Debian Automated Code Analysis

pyflakes analysis of bicyclerepair_0.9-6_all.deb

./usr/share/pyshared/ 'from Tkinter import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/ 'tkFileDialog' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/ 'from idlelib.PathBrowser import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/ 'from PathBrowser import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/ redefinition of unused 'ListedToplevel' from line 14
./usr/share/pyshared/ 'ListedToplevel' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/ redefinition of unused 'TreeNode' from line 15
./usr/share/pyshared/ redefinition of unused 'TreeItem' from line 15
./usr/share/pyshared/ redefinition of unused 'ScrolledCanvas' from line 15
./usr/share/pyshared/ 'TreeNode' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/ 'ScrolledCanvas' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/ 'TreeItem' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/ redefinition of unused 'EditorWindow' from line 16
./usr/share/pyshared/ redefinition of unused 'PyShell' from line 17
./usr/share/pyshared/ redefinition of unused 'OutputWindow' from line 18
./usr/share/pyshared/ redefinition of unused 'idleConf' from line 20
./usr/share/pyshared/ 'StringIO' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/ 'setpath' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/ 'from test_bikefacade import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/ 'setpath' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/ 'testdata' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/ 'from bike.testutils import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/ 'getTypeOf' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/ local variable 'raisedexception' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/ 'setpath' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/ 'from testutils import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/ 'testdata' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/ 'sys' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/ 'from bike.globals import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/ 'Mock' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/ 'init' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/ 'UndoStackEmptyException' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/ 'NotAPythonModuleOrPackageException' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/ 'CouldntLocateASTNodeFromCoordinatesException' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/ 'sys' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/ redefinition of unused 'thread' from line 43
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/ redefinition of unused 'inspect' from line 47
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/ undefined name 'RESET_ERROR'
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/ local variable '_listener' (defined in enclosing scope on line 1876) referenced before assignment
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/ local variable '_listener' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/ 'compiler' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/ 'ParserError' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/ 'getRootDirectory' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/ 'fqn_rcar' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/ 'fqn_rcdr' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/ 'visitor' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/ 'UndoStackEmptyException' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/ 'Function' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/ 'Class' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/ 'getScopeForLine' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/ 'UnfoundType' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/ 'getTypeOfExpr' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/ undefined name 'loadast'
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/parsing/ 'from fastparser import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/parsing/ 'from bike.parsing.load import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/parsing/ 'from bike.parsing.fastparserast import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/parsing/ 'from bike.testutils import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/parsing/ 'sys' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/parsing/ 'setpath' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/parsing/ 'from bike.testutils import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/parsing/ 'setpath' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/parsing/ 'from test_load import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/parsing/ 'from test_newstuff import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/parsing/ 'from test_parserutils import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/parsing/ 'from test_fastparser import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/parsing/ 'from test_fastparserast import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/parsing/ 'setpath' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/parsing/ 'compiler' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/parsing/ 'testdata' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/parsing/ 'from bike.testutils import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/parsing/ 'Mock' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/parsing/ 'from pathutils import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/parsing/ 'sys' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/parsing/ 'setpath' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/parsing/ 'from utils import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/parsing/ 'Package' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/parsing/ 'Module' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/parsing/ 'sys' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/parsing/ 'CantLocateSourceNodeException' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/parsing/ 'maskStringsAndRemoveComments' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/parsing/ local variable 'lines' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/parsing/ 'from bike.globals import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/parsing/ 'imp' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/parsing/ 'setpath' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/parsing/ 'compiler' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/parsing/ 'os' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/parsing/ 'testdata' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/parsing/ 'from bike.testutils import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/parsing/ 'Mock' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/parsing/ 'getPathOfModuleOrPackage' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/parsing/ 'from load import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/parsing/ 'loadmodule' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/parsing/ 'from bike.globals import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/parsing/ 'setpath' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/parsing/ 'from bike.testutils import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/parsing/ 'from parserutils import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/parsing/ 'from bike.testutils import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/parsing/ redefinition of function 'test_worksWithIfStatement' from line 39
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/parsing/ 'from fastparserast import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/parsing/ 'from bike.testutils import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/parsing/ 'from bike.parsing.fastparserast import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/parsing/ 'from bike.parsing.parserutils import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/refactor/ 'save' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/refactor/ 'setpath' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/refactor/ 'testdata' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/refactor/ 'from bike.testutils import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/refactor/ 'compiler' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/refactor/ 'maskStringsAndRemoveComments' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/refactor/ 'ParserError' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/refactor/ 'compiler' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/refactor/ 'coords' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/refactor/ 'setpath' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/refactor/ 'testdata' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/refactor/ 'from bike.testutils import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/refactor/ 'setpath' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/refactor/ 'setpath' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/refactor/ 'from test_renameMethod import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/refactor/ 'from test_renameClass import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/refactor/ 'from test_renameFunction import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/refactor/ 'from test_rename import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/refactor/ 'from test_extractMethod import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/refactor/ 'from test_inlineVariable import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/refactor/ 'from test_extractVariable import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/refactor/ 'from test_moveToModule import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/refactor/ 'bike' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/refactor/ 'convertNodeToMatchObject' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/refactor/ 'save' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/refactor/ 'setpath' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/refactor/ 'compiler' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/refactor/ 'testdata' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/refactor/ 'from bike.testutils import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/refactor/ local variable 'src' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/refactor/ local variable 'src' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/refactor/ local variable 'src' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/refactor/ 'setpath' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/refactor/ 'testdata' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/refactor/ 'from bike.testutils import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/refactor/ 'setpath' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/refactor/ 'from bike.testutils import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/refactor/ 'setpath' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/refactor/ 'from bike.testutils import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/refactor/ 'compiler' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/refactor/ 'ParserError' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/refactor/ 'compiler' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/refactor/ local variable 'rootTabwidth' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/refactor/ local variable 'tabwidth' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/refactor/ 'setpath' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/refactor/ 'from bike.testutils import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/refactor/ 'from moveToModule import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/refactor/ redefinition of function 'test_doesntImportRefCreatedInFunction' from line 74
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ 'setpath' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ 'testdata' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ 'from bike.testutils import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ 'Module' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ local variable 'root' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ local variable 'root' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ local variable 'root' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ local variable 'root' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ local variable 'root' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ local variable 'root' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ local variable 'root' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ local variable 'root' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ local variable 'root' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ local variable 'root' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ local variable 'root' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ local variable 'root' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ local variable 'root' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ local variable 'root' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ local variable 'root' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ local variable 'root' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ local variable 'refs' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ 'setpath' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ 'testdata' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ 'getTypeOf' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ 'resolveImportedModuleOrPackage' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ 'from bike.testutils import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ local variable 'root' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ local variable 'module' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ local variable 'root' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ local variable 'root' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ local variable 'root' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ local variable 'root' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ local variable 'root' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ local variable 'root' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ local variable 'root' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ local variable 'root' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ redefinition of function 'test_findsSelfAttributeDefinition' from line 342
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ local variable 'root' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ local variable 'root' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ local variable 'root' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ local variable 'root' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ 'walkAndGenerate' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ redefinition of unused 'makeLineParseable' from line 6
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ redefinition of unused 'splitLogicalLines' from line 6
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ 'splitLogicalLines' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ local variable 'root' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ 'setpath' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ 'from test_common import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ 'from test_getReferencesToClass import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ 'from test_getReferencesToMethod import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ 'from test_findDefinition import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ 'from test_findReferences import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ 'from test_relationships import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ 'from test_getTypeOf import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ 'setpath' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ 'os' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ 'from bike.testutils import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ 'Module' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ 'setpath' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ 'testdata' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ 'from bike.testutils import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ 'Module' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ local variable 'root' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ local variable 'root' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ local variable 'root' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ local variable 'root' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ local variable 'root' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ local variable 'root' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ local variable 'root' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ 'setpath' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ 'unittest' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ 'os' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ 'testdata' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ 'from bike.testutils import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ 'setpath' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ 'from bike.testutils import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ 'Function' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ local variable 'root' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ local variable 'root' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ local variable 'root' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ local variable 'root' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ local variable 'theclass' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ local variable 'root' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ local variable 'root' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ local variable 'root' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ local variable 'root' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ 'setpath' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ 'from bike.testutils import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ 'fastparser' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ 'setpath' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ 'from bike.testutils import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ 'from bike.query.getReferencesToModule import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ 'Module' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ 'from bike.globals import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ 'getRoot' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ 'Module' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ 'indexToCoordinates' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ 'Match' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ 'from bike.globals import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ 'getRoot' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ 'UnbalancedBracesException' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ 'Getattr' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ local variable 'matches' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ local variable 'idx' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ local variable 'maskedlines' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ 'getScopeForLine' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ 'Match' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ 'compiler' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ 're' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ 'setpath' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ 'from bike.testutils import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ redefinition of unused 'testdata' from line 5
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ 'getTypeOf' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ local variable 'refs' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ local variable 'refs' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ local variable 'refs' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ 'from bike.globals import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ 'getTypeOfExpr' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ 'getPythonPath' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ 'generateModuleFilenamesInPythonPath' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ 'generateModuleFilenamesInPackage' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ 'getPackageBaseDirectory' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ 'getScopeForLine' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ 'walkLinesContainingStrings' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ 'MatchFinder' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ 'log' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ 'Module' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ 're' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ 'getModule' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ redefinition of unused 'makeLineParseable' from line 4
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/query/ local variable 'ex' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/bike/transformer/ undefined name 'unittest'

This report was generated on Sun, 02 Jan 2011 05:13:04 +0000, based on results by pyflakes 0.4.0-1