Packages not installable on armel in scenario testing_main for 2 days

Date: 2025-02-04 05:00:01 UTC

Packages that have been continuously found to be not installable (not necessarily in the same version, and not necessarily with the same explanation all the time).

[all] indicates a package with Architecture=all.

Package Since Version today Short explanation as of today (click for details) Tracking
gavodachs2-server 2025-02-01 [all] 2.11+dfsg-1unsatisfied dependency on postgresql-pgsphere
manuskript 2025-02-01 [all] 0.16.1-2unsatisfied dependency on python3-pyqt5.qtwebengine
r-bioc-edaseq 2025-02-01 [all] 2.40.0+dfsg-2unsatisfied dependency on r-bioc-shortread (>= 1.11.42)
r-bioc-ioniser 2025-02-01 [all] 2.30.0+dfsg-2unsatisfied dependency on r-bioc-rhdf5
r-bioc-scater 2025-02-01 [all] 1.34.0+ds-2unsatisfied dependency on r-bioc-scuttle
roary 2025-02-02 [all] 3.13.0+dfsg-2unsatisfied dependency on mcl