cppcheck analysis of nasm_2.09.07-1.dsc
- ./assemble.c:479 [error] - Resource leak: fp
- ./ndisasm.c:145 [error] - Array 'p[1]' index 1 out of bounds
- ./ndisasm.c:161 [error] - Array 'p[1]' index 1 out of bounds
- ./ndisasm.c:177 [error] - Array 'p[1]' index 1 out of bounds
- ./ndisasm.c:193 [error] - Array 'p[1]' index 1 out of bounds
- ./ndisasm.c:225 [error] - Array 'p[1]' index 1 out of bounds
- ./preproc.c:1332 [error] - Possible null pointer dereference: tline - otherwise it is redundant to check if tline is null at line 1334
- ./rdoff/ldrdf.c:1285 [error] - Resource leak: f
- ./rdoff/ldrdf.c:1330 [error] - Allocation with malloc, strcpy doesn't release it.
- ./rdoff/ldrdf.c:1335 [error] - Allocation with malloc, strcpy doesn't release it.
- ./rdoff/rdlib.c:70 [error] - Resource leak: fp
Note: if you think the results reveal a security bug,
please don't hesitate to contact the
security team
This report was generated on Mon, 04 Apr 2011 06:58:10 +0000, based on results by cppcheck 1.46