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APIs for the next generation of business text messaging

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Get your customers’ messages where they need to go with 99%+ deliverability. Telgorithm’s API automates A2P compliance & message management for faster, easier, & more reliable messaging, enabling you to offer the best service to your customers.
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AI-powered conversation intelligence software

Unlock call analytics that provide actionable insights with our call tracking software, empowering you to identify what's working and what's not.

Every customer interaction is vital to your business success and revenue growth. With Jiminny’s AI-powered conversation intelligence software, we take recording, capturing, and meticulous analysis of call recordings to the next level. Unlock call analytics that provide actionable insights with our call tracking software, empowering you to identify what's working and what's not. Seamlessly support your biggest objectives across the entire business landscape with our innovative call tracking system.

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aooadmin, brondsem, ipv6guru, marcus-aoo, rgaloppini

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