Other Useful Business Software
Deskree - The First Low Code Cloud Icon
Deskree - The First Low Code Cloud

Create enterprise-grade APIs, Database, AUTH, Integrations and more in minutes. No Back-End or DevOps expertise needed.

Unleash your app's potential with Deskree, the no-code backend platform that simplifies and accelerates the infrastructure development process. Effortlessly create and deploy your backend in minutes, regardless of your experience in backend or devops. No more struggling with infrastructure provisioning, architecture planning, and complex CI/CD pipelines! Deskree offers a comprehensive suite of features, including database management, authentication, user roles and permissions, REST and GraphQL API, and more. Transform your app development journey with the power of Deskree's user-friendly, intuitive platform.
A privacy-first API that predicts global consumer preferences Icon
A privacy-first API that predicts global consumer preferences

Qloo AI adds value to a wide range of Fortune 500 companies in the media, technology, CPG, hospitality, and automotive sectors.

Through our API, we provide contextualized personalization and insights based on a deep understanding of consumer behavior and more than 575 million people, places, and things.
Speed Up Financial Modeling in Excel and PowerPoint Icon
Speed Up Financial Modeling in Excel and PowerPoint

Save 100s of hours every year with custom Excel shortcuts, formula auditing tools, linking models to PowerPoint and presentation proofing.

The fastest way to get more done in Microsoft Office: From spinning up complex models to creating branded presentations, finance professionals work faster with Macabacus.
Synap is the world's leading online solution for question-based learning and assessment Icon
Synap is the world's leading online solution for question-based learning and assessment

Intuitive, intelligent exam preparation and delivery software

The online exam platform for schools, universities and other educational bodies. Provide your learners with the tools and insights to facilitate long-term learning ahead of live exams. Deliver engaging online exam preparation, practice tests and live, high-stakes exams all from one place with Synap’s easy-to-use platform.
Modernize Warehouse Inventory Operations Icon
Modernize Warehouse Inventory Operations

Powerful WMS and Barcode Scanning for Warehousing, Distribution, and Healthcare

RF-SMART provides a powerful warehouse management system (WMS) and barcode scanning solution for Warehousing, Wholesale Distribution, Manufacturing, Retail & eCommerce with unsurpassed WMS expertise from implementation to support. Leveraging barcodes and data collection technology, RF-SMART automates business processes so the production, movement, management and fulfillment of inventory is fast and accurate. RF-SMART integrates directly with ERPs as a WMS for NetSuite and inventory management for Oracle Cloud SCM.

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aooadmin, brondsem, ipv6guru, marcus-aoo, rgaloppini

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