cppcheck analysis of gwyddion_2.24-1.dsc
- ./libgwyddion/gwyutils.c:502 [error] - Common realloc mistake: "res_url_path" nulled but not freed upon failure
- ./libprocess/grains.c:1914 [error] - Memory leak: xvalue
- ./libprocess/grains.c:1914 [error] - Memory leak: yvalue
- ./libprocess/grains.c:1914 [error] - Memory leak: zvalue
- ./libprocess/grains.c:1914 [error] - Memory leak: min
- ./libprocess/grains.c:1914 [error] - Memory leak: max
- ./libprocess/natural.c:1600 [error] - Memory leak: new
- ./libprocess/natural.c:2573 [error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: neighbourVolumes
- ./modules/plugin-proxy.c:1427 [error] - Memory leak: title
- ./modules/process/calcoefs_simple.c:849 [error] - Memory leak: pxs
- ./modules/process/calcoefs_simple.c:849 [error] - Memory leak: pys
- ./modules/process/calcoefs_simple.c:849 [error] - Memory leak: is_indexed
- ./modules/process/calcoefs_simple.c:849 [error] - Memory leak: index_row
- ./modules/process/calcoefs_simple.c:849 [error] - Memory leak: index_col
Note: if you think the results reveal a security bug,
please don't hesitate to contact the
security team
This report was generated on Mon, 11 Apr 2011 06:58:57 +0000, based on results by cppcheck 1.46