cppcheck analysis of visualboyadvance_1.8.0-6.dsc
- ./src/GBA.cpp:1312 [error] - Resource leak: file
- ./src/Util.cpp:957 [possible error] - Memory leak: image
- ./src/gb/gbCheats.cpp:163 [error] - Resource leak: f
- ./src/prof/prof.cpp:328 [error] - Possible null pointer dereference: seg
- ./src/sdl/debugger.cpp:2091 [error] - Buffer access out-of-bounds
- ./win32/dependencies/cximage/ximadsp.cpp:1188 [error] - Memory leak: kernel
- ./win32/dependencies/cximage/ximadsp.cpp:1453 [possible error] - Memory leak: tmpReal
- ./win32/dependencies/cximage/ximadsp.cpp:1453 [possible error] - Memory leak: tmpImag
- ./win32/dependencies/cximage/ximamng.cpp:332 [error] - Memory leak: tmpbuffer
- ./win32/dependencies/cximage/ximatif.cpp:266 [possible error] - Memory leak: tilebuf
- ./win32/dependencies/cximage/ximatran.cpp:82 [possible error] - Memory leak: imatmp
Note: if you think the results reveal a security bug,
please don't hesitate to contact the
security team
This report was generated on Thu, 16 Dec 2010 06:03:34 +0000, based on results by cppcheck 1.41-modif