WNPP bugs submitted by abe@debian.org
- #1009727: O: ruby-curses -- curses binding for Ruby (951 day(s) old)
- #637454: RFP: bluegriffon -- Next Generation WYSIWYG HTML editor based on Gecko (4851 day(s) old)
- #670467: RFP: udev-notify -- Display notifications about newly plugged hardware (4593 day(s) old)
- #675187: ITP: curses-apt-key -- Text-mode key manager for apt-key (4558 day(s) old)
- #696888: O: pconsole -- parallel console shell for administering clusters (4346 day(s) old)
- #727169: RFP: lua-stdlib -- Standard Lua libraries (4048 day(s) old)
- #727170: RFP: lua-alien -- Pure Lua extensions (4048 day(s) old)
- #775333: RFP: python-nassl -- Python wrapper for OpenSSL (3599 day(s) old)
- #775859: RFP: pageres -- Capture screenshots of websites in various resolutions on the command-line (3593 day(s) old)
- #795174: RFP: tuxemon -- Open source turn-based RPG (3390 day(s) old)
- #809042: RFP: go-flint -- Linting tool to check your project for common sources of contributor friction (3253 day(s) old)
- #828154: RFP: spacemacs -- Emacs configuration to get best of Emacs and Vim (3071 day(s) old)
- #851177: RFP: cachet -- status page system (2870 day(s) old)
- #851797: RFA: dphys-config -- Tool to distribute config files by fetching them (2864 day(s) old)
- #862269: RFP: ntfs-3g-system-compression -- NTFS-3G plugin for reading "system compressed" files (2752 day(s) old)
- #869389: ITP: libmpsse -- SPI/I2C control via FTDI chips (2679 day(s) old)
- #905014: RFA: dhcpy6d -- MAC address aware DHCPv6 server written in Python (2306 day(s) old)
- #922126: RFA: xen-tools -- Tools to manage Xen virtual servers (2109 day(s) old)
- #950796: ITP: passivedns -- network sniffer that logs all DNS server replies (1750 day(s) old)
- #972607: ITP: pdns-protobuf-receiver -- PowerDNS protobuf log stream receiver (1493 day(s) old)
WNPP bugs owned by abe@debian.org
- #675187: ITP: curses-apt-key -- Text-mode key manager for apt-key (4558 day(s) old)
- #720707: ITP: grml-zshrc -- grml's zsh configuration (4107 day(s) old)
- #869389: ITP: libmpsse -- SPI/I2C control via FTDI chips (2679 day(s) old)
- #950796: ITP: passivedns -- network sniffer that logs all DNS server replies (1750 day(s) old)
- #972607: ITP: pdns-protobuf-receiver -- PowerDNS protobuf log stream receiver (1493 day(s) old)