cppcheck analysis of singular_3-0-4-3.dfsg-3.1.dsc
- ./IntegerProgramming/matrix.cc:394 [error] - Memory leak: M
- ./Singular/walk.cc:2789 [error] - Memory leak: ivUnit
- ./factory/NTLconvert.cc:721 [error] - Memory leak: stringtemp
- ./factory/abs_fac.cc:1071 [error] - Memory leak: vrs
- ./factory/cf_gcd.cc:998 [error] - Memory leak: degsf
- ./factory/cf_gcd.cc:999 [error] - Memory leak: degsg
- ./factory/cf_map.cc:379 [error] - Memory leak: degsf
- ./factory/cf_map.cc:380 [error] - Memory leak: degsg
- ./factory/fac_univar.cc:314 [error] - Memory leak: kvals
- ./factory/fac_univar.cc:537 [error] - Memory leak: p
- ./factory/ftest/ntl_util.cc:72 [error] - Uninitialized variable: rInt
- ./factory/int_int.cc:55 [error] - Memory leak: str
- ./factory/int_pp.cc:120 [error] - Memory leak: str
- ./factory/int_rat.cc:105 [error] - Memory leak: str
- ./factory/lgs.cc:293 [error] - Memory leak: tmp_vec
- ./factory/sm_sparsemod.cc:283 [error] - Memory leak: n
- ./factory/sm_sparsemod.cc:356 [error] - Memory leak: varf
- ./factory/sm_sparsemod.cc:356 [error] - Memory leak: varg
- ./factory/sm_sparsemod.cc:356 [error] - Memory leak: schnitt
- ./omalloc/Misc/dlmalloc/malloc.c:904 [error] - Invalid number of character (() when these macros are defined: 'WIN32'.
- ./omalloc/Misc/dlmalloc/malloc.c:2616 [error] - Memory leak: newmem
- ./omalloc/Misc/dlmalloc/malloc.c:2798 [error] - Data is allocated but not initialized: mem
- ./omalloc/dlmalloc.c:23 [error] - Invalid number of character (() when these macros are defined: 'WIN32'.
- ./omalloc/gmalloc.c:644 [error] - Data is allocated but not initialized: result
- ./omalloc/pmalloc.c:1525 [error] - Buffer access out-of-bounds: buck_size
Note: if you think the results reveal a security bug,
please don't hesitate to contact the
security team
This report was generated on Mon, 20 Dec 2010 21:18:38 +0000, based on results by cppcheck 1.46