Debian Automated Code Analysis

pyflakes analysis of dragbox_0.4.0-1_all.deb

./usr/share/python-support/dragbox/Dragbox/ unexpected indent
./usr/share/python-support/dragbox/Dragbox/ undefined name 'print_error'
./usr/share/python-support/dragbox/Dragbox/ 'exit' imported but unused
./usr/share/python-support/dragbox/Dragbox/ redefinition of unused 'exit' from line 20
./usr/share/python-support/dragbox/Dragbox/ redefinition of unused 'path' from line 21
./usr/share/python-support/dragbox/Dragbox/ redefinition of unused 'path' from line 21
./usr/share/python-support/dragbox/Dragbox/ local variable 'send_success' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/python-support/dragbox/Dragbox/ local variable 'mtype' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/python-support/dragbox/Dragbox/ undefined name 'self'
./usr/share/python-support/dragbox/Dragbox/ 'getenv' imported but unused
./usr/share/python-support/dragbox/Dragbox/ local variable 'bus' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/python-support/dragbox/Dragbox/ 'print_debug' imported but unused

This report was generated on Sun, 02 Jan 2011 05:14:52 +0000, based on results by pyflakes 0.4.0-1