cppcheck analysis of deal.ii_6.3.1-1.1.dsc
- ./contrib/tbb/tbb22_20090809oss/src/old/test_concurrent_queue_v2.cpp:115 [error] - Array 'serial[257]' index 57005 out of bounds
- ./contrib/tbb/tbb22_20090809oss/src/old/test_concurrent_queue_v2.cpp:116 [error] - Array 'serial[257]' index 57005 out of bounds
- ./contrib/tbb/tbb22_20090809oss/src/perf/time_locked_work.cpp:112 [error] - syntax error
- ./contrib/tbb/tbb22_20090809oss/src/rml/client/rml_factory.h:71 [error] - Uninitialized variable: open_factory_routine
- ./contrib/tbb/tbb22_20090809oss/src/tbb/cache_aligned_allocator.cpp:263 [error] - Data is allocated but not initialized: base
- ./contrib/tbb/tbb22_20090809oss/src/tbbmalloc/MemoryAllocator.cpp:233 [error] - Array index -4 is out of bounds
Note: if you think the results reveal a security bug,
please don't hesitate to contact the
security team
This report was generated on Fri, 22 Apr 2011 06:58:03 +0000, based on results by cppcheck 1.46