Debian Automated Code Analysis

pyflakes analysis of yade-0.60-dbg_0.60.2-5_i386.deb

./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/ 'from Tkinter import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/ redefinition of unused 'threading' from line 42
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/gts/ 'from pygts import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/gts/ 'from _gts import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/ 'from yade.wrapper import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/ 'from miniEigen import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/ 'sqrt' imported but unused
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/ 'sqrt' imported but unused
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/ redefinition of function 'compAvg' from line 221
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/ redefinition of function 'compAvg' from line 223
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/ redefinition of function 'compAvg' from line 225
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/ 'time' imported but unused
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/ 'from yade import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/ redefinition of unused 'time' from line 10
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/ redefinition of unused 'socket' from line 9
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/ 'from yade.wrapper import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/ 'from miniEigen import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/ 'from yade.wrapper import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/ 'from _packPredicates import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/ 'from _packSpheres import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/ 'from _packObb import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/ 'from _packSpherePadder import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/ redefinition of unused 'gts' from line 40
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/ 'gts' imported but unused
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/ 'gts' imported but unused
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/ 'gts' imported but unused
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/ 'sys' imported but unused
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/ redefinition of function 'memoDbgMsg' from line 313
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/ 'cPickle' imported but unused
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/ 'sqlite3' imported but unused
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/ 'time' imported but unused
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/ 'os' imported but unused
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/ local variable 'center' is assigned to but never used
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/ local variable 'num' is assigned to but never used
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/ 'pi' imported but unused
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/ undefined name 'reverse' in __all__
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/ 'Tkinter' imported but unused
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/ 'os' imported but unused
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/ 'from yade.wrapper import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/ 'numpy' imported but unused
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/ local variable 'baseNameNoPath' is assigned to but never used
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/ redefinition of unused 'dl' from line 18
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/ 'from miniEigen import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/ 'from wrapper import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/ '_extraDocs' imported but unused
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/ 'utils' imported but unused
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/ 'from yade.wrapper import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/ 'from miniEigen import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/ local variable 'a' is assigned to but never used
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/ local variable 'b' is assigned to but never used
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/ local variable 'c' is assigned to but never used
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/ 'sphere' imported but unused
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/ redefinition of unused 'MNTable3D' from line 233
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/ redefinition of unused 'Sphere' from line 233
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/ 'MNTable3D' imported but unused
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/ 'Sphere' imported but unused
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/ 'from yade import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/ 'from yade.wrapper import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/ 'from miniEigen import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/ 'doctest' imported but unused
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/ 'from yade._utils import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/ local variable 'ids' is assigned to but never used
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/ 'pi' imported but unused
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/ 'log' imported but unused
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/ 'sqrt' imported but unused
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/ local variable 'KeyError' is assigned to but never used
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/ 'from pprint import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/ 're' imported but unused
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/ '__builtin__' imported but unused
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/ 'from yade.wrapper import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/ 'from yade.wrapper import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/ 'from math import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/ 'from yade._eudoxos import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/ 'from yade._customConverters import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/ 'runtime' imported but unused
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/qt/ 'img_rc' imported but unused
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/qt/ 'from PyQt4.QtCore import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/qt/ 'from PyQt4.QtGui import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/qt/ 'from yade import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/qt/ 'from yade.qt.SerializableEditor import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/qt/ local variable 'b' is assigned to but never used
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/qt/ 'from PyQt4.QtGui import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/qt/ 'from yade.qt.Inspector import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/qt/ 'from yade import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/qt/ 'from yade.qt._GLViewer import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/qt/ 'from PyQt4.QtCore import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/qt/ 'from PyQt4.QtGui import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/qt/ 'from yade import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/qt/ local variable 'val' is assigned to but never used
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/qt/ local variable 'w' is assigned to but never used
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/qt/ 'collections' imported but unused
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/qt/ 'logging' imported but unused
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/qt/ local variable 'd' is assigned to but never used
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/qt/ local variable 'flags' is assigned to but never used
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/qt/ local variable 'path' is assigned to but never used
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/qt/ local variable 'topLineLayout' is assigned to but never used
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/tests/ 'from yade.wrapper import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/tests/ 'from miniEigen import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/tests/ 'from yade._customConverters import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/tests/ 'from yade import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/tests/ 'inspect' imported but unused
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/tests/ 'random' imported but unused
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/tests/ 'from yade.wrapper import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/tests/ 'from miniEigen import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/tests/ 'from yade._customConverters import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/tests/ 'from yade import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/tests/ 'from math import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/tests/ 'from yade.wrapper import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/tests/ 'from miniEigen import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/tests/ 'from yade._customConverters import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/tests/ 'from math import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/tests/ 'from yade import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/tests/ 'random' imported but unused
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/tests/ 'from yade.wrapper import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/tests/ 'from miniEigen import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/tests/ 'from yade._customConverters import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/tests/ 'from yade import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/tests/ 'from math import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/tests/ 'random' imported but unused
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/tests/ 'from yade.wrapper import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/tests/ 'from miniEigen import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/tests/ 'from yade._customConverters import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
./usr/lib/yade-0.60/dbg/py/yade/tests/ 'from yade import *' used; unable to detect undefined names

This report was generated on Sun, 12 Jun 2011 06:33:53 +0000, based on results by pyflakes 0.4.0-1