cppcheck analysis of yade_0.60.2-1.dsc
- ./extra/mgpost/src/files.c:1250 [error] - Resource leak: fp
- ./extra/mgpost/src/files.c:1259 [error] - Memory leak: rowp
- ./extra/mgpost/src/ihm.c:278 [error] - Resource leak: f
- ./extra/mgpost/src/mgpost.c:56 [error] - Buffer access out-of-bounds: gradcol
- ./pkg/common/InsertionSortCollider.hpp:219 [error] - syntax error
- ./pkg/dem/TriaxialStressController.hpp:123 [error] - syntax error
- ./py/wrapper/customConverters.cpp:194 [error] - instance of "custom_Se3r_from_seq" object destroyed immediately
- ./py/wrapper/customConverters.cpp:196 [error] - instance of "custom_OpenMPAccumulator_from_float" object destroyed immediately
- ./py/wrapper/customConverters.cpp:197 [error] - instance of "custom_OpenMPAccumulator_from_int" object destroyed immediately
- ./py/wrapper/customConverters.cpp:200 [error] - instance of "custom_ptrMatchMaker_from_float" object destroyed immediately
Note: if you think the results reveal a security bug,
please don't hesitate to contact the
security team
This report was generated on Fri, 22 Apr 2011 06:58:26 +0000, based on results by cppcheck 1.46