Debian Automated Code Analysis

pyflakes analysis of python-mvpa_0.4.6-1_all.deb

./usr/bin/mvpa-prep-fmri:36: 'debug' imported but unused
./usr/bin/mvpa-prep-fmri:131: local variable 'e' is assigned to but never used
./usr/bin/mvpa-prep-fmri:165: undefined name 'McFlirtParams'
./usr/bin/mvpa-prep-fmri:170: undefined name 'P'
./usr/bin/mvpa-prep-fmri:171: undefined name 'P'
./usr/bin/mvpa-prep-fmri:172: undefined name 'P'
./usr/bin/mvpa-prep-fmri:174: undefined name 'P'
./usr/bin/mvpa-prep-fmri:175: undefined name 'P'
./usr/bin/mvpa-prep-fmri:176: undefined name 'P'
./usr/bin/mvpa-prep-fmri:177: undefined name 'P'
./usr/bin/mvpa-prep-fmri:179: undefined name 'P'
./usr/bin/atlaslabeler:15: 'opts' imported but unused
./usr/bin/atlaslabeler:25: 'from mvpa.atlases.transformation import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/bin/atlaslabeler:27: 'KNOWN_ATLAS_FAMILIES' imported but unused
./usr/bin/atlaslabeler:30: 'Option' imported but unused
./usr/bin/atlaslabeler:30: 'OptionParser' imported but unused
./usr/bin/atlaslabeler:59: local variable 'voxdim' is assigned to but never used

This report was generated on Thu, 03 Feb 2011 06:29:39 +0000, based on results by pyflakes 0.4.0-1