cppcheck analysis of zynaddsubfx_2.2.1-4.1.dsc
- ./src/DSP/AnalogFilter.C:335 [error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: ismp
- ./src/DSP/FormantFilter.C:66 [possible error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: FormantFilter::inbuffer
- ./src/DSP/FormantFilter.C:67 [possible error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: FormantFilter::tmpbuf
- ./src/DSP/SVFilter.C:145 [error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: ismp
- ./src/Effects/EffectMgr.C:47 [possible error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: EffectMgr::efxoutl
- ./src/Effects/EffectMgr.C:48 [possible error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: EffectMgr::efxoutr
- ./src/Effects/Reverb.C:244 [possible error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: Reverb::idelay
- ./src/Input/OSSMidiIn.C:77 [error] - Uninitialized variable: tmp
- ./src/Misc/Bank.C:292 [possible error] - Dangerous usage of strncat. Tip: the 3rd parameter means maximum number of characters to append
- ./src/Misc/Bank.C:294 [possible error] - Dangerous usage of strncat. Tip: the 3rd parameter means maximum number of characters to append
- ./src/Misc/Bank.C:199 [error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: filename
- ./src/Misc/Config.C:208 [possible error] - Memory leak: xmlcfg
- ./src/Misc/Config.C:182 [possible error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: Config::winmididevices
- ./src/Misc/Master.C:632 [possible error] - Memory leak: xml
- ./src/Misc/Master.C:664 [possible error] - Memory leak: xml
- ./src/Misc/Microtonal.C:506 [possible error] - Memory leak: xml
- ./src/Misc/Microtonal.C:67 [possible error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: Microtonal::Pname
- ./src/Misc/Microtonal.C:68 [possible error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: Microtonal::Pcomment
- ./src/Misc/Part.C:754 [possible error] - Memory leak: xml
- ./src/Misc/XMLwrapper.C:177 [error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: filenamenew
- ./src/Seq/MIDIEvents.h:31 [error] - Class MIDIEvents which is inherited by class Sequencer does not have a virtual destructor
- ./src/Synth/OscilGen.C:546 [error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: in
- ./src/Synth/OscilGen.C:814 [error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: inf
- ./src/Synth/PADnote.C:137 [possible error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: PADnote::tmpwave
Note: if you think the results reveal a security bug,
please don't hesitate to contact the
security team
This report was generated on Thu, 16 Dec 2010 06:04:15 +0000, based on results by cppcheck 1.41-modif