf
- ./saotk/frame/framepseudo8.C:90 [possible error] - Memory leak: frame
- ./saotk/frame/framergbtrue.C:528 [error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: img
- ./saotk/frame/framergbtrue.C:520 [error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: mask
- ./saotk/frame/framergbtrue.C:859 [error] - Memory leak: buf
- ./saotk/frame/framergbtrue.C:936 [error] - Memory leak: buf
- ./saotk/frame/framergbtrue16.C:87 [possible error] - Memory leak: frame
- ./saotk/frame/framergbtrue24.C:87 [possible error] - Memory leak: frame
- ./saotk/frame/framergbtrue8.C:87 [possible error] - Memory leak: frame
- ./saotk/frame/frametrue16.C:87 [possible error] - Memory leak: frame
- ./saotk/frame/frametrue24.C:88 [possible error] - Memory leak: frame
- ./saotk/frame/frametrue8.C:87 [possible error] - Memory leak: frame
- ./saotk/frame/frblt.C:379 [possible error] - Memory leak: x
- ./saotk/frame/frblt.C:379 [possible error] - Memory leak: y
- ./saotk/frame/frload.C:1532 [possible error] - Memory leak: table
- ./saotk/frame/frscale.C:85 [possible error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: FrScale::histequ_
- ./saotk/frame/frscale.C:154 [possible error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: FrScale::histequ_
- ./saotk/frame/fvcontour.C:76 [error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: img
- ./saotk/frame/fvcontour.C:110 [error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: img
- ./saotk/frame/fvcontour.C:288 [error] - Memory leak: usedGrid
- ./saotk/magnifier/magnifierpseudo.C:86 [possible error] - Memory leak: magnifier
- ./saotk/magnifier/magnifiertrue.C:92 [possible error] - Memory leak: magnifier
- ./saotk/panner/pannerpseudo.C:85 [possible error] - Memory leak: panner
- ./saotk/panner/pannertrue.C:93 [possible error] - Memory leak: panner
- ./wcssubs-3.5.6/fitsfile.c:961 [error] - Invalid deallocation
- ./wcssubs-3.5.6/fitsfile.c:1249 [error] - Resource leak: fd
- ./wcssubs-3.5.6/fitsfile.c:1289 [error] - Resource leak: fd
- ./wcssubs-3.5.6/fitsfile.c:1364 [error] - Memory leak: padding
- ./wcssubs-3.5.6/fitsfile.c:1550 [error] - Resource leak: fdout
- ./wcssubs-3.5.6/fitsfile.c:1505 [error] - Memory leak: image
- ./wcssubs-3.5.6/fitsfile.c:1636 [error] - Resource leak: fd
- ./wcssubs-3.5.6/fitsfile.c:1738 [error] - Resource leak: fd
- ./wcssubs-3.5.6/hget.c:1516 [error] - Memory leak: os2
- ./wcssubs-3.5.6/imhfile.c:1007 [error] - Invalid deallocation
- ./wcssubs-3.5.6/imhfile.c:208 [error] - Resource leak: fd
- ./wcssubs-3.5.6/imhfile.c:305 [error] - Resource leak: fd
- ./wcssubs-3.5.6/imhfile.c:885 [error] - Resource leak: fd
- ./wcssubs-3.5.6/imhfile.c:981 [error] - Resource leak: fd
- ./wcssubs-3.5.6/imhfile.c:1573 [error] - Memory leak: irafstring
- ./wcssubs-3.5.6/iraf2fits.c:379 [error] - Dangerous usage of 'temp' (strncpy doesn't always 0-terminate it)
- ./wcssubs-3.5.6/tnxpos.c:811 [possible error] - Memory leak: sf2
- ./wcssubs-3.5.6/wcsinit.c:140 [error] - Invalid deallocation
- ./xpa-2.1.6/xpans.c:448 [possible error] - Resource leak: fp
Note: if you think the results reveal a security bug,
please don't hesitate to contact the
security team
This report was generated on Thu, 16 Dec 2010 06:02:02 +0000, based on results by cppcheck 1.41-modif