Debian Automated Code Analysis

pyflakes analysis of python3.2-minimal_3.2.1~rc1-1_i386.deb

./usr/lib/python3.2/ invalid syntax
                     for name, value in namespace.items()
./usr/lib/python3.2/ invalid syntax
class Template(metaclass=_TemplateMetaclass):
./usr/lib/python3.2/ invalid syntax
            print(self.get_usage(), file=file)
./usr/lib/python3.2/ invalid syntax
./usr/lib/python3.2/ invalid syntax
            print(level*"  " + op, end=' '); nl = 0
./usr/lib/python3.2/ invalid syntax
            for name, value in globals().items()
./usr/lib/python3.2/ invalid syntax
    with _TempModule(mod_name) as temp_module, _ModifiedArgv0(mod_fname):
./usr/lib/python3.2/ No such file or directory
./usr/lib/python3.2/ invalid syntax
    def __init__(self, file, protocol=None, *, fix_imports=True):
./usr/lib/python3.2/ invalid syntax
./usr/lib/python3.2/ invalid syntax
                raise TypeError from e
./usr/lib/python3.2/ invalid syntax
                 allow_no_value=False, *, delimiters=('=', ':'),
./usr/lib/python3.2/ redefinition of unused 'PyStringMap' from line 61
./usr/lib/python3.2/ 'from _locale import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/lib/python3.2/ redefinition of function 'localeconv' from line 64
./usr/lib/python3.2/ local variable 'result' is assigned to but never used
./usr/lib/python3.2/ local variable 'seps' is assigned to but never used
./usr/lib/python3.2/ redefinition of function 'setlocale' from line 88
./usr/lib/python3.2/ redefinition of function 'getpreferredencoding' from line 552
./usr/lib/python3.2/ redefinition of function 'getpreferredencoding' from line 562
./usr/lib/python3.2/ 'sys' imported but unused
./usr/lib/python3.2/ 'from _heapq import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/lib/python3.2/ redefinition of function 'nsmallest' from line 199
./usr/lib/python3.2/ redefinition of function 'nlargest' from line 183
./usr/lib/python3.2/ 'sys' imported but unused
./usr/lib/python3.2/ 'from token import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/lib/python3.2/ local variable 'strstart' is assigned to but never used
./usr/lib/python3.2/ undefined name 'def_op'
./usr/lib/python3.2/ undefined name 'def_op'
./usr/lib/python3.2/ undefined name 'def_op'
./usr/lib/python3.2/ local variable 'mod_type' is assigned to but never used
./usr/lib/python3.2/ 'from _bisect import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/lib/python3.2/ 'string' imported but unused
./usr/lib/python3.2/ redefinition of unused 'gettext' from line 93
./usr/lib/python3.2/ undefined name 'ngettext'
./usr/lib/python3.2/ undefined name 'ngettext'
./usr/lib/python3.2/ 'from _codecs import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/lib/python3.2/ undefined name 'register_error' in __all__
./usr/lib/python3.2/ undefined name 'register' in __all__
./usr/lib/python3.2/ undefined name 'lookup' in __all__
./usr/lib/python3.2/ undefined name 'lookup_error' in __all__
./usr/lib/python3.2/ 'encodings' imported but unused
./usr/lib/python3.2/ 'from genericpath import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/lib/python3.2/ undefined name 'isdir' in __all__
./usr/lib/python3.2/ undefined name 'commonprefix' in __all__
./usr/lib/python3.2/ undefined name 'exists' in __all__
./usr/lib/python3.2/ undefined name 'getctime' in __all__
./usr/lib/python3.2/ undefined name 'getsize' in __all__
./usr/lib/python3.2/ undefined name 'getmtime' in __all__
./usr/lib/python3.2/ undefined name 'getatime' in __all__
./usr/lib/python3.2/ undefined name 'isfile' in __all__
./usr/lib/python3.2/ 'string' imported but unused
./usr/lib/python3.2/ redefinition of function 'ismemberdescriptor' from line 121
./usr/lib/python3.2/ redefinition of function 'isgetsetdescriptor' from line 138
./usr/lib/python3.2/ local variable 'step' is assigned to but never used
./usr/lib/python3.2/ '_ssl' imported but unused
./usr/lib/python3.2/ 'OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER' imported but unused
./usr/lib/python3.2/ 'OPENSSL_VERSION' imported but unused
./usr/lib/python3.2/ 'OPENSSL_VERSION_INFO' imported but unused
./usr/lib/python3.2/ 'CERT_OPTIONAL' imported but unused
./usr/lib/python3.2/ 'OP_NO_SSLv3' imported but unused
./usr/lib/python3.2/ 'OP_NO_SSLv2' imported but unused
./usr/lib/python3.2/ 'OP_ALL' imported but unused
./usr/lib/python3.2/ 'OP_NO_TLSv1' imported but unused
./usr/lib/python3.2/ 'RAND_add' imported but unused
./usr/lib/./usr/lib/python3.2/ invalid syntax
            print("Invalid -W option ignored:", msg, file=sys.stderr)
./usr/lib/python3.2/ invalid syntax
                    print('*** ', end='')
./usr/lib/python3.2/ invalid syntax
                nonlocal hits, misses
./usr/lib/python3.2/ invalid syntax
        print("Gosh.  No error.", file=sys.stderr)
./usr/lib/python3.2/ invalid syntax
    def makefile(self, mode="r", buffering=None, *,
./usr/lib/python3.2/ unqualified exec is not allowed in function 'namedtuple' it contains a nested function with free variables
exec(class_definition, namespace)
./usr/lib/python3.2/ invalid syntax
class IOBase(_io._IOBase, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
./usr/lib/python3.2/ invalid syntax
            print("%3d" % linestarts[i], end=' ')
./usr/lib/python3.2/ invalid syntax
class Hashable(metaclass=ABCMeta):
python3.2/ 'RAND_egd' imported but unused
./usr/lib/python3.2/ 'RAND_status' imported but unused
./usr/lib/python3.2/ 'SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL' imported but unused
./usr/lib/python3.2/ 'SSL_ERROR_WANT_X509_LOOKUP' imported but unused
./usr/lib/python3.2/ 'SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN' imported but unused
./usr/lib/python3.2/ 'SSL_ERROR_INVALID_ERROR_CODE' imported but unused
./usr/lib/python3.2/ 'SSL_ERROR_WANT_CONNECT' imported but unused
./usr/lib/python3.2/ 'SSL_ERROR_SSL' imported but unused
./usr/lib/python3.2/ 'HAS_SNI' imported but unused
./usr/lib/python3.2/ '_getnameinfo' imported but unused
./usr/lib/python3.2/ 'traceback' imported but unused
./usr/lib/python3.2/ local variable 'why' is assigned to but never used
./usr/lib/python3.2/ redefinition of unused 'RegQueryValueEx' from line 561
./usr/lib/python3.2/ 'win32api' imported but unused
./usr/lib/python3.2/ redefinition of unused 'GetVersionEx' from line 601
./usr/lib/python3.2/ redefinition of unused 'RegQueryValueEx' from line 601
./usr/lib/python3.2/ redefinition of unused 'RegOpenKeyEx' from line 601
./usr/lib/python3.2/ redefinition of unused 'RegCloseKey' from line 601
./usr/lib/python3.2/ redefinition of unused 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE' from line 603
./usr/lib/python3.2/ redefinition of unused 'VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS' from line 603
./usr/lib/python3.2/ redefinition of unused 'VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT' from line 603
./usr/lib/python3.2/ redefinition of unused 'VER_NT_WORKSTATION' from line 603
./usr/lib/python3.2/ undefined name 'WindowsError'
./usr/lib/python3.2/ '_gestalt' imported but unused
./usr/lib/python3.2/ undefined name 'versioninfo'
./usr/lib/python3.2/ 'java' imported but unused
./usr/lib/python3.2/ 'from sre_constants import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/lib/python3.2/ 'from posix import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/lib/python3.2/ 'from nt import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/lib/python3.2/ redefinition of unused '_exit' from line 46
./usr/lib/python3.2/ redefinition of unused 'path' from line 49
./usr/lib/python3.2/ 'from os2 import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/lib/python3.2/ redefinition of unused '_exit' from line 60
./usr/lib/python3.2/ redefinition of unused 'path' from line 63
./usr/lib/python3.2/ redefinition of unused 'path' from line 78
./usr/lib/python3.2/ 'link' imported but unused
./usr/lib/python3.2/ 'from ce import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/lib/python3.2/ redefinition of unused '_exit' from line 74
./usr/lib/python3.2/ redefinition of unused 'path' from line 80
./usr/lib/python3.2/ 'extsep' imported but unused
./usr/lib/python3.2/ local variable 'd' is assigned to but never used
./usr/lib/python3.2/ redefinition of unused 'get_ident' from line 8
./usr/lib/python3.2/ undefined name 'Struct' in __all__
./usr/lib/python3.2/ undefined name 'pack_into' in __all__
./usr/lib/python3.2/ undefined name 'calcsize' in __all__
./usr/lib/python3.2/ undefined name 'error' in __all__
./usr/lib/python3.2/ undefined name 'unpack' in __all__
./usr/lib/python3.2/ undefined name 'unpack_from' in __all__
./usr/lib/python3.2/ undefined name 'pack' in __all__
./usr/lib/python3.2/ 'from _struct import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/lib/python3.2/ '_clearcache' imported but unused
./usr/lib/python3.2/ '__doc__' imported but unused
./usr/lib/python3.2/encodings/ local variable 'v' is assigned to but never used
./usr/lib/python3.2/encodings/ undefined name 'memoryview'
./usr/lib/python3.2/logging/ 'os' imported but unused
./usr/lib/python3.2/logging/ redefinition of unused 'thread' from line 31
./usr/lib/python3.2/logging/ 'tempfile' imported but unused
./usr/lib/python3.2/logging/ redefinition of unused 'threading' from line 31
./usr/lib/python3.2/logging/ redefinition of unused 'codecs' from line 36
./usr/lib/python3.2/logging/ local variable 'dummy' is assigned to but never used
./usr/lib/python3.2/logging/ redefinition of unused 'codecs' from line 39
./usr/lib/python3.2/logging/ redefinition of unused 'thread' from line 44

This report was generated on Fri, 10 Jun 2011 06:46:05 +0000, based on results by pyflakes 0.4.0-1