cppcheck analysis of ogre_1.7.1-1.dsc
- ./Components/RTShaderSystem/src/OgreShaderProgram.cpp:99 [error] - Dangerous iterator usage. After erase the iterator is invalid so dereferencing it or comparing it with another iterator is invalid.
- ./Components/Terrain/src/OgreTerrain.cpp:2821 [error] - Uninitialized variable: i
- ./PlugIns/EXRCodec/src/OgreEXRCodec.cpp:99 [error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: data
- ./PlugIns/EXRCodec/src/OgreEXRCodecDll.cpp:30 [error] - Invalid number of character ({) when these macros are defined: 'OGRE_STATIC_LIB'.
- ./PlugIns/OctreeSceneManager/src/OgreTerrainPage.cpp:64 [error] - Uninitialized variable: j
- ./PlugIns/OctreeZone/src/OgreTerrainZonePage.cpp:73 [error] - Uninitialized variable: j
- ./RenderSystems/Direct3D10/src/OgreD3D10Driver.cpp:84 [error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: str
- ./RenderSystems/Direct3D11/src/OgreD3D11Driver.cpp:84 [error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: str
- ./RenderSystems/GL/src/nvparse/_ps1.0_parser.cpp:993 [error] - Memory leak: yyptr
- ./RenderSystems/GL/src/nvparse/_rc1.0_parser.cpp:1178 [error] - Memory leak: yyptr
- ./RenderSystems/GL/src/nvparse/_ts1.0_parser.cpp:1166 [error] - Memory leak: yyptr
- ./RenderSystems/GL/src/nvparse/_vs1.0_lexer.cpp:5014 [error] - Memory leak: buf
- ./RenderSystems/GL/src/nvparse/_vs1.0_parser.cpp:1070 [error] - Memory leak: yyptr
- ./RenderSystems/GL/src/nvparse/vs1.0_inst.cpp:966 [error] - Buffer access out-of-bounds
- ./RenderSystems/GL/src/nvparse/vs1.0_inst_list.cpp:108 [error] - Possible null pointer dereference: temp
- ./RenderSystems/GLES/src/OgreGLESPixelFormat.cpp:362 [error] - Possible null pointer dereference: converted
- ./SDK/OSX/Xcode Templates/Xcode/File Templates/Ogre/Mac OS X Application class.pbfiletemplate/class.cpp:9 [error] - The code contains characters that are unhandled. Neither unicode nor extended ascii are supported. (line=9, character code=c2)
- ./SDK/OSX/Xcode Templates/Xcode/File Templates/Ogre/Mac OS X Application class.pbfiletemplate/class.cpp:9 [error] - The code contains characters that are unhandled. Neither unicode nor extended ascii are supported. (line=9, character code=ab)
- ./SDK/OSX/Xcode Templates/Xcode/File Templates/Ogre/Mac OS X Application class.pbfiletemplate/class.cpp:9 [error] - The code contains characters that are unhandled. Neither unicode nor extended ascii are supported. (line=9, character code=bb)
- ./SDK/OSX/Xcode Templates/Xcode/File Templates/Ogre/Mac OS X Application class.pbfiletemplate/class.cpp:11 [error] - The code contains characters that are unhandled. Neither unicode nor extended ascii are supported. (line=11, character code=c2)
- ./SDK/OSX/Xcode Templates/Xcode/File Templates/Ogre/Mac OS X Application class.pbfiletemplate/class.cpp:11 [error] - The code contains characters that are unhandled. Neither unicode nor extended ascii are supported. (line=11, character code=ab)
- ./SDK/OSX/Xcode Templates/Xcode/File Templates/Ogre/Mac OS X Application class.pbfiletemplate/class.cpp:11 [error] - The code contains characters that are unhandled. Neither unicode nor extended ascii are supported. (line=11, character code=bb)
- ./SDK/OSX/Xcode Templates/Xcode/File Templates/Ogre/Mac OS X FrameListener subclass.pbfiletemplate/class.cpp:10 [error] - The code contains characters that are unhandled. Neither unicode nor extended ascii are supported. (line=10, character code=c2)
- ./SDK/OSX/Xcode Templates/Xcode/File Templates/Ogre/Mac OS X FrameListener subclass.pbfiletemplate/class.cpp:10 [error] - The code contains characters that are unhandled. Neither unicode nor extended ascii are supported. (line=10, character code=ab)
- ./SDK/OSX/Xcode Templates/Xcode/File Templates/Ogre/Mac OS X FrameListener subclass.pbfiletemplate/class.cpp:10 [error] - The code contains characters that are unhandled. Neither unicode nor extended ascii are supported. (line=10, character code=bb)
- ./SDK/OSX/Xcode Templates/Xcode/File Templates/Ogre/Mac OS X FrameListener subclass.pbfiletemplate/class.cpp:12 [error] - The code contains characters that are unhandled. Neither unicode nor extended ascii are supported. (line=12, character code=c2)
- ./SDK/OSX/Xcode Templates/Xcode/File Templates/Ogre/Mac OS X FrameListener subclass.pbfiletemplate/class.cpp:12 [error] - The code contains characters that are unhandled. Neither unicode nor extended ascii are supported. (line=12, character code=ab)
- ./SDK/OSX/Xcode Templates/Xcode/File Templates/Ogre/Mac OS X FrameListener subclass.pbfiletemplate/class.cpp:12 [error] - The code contains characters that are unhandled. Neither unicode nor extended ascii are supported. (line=12, character code=bb)
- ./Tools/LightwaveConverter/src/lwReader.cpp:608 [error] - Memory leak: s
- ./Tools/MaterialEditor/wxscintilla_1.69.2/src/ScintillaWX.cpp:564 [error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: buffer
- ./Tools/MaterialEditor/wxscintilla_1.69.2/src/ScintillaWX.cpp:515 [error] - Mismatching allocation and deallocation: buffer
- ./Tools/MayaExport/src/blendshape.cpp:102 [error] - Unusual pointer arithmetic
- ./Tools/MayaExport/src/blendshape.cpp:189 [error] - Unusual pointer arithmetic
Note: if you think the results reveal a security bug,
please don't hesitate to contact the
security team
This report was generated on Mon, 07 Feb 2011 06:58:17 +0000, based on results by cppcheck 1.46