Debian Automated Code Analysis

pyflakes analysis of pymca_4.4.1p1-1_i386.deb

./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'sys' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'nmca' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'aliaslist' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'fdialog'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'fdialog'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'basename' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'n' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'Numeric'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'Numeric'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'param' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'length' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'sys' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'dataObject' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'sys' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'sys' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'PrintPreview' from line 33
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'sys' from line 27
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'a' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'from numpy.oldnumeric import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'nr0' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'n_param' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'selfalphazeros' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'selfbetazeros' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'A' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'qttable' from line 30
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'pts' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'maxclicked' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'sel' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'oldtype' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'filedialog'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'outfile'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'outfile'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'from PyMca.QNexusWidget import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'from QNexusWidget import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'QStackWidget' from line 29
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'HDF5Stack1D' from line 30
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'Object3D' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'Qwt' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 't0' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'time' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'sys' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'omegak' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'tb' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'qttable' from line 38
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'labels' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'outfile'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'filetype' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'extension' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'outfile'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'outfile'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'outfile'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'v' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'sys' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'datafile'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'item' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'sys' from line 28
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'SPSLayer' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'QSpsDataSource' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of function 'repSelection' from line 1256
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of function 'addSelection' from line 1257
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'index' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'current' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'fdialog'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'fdialog'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'mcakeys'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'sys' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'imp' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'sys' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'source' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'key' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'xdata' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'ndata' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'object3D' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'source' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'key' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'sellist' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'cfg' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'cm' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'IconDict' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'PyMcaPrintPreview' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'PyMcaDirs' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'n' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'sys' from line 29
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'omnicfile' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'fdialog'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'fdialog'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'time' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'dotblas' from line 71
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'N' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'eq' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'sys' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'ArraySave' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'Functions' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'maxenergy' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'sys' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'sys' from line 29
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'dotblas' from line 31
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'binning' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'dumadd' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'lastIndex' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'avg' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'output' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'icacomponents' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'os' from line 43
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'time' from line 45
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'operator' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'shutil' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'phynx' from line 14
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'phynx' from line 18
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'string' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'qt' from line 65
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'OpenGL' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'PyQt4' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'StackSelector' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of function '__configureFit' from line 901
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'Fit2Spec'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'fdialog'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'fdialog'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'filterused' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'outfile'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'outfile'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'l' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'outfile'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'outfile'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'qttable' from line 32
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'Numeric' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'fdialog'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'fdialog'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'Elements' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'encodings' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'SpecfitFuns'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'outfile'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'outfile'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'xhelp'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'xlabel' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'source' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'curvesel' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'source' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'legendlist' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of function 'printHtml' from line 2188
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'nbmca' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'mcacurrent' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'header' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'calib' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'xhelp'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'IconDict' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'source' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'key' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'dataObject' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'time' from line 31
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'time' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'sys' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'SpecfitFuns' from line 30
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'spectrum'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'spectrum'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'image'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'sys' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'qttable' from line 35
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'types'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'string'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'sys' from line 26
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'z' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'newpeaksbuffer' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'newpeaksnamesbuffer' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'area' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'area' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'xmax' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'PEAKS0' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'SUM' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'g_term' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'fwhms' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'fitarea' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'noise' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'fano' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'mcaindex' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'mcaarea' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'zero' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'FASTER' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'area' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'p' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'nimages' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'nbmca' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'self'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'self'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'ESCAPE'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'NGLOBAL'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'indict'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'PARAMETERS'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'toheader' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'y0string' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'yfit'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'yfitstring' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'ybckstring' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'sys' from line 32
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'PyMcaMatplotlibSave' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'encodings' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 't0' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'toolconfig' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'toolconfig' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'transitions' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'config' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'outfile'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'outfile'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'report' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'basename' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'h'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'g_term' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of function '__print' from line 1427
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'energy' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'ydata' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'yfit' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'continuum' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'pileup' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'savelist' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'parNames' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'parFit' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'parSigma' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'outfile'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'outfile'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'g_term' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'McaROIWidget'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'xlabel' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'sys' from line 30
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'sys' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'QPeriodicTable' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'sys' from line 29
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'fd' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'logging'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name '__version__'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'os' from line 13
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'sys' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'file_browser' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'sys' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'specfile' from line 31
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'n' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'string' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'sqrt' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'take' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'nonzero' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'equal' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'nbmca' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'numpy' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'RGBCorrelator' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'Qwt' from line 58
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of function '_saveToolButtonSignal' from line 782
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of function '_saveMatplotlibImage' from line 785
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'updateMask'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'image' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'sys' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'nimages'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'xValues'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'updateMask'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'numpy' from line 34
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'ConfigDict' from line 30
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'SimpleFitModule' from line 31
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'ArraySave' from line 32
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'PyMcaDirs' from line 33
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'sgima'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'specfile' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'sys' from line 28
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'v' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'QtCore' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'gc' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'i' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'Object3D' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'numpy' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'nimages' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'nscans' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'string'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'image'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'col' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'row' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'os' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'GraphWindow' from line 39
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'GraphWindow' from line 41
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'GraphWindow' from line 43
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'FontProperties' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'filedescription' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'filetype' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'outfile'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'outfile'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'sys' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'updateMask'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'numpy' from line 34
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'string' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'tb' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'start_ncomponents' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'parsing' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'key' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'xlabel' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'ylabel' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'filtername' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'deleterror' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'status' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'status' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'parameters'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'background'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'param' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'msg' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'length' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'y'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'sigmay' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'pos' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'name' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'qttable' from line 35
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'ConfigDict' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'Element'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'Element'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'fractionList' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'Element'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'Element'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'Element'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'd' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'Element'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'numberTest' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'number' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of function '_updateCurrent' from line 898
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'value' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'value' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'sys' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'qttable' from line 34
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 't0' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'transitions' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'sys' from line 28
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'ConcentrationsTool' from line 51
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'h5py' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'phynx' from line 38
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'phynx' from line 41
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'EdfFileDataSource'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'Numeric'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'Numeric'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'McaControlWidget'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'roilist'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'sys' from line 27
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'minimum'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'rcParams' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'imp' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'mbuffer' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'mixname' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'newpeaksbuffer' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'newpeaksnamesbuffer' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'freefraction'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'flagList2' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'shelllist' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'freefraction'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'sys' from line 37
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'from numpy.oldnumeric import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'pos' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'cutoff' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'newcons' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'cutoff' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'newcons' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'sys' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'sys' from line 27
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'sip' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'from PyQt4.QtCore import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'from PyQt4.QtGui import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'from PyQt4.QtSvg import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'from qt import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'from qt import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'StackROIWindow' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of function 'setStack' from line 196
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'os'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'retstring' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'sys' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'qwt' from line 35
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'qwt' from line 38
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'qwt' from line 40
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'index' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'current' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'tb' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'name' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'fdialog'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'fdialog'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'mcakeys'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'Numeric'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'Numeric'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'os' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'Numeric' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'source_info0' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'time' from line 436
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'qttable' from line 32
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'win' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of function 'select' from line 42
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'columns'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'output'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'imidle'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'sys' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'StackBrowser' from line 31
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'median' from line 32
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'Qwt' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'ddict' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 't0' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'EventHandler' from line 27
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of function '__printps' from line 397
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'n' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'qttable' from line 33
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'currentDensity' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'numbers' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'sys' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'sf_type' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'det' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'mca_range' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'qttable' from line 37
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'outfile'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'outfile'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'outfile'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'outfile'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'outfile'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'outfile'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'rois'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'fdialog'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'fdialog'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'fdialog'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'fdialog'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'freefraction'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'hypermetnames' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'ret' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'ffile'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'outfile'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'outfile'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of function 'cleanup' from line 896
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of function 'pause' from line 902
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'time' from line 48
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'time' from line 1020
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'time' from line 48
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'time' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'mcastep' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'localindex' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'outdir' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'a' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'sys' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'median' from line 33
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'sys' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'sys'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'sys'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'sys'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'sys'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'a' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'sys' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'sys' from line 27
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'ele' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'os' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'string' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'qwt' from line 33
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'qwt' from line 36
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'qwt' from line 38
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'qwt' from line 40
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'qwt' from line 44
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'qwt' from line 47
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'IconDict' from line 62
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'from numpy.oldnumeric import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of function '__init__' from line 175
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'tb' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'xmin' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'xmax' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'ymin' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'ymax' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'xmin' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'xmax' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'ymin' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'ymax' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'linetype' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'pen' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'listindex' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of function 'hideGrid' from line 2009
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of function 'removeGrid' from line 2012
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of function 'showGrid' from line 2015
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'actualindex' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of function 'printps' from line 2670
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of function 'myslot' from line 3311
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'copy' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'Key'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'h5py' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'phynx' from line 37
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'phynx' from line 41
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'phynx' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'numbers' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'sys' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'QtCore' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'oldtype' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'outfile'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'outfile'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'nscans' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'sys' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'changed' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'l' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'buttonSize' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'scaleLabel' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'IconDict' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'MaskImageWidget' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'sys' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'qttable' from line 39
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'types'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'pts' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'maxclicked' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'thickness' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'generationdepth' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'thickness' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'peaklist'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'generationdepth' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'scantype' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'numbers' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'sys' from line 32
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'cm' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'FontProperties' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'Normalize' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'LinearSegmentedColormap' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'LogNorm' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'IconDict' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'PyMcaPrintPreview' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'PyMcaDirs' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'modeIndex' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'ylim' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'curveList' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'key' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'xlabel' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'ylabel' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'numpy' from line 45
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'from Tkinter import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'from BasicMenu import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'sheet2' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'sys' from line 27
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'minumLength' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'fileSize' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'startIndicesOfSpectra' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'laserFrequency' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'sys' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'row' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'qt' from line 33
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'IconDict' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'phynx' from line 37
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'filename'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'data' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'PCAParametersDialog'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'updateMask'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'numpy' from line 33
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'sys' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'qttable' from line 32
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'hypermet' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'i' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'value'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'sigmavalue'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'string' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'DockWindow'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'DockPlaceDialog'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of function 'onInitMenuBar' from line 447
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of function 'onInitFileToolBar' from line 450
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of function 'onInitToolBar' from line 453
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of function 'onInitWinToolBar' from line 456
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'copy' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'time' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'fileSize' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'e0' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'QPyMcaMatplotlibSave' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'Qwt' from line 82
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'Qwt' from line 86
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'Qwt' from line 90
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 't0' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'method' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'filterwidth' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'anchorsflag' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'imidle'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'fdialog'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'fdialog'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of function '__selectionChanged' from line 406
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of function '__contextMenu' from line 502
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'os' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'maxwidth' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'C' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'newcal'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'newcal'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'newcal'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'value' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'value' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'value' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'from PyMcaQt import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'updateMask'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'sf_type' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'det' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'time' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'cdelr'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'sgamr'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'sys' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'from PyMcaQt import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'sys' from line 27
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'os' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'weakref'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'fileSize' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'ElementHtml' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'sys' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'copy'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of function 'repSelection' from line 701
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of function 'addSelection' from line 702
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'sys' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'QtCore' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'rcParams' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'FigureCanvasQT' from line 98
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'FigureCanvasQTAgg' from line 98
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'QPoint'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'QPoint'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'xlabel' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'ylabel' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'ymin' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'ymax' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'icolor' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'zdata'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'ymin' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'ymax' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'icolor' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'canvas'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'tb' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'source' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'source' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'xActiveLabel' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'i' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'i' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'key' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'text'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'sys' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'qttable' from line 31
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'region' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'alreadyforced' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'hypermet' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'i' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'value'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'sigmavalue'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'NexusDataSource' from line 31
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'posixpath' from line 27
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'i_idx' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'nMcaInDataSet'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'sys' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'struct' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'time' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'fileSize' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ redefinition of unused 'qttable' from line 32
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'SIGNAL'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'row' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'col' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'done' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'costraints' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'win' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'QString'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'QString'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'QString'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ undefined name 'QStringList'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'nonzero' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'sqrt' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'take' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'concatenate' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'Float' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ 'equal' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'nbmca' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/ local variable 'mcaresult' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/py_nnma/ 'from nnma import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/ redefinition of unused 'SceneGLWindow' from line 2
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/ redefinition of unused 'Object3DMesh' from line 4
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/ redefinition of unused 'Object3DStack' from line 6
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/ local variable 'colorOptions' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/ redefinition of unused 'Object3DDirs' from line 3
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/ undefined name 'fdialog'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/ undefined name 'fdialog'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/ undefined name 'fdialog'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/ undefined name 'fdialog'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/ 'sys' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/ 'HorizontalSpacer' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/ redefinition of unused 'ConfigDict' from line 11
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/ redefinition of unused 'Object3DDirs' from line 19
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/ redefinition of unused 'Object3DDirs' from line 22
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/ 'GLU' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/ undefined name 'opengl'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/ undefined name 'opengl'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/ undefined name 'opengl'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/ undefined name 'opengl'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/ redefinition of unused 'Object3DBase' from line 3
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/ 'sip' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/ 'from PyQt4.QtCore import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/ 'from PyQt4.QtGui import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/ 'from PyQt4.QtOpenGL import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/ 'from PyQt4.QtSvg import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/ 'GLU' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/ redefinition of unused 'EDFStack' from line 8
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/ 'EDFStack' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/ redefinition of unused 'spslut' from line 9
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/ 'spslut' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/ 'Object3DCTools' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/ 'Object3DQhull' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/ 'Object3DMesh' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/ 'Object3DStack' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/ 'SceneControl' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/ local variable 'function' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/ redefinition of unused 'sys' from line 2
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/ redefinition of unused 'qt' from line 1346
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/ redefinition of unused 'qt' from line 1348
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/ 'qt' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/ 'SceneGLWidget' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/ 'sys' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/ 'Object3DMovement' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/ 'HorizontalSpacer' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/ local variable 'objectList' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/ local variable 'event' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/ 'sys' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/ local variable 'actualType' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/ 'sys' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/ 'HorizontalSpacer' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/ 'sys' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/ 'VerticalSpacer' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/ local variable 'widget' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/ local variable 'l' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/ local variable 'buttonSize' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/ local variable 'scaleLabel' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/ 'HorizontalSpacer' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/ local variable 'objectCounter' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/ local variable 'zmean' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/ redefinition of function 'renderText' from line 905
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/ local variable 'selected' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/ local variable 'viewMatrix' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/ local variable 'width' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/ local variable 'height' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/ redefinition of unused 'sys' from line 8
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/ 'spslut' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/ local variable 'plane' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/ local variable 'zTickSize' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/ undefined name 'hasPrivateConfigurationWidget'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/ redefinition of unused 'sys' from line 4
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/Object3DPlugins/ 'glDeleteLists' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/Object3DPlugins/ redefinition of unused 'spslut' from line 10
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/Object3DPlugins/ redefinition of unused 'EdfFile' from line 11
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/Object3DPlugins/ redefinition of unused 'Object3DFileDialogs' from line 17
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/Object3DPlugins/ redefinition of unused 'Object3DBase' from line 18
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/Object3DPlugins/ redefinition of unused 'Object3DCTools' from line 24
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/Object3DPlugins/ redefinition of unused 'Object3DCTools' from line 27
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/Object3DPlugins/ 'weakref' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/Object3DPlugins/ local variable 'width' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/Object3DPlugins/ local variable 'image' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/Object3DPlugins/ undefined name 'self'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/Object3DPlugins/ redefinition of unused 'os' from line 1
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/Object3DPlugins/ redefinition of unused 'Object3DFileDialogs' from line 5
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/Object3DPlugins/ redefinition of unused 'EDFStack' from line 61
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/Object3DPlugins/ redefinition of unused 'EDFStack' from line 22
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/Object3DPlugins/ redefinition of unused 'EDFStack' from line 61
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/Object3DPlugins/ 'EDFStack' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/Object3DPlugins/ local variable 'fileindex' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/Object3DPlugins/ redefinition of unused 'os' from line 1
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/Object3DPlugins/ redefinition of unused 'EDFStack' from line 58
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/Object3DPlugins/ 'EDFStack' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/Object3DPlugins/ redefinition of unused 'EdfFile' from line 59
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/Object3DPlugins/ 'EdfFile' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/Object3DPlugins/ 'GLU' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/Object3DPlugins/ redefinition of unused 'spslut' from line 10
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/Object3DPlugins/ redefinition of unused 'Object3DFileDialogs' from line 14
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/Object3DPlugins/ redefinition of unused 'Object3DBase' from line 15
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/Object3DPlugins/ redefinition of unused 'Object3DCTools' from line 21
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/Object3DPlugins/ redefinition of unused 'Object3DQhull' from line 22
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/Object3DPlugins/ redefinition of unused 'Object3DCTools' from line 25
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/Object3DPlugins/ redefinition of unused 'Object3DQhull' from line 26
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/Object3DPlugins/ redefinition of unused 'EdfFile' from line 538
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/Object3DPlugins/ local variable 'fileindex' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/Object3DPlugins/ local variable 'legend' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/Object3DPlugins/ redefinition of unused 'os' from line 1
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/Object3DPlugins/ redefinition of unused 'EdfFile' from line 574
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/Object3DPlugins/ redefinition of unused 'qt' from line 2
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/Object3DPlugins/ redefinition of unused 'Object3DPrivateConfig' from line 3
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/Object3DPlugins/ redefinition of unused 'PrivateConfigTools' from line 4
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/Object3DPlugins/ redefinition of unused 'HorizontalSpacer' from line 5
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/Object3DPlugins/ redefinition of unused 'VerticalSpacer' from line 6
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/Object3DPlugins/ 'GLU' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/Object3DPlugins/ redefinition of unused 'spslut' from line 9
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/Object3DPlugins/ redefinition of unused 'Object3DFileDialogs' from line 13
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/Object3DPlugins/ redefinition of unused 'Object3DBase' from line 14
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/Object3DPlugins/ redefinition of unused 'Object3DCTools' from line 20
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/Object3DPlugins/ redefinition of unused 'Object3DCTools' from line 23
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/Object3DPlugins/ undefined name 'buffers'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/Object3DPlugins/ undefined name 'buffers'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/Object3DPlugins/ redefinition of unused 'EDFStack' from line 486
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/Object3DPlugins/ redefinition of unused 'os' from line 1
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/Object3DPlugins/ redefinition of unused 'EDFStack' from line 525
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/Object3DPlugins/ redefinition of unused 'EdfFile' from line 526
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/Object3D/Object3DPlugins/ 'EdfFile' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/PyMcaSciPy/signal/ 'from median import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/PyMcaSciPy/signal/ redefinition of unused 'mediantools' from line 2
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/PyMcaSciPy/signal/ redefinition of unused 'mediantools' from line 5
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/PyMcaPlugins/ 'sys' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/PyMcaPlugins/ 'os' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/PyMcaPlugins/ redefinition of unused 'qt' from line 7
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/PyMcaPlugins/ redefinition of unused 'sys' from line 4
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/PyMcaPlugins/ local variable 'qModuleArray' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/PyMcaPlugins/ redefinition of unused 'SGWindow' from line 33
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/PyMcaPlugins/ redefinition of unused 'SNIPWindow' from line 34
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/PyMcaPlugins/ redefinition of unused 'PyMca_Icons' from line 35
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/PyMcaPlugins/ redefinition of unused 'Median2DBrowser' from line 33
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/PyMcaPlugins/ redefinition of unused 'PyMca_Icons' from line 34
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/PyMcaPlugins/ redefinition of unused 'PyMca_Icons' from line 4
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/PyMcaPlugins/ 'PyMca_Icons' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/PyMcaPlugins/ redefinition of unused 'StackROIWindow' from line 33
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/PyMcaPlugins/ redefinition of unused 'PyMca_Icons' from line 34
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/PyMcaPlugins/ 'splprep' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/PyMcaPlugins/ redefinition of unused 'StackSimpleFitWindow' from line 33
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/PyMcaPlugins/ redefinition of unused 'PyMca_Icons' from line 34
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/PyMcaPlugins/ local variable 'xlabel' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/PyMcaPlugins/ local variable 'ylabel' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/PyMcaPlugins/ redefinition of unused 'StackBrowser' from line 33
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/PyMcaPlugins/ redefinition of unused 'PyMca_Icons' from line 34
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/PyMcaPlugins/ redefinition of unused 'PCAParametersDialog' from line 35
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/PyMcaPlugins/ redefinition of unused 'StackPluginResultsWindow' from line 36
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/PyMcaPlugins/ redefinition of unused 'PyMca_Icons' from line 37
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/PyMcaPlugins/ local variable 'method' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/PyMcaPlugins/ local variable 'binning' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/PyMcaPlugins/ local variable 'mask' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/PyMcaPlugins/ redefinition of unused 'PyMca_Icons' from line 4
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/PyMcaPlugins/ redefinition of unused 'SimpleMath' from line 5
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/PyMcaPlugins/ redefinition of unused 'qt' from line 4
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/PyMcaPlugins/ local variable 't0' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/PyMcaPlugins/ redefinition of unused 'NNMAParametersDialog' from line 35
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/PyMcaPlugins/ redefinition of unused 'StackPluginResultsWindow' from line 36
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/PyMcaPlugins/ redefinition of unused 'PyMca_Icons' from line 37
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/PyMcaPlugins/ redefinition of unused 'qt' from line 34
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/PyMcaPlugins/ redefinition of unused 'EDFStack' from line 35
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/PyMcaPlugins/ redefinition of unused 'PyMcaFileDialogs' from line 36
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/PyMcaPlugins/ redefinition of unused 'StackPluginResultsWindow' from line 37
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/PyMcaPlugins/ redefinition of unused 'ExternalImagesWindow' from line 38
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/PyMcaPlugins/ redefinition of unused 'PyMca_Icons' from line 39
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/PyMcaPlugins/ local variable 'crop' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/PyMcaPlugins/ redefinition of unused 'PyMca_Icons' from line 4
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/PyMcaPlugins/ 'PyMca_Icons' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/PyMcaPlugins/ redefinition of unused 'SGWindow' from line 5
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/PyMcaPlugins/ redefinition of unused 'SGModule' from line 6
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/PyMcaPlugins/ 'SGModule' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/PyMcaPlugins/ undefined name 'MathPlugins'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/ 'copy' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/ 'posixpath' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/ undefined name 'dtn'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/ 'H5Error' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/ 'sorting' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/ 'version' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/ 'operator' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/ 'os' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/ 'sys' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/ local variable 'scalar_data' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/ local variable 'pos' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/ local variable 'scalars' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/ local variable 'pos' is assigned to but never used
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/ undefined name 'AsserionError'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/ '__version__' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/ 'Beam' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/ 'Characterization' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/ 'Disk_chopper' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/ 'Source' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/ 'Aperture' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/ 'Bending_magnet' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/ 'Fermi_chopper' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/ 'Beam_stop' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/ 'Insertion_device' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/ 'Filter' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/ 'Crystal' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/ 'Polarizer' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/ 'Flipper' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/ 'Guide' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/ 'Collimator' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/ 'Attenuator' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/ 'Monochromator' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/ 'Moderator' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/ 'Mirror' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/ 'Positioner' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/ 'Velocity_selector' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/ 'Monitor' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/ 'Data' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/ 'EventData' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/ 'DeadTime' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/ 'Signal' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/ 'Dataset' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/ 'Axis' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/ 'Detector' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/ 'AreaDetector' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/ 'Mar345' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/ 'LinearDetector' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/ 'Entry' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/ 'Environment' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/ 'File' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/ 'Translation' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/ 'Geometry' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/ 'Orientation' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/ 'Shape' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/ 'Group' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/ 'Instrument' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/ 'Log' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/ 'Positioners' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/ 'ScalarData' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/ 'Measurement' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/ 'MultiChannelAnalyzer' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/ 'Note' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/ 'Process' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/ 'ElementMaps' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/ 'MassFraction' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/ 'Fit' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/ 'FitError' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/ 'ProcessedData' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/ 'Sample' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/ 'User' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/ 'registry' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/ 'sorting' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/ 'simple_eval' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/ 'H5Error' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/ 'warnings' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/ undefined name 'nm'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/ undefined name 'nm'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/ 'DeadTime' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/ undefined name 'dtn'
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/ redefinition of unused 'MetaHasTraits' from line 8
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/ redefinition of unused 'HasTraits' from line 8
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/ 'H5Error' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/utils/ 'copy' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/utils/ 'operator' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/utils/ 'sync' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/utils/ 'simple_eval' imported but unused
./usr/share/pyshared/PyMca/phynx/utils/ 'sorting' imported but unused

This report was generated on Sun, 02 Jan 2011 05:30:57 +0000, based on results by pyflakes 0.4.0-1