Other Useful Business Software
APIs for the next generation of business text messaging Icon
APIs for the next generation of business text messaging

For companies that need a reliable messaging API provider

Get your customers’ messages where they need to go with 99%+ deliverability. Telgorithm’s API automates A2P compliance & message management for faster, easier, & more reliable messaging, enabling you to offer the best service to your customers.
Visitor Management and Staff Sign In | Sign In App Icon
Visitor Management and Staff Sign In | Sign In App

Sign In App is a modern, enjoyable way to sign in visitors and staff, and book desks and meeting rooms.

Our visitor management system streamlines registration, check-in, and authorization processes, while our facility management tools streamline room booking, resource allocation, and asset management. We prioritize security with our advanced risk mitigation measures, including health and safety protocols, emergency messaging, and robust analytics for thorough auditing.
Run applications fast and securely in a fully managed environment Icon
Run applications fast and securely in a fully managed environment

Cloud Run is a fully-managed compute platform that lets you run your code in a container directly on top of Google's scalable infrastructure.

Run frontend and backend services, batch jobs, deploy websites and applications, and queue processing workloads without the need to manage infrastructure.
Securden Privileged Account Manager Icon
Securden Privileged Account Manager

Unified Privileged Access Management

Discover and manage administrator, service, and web app passwords, keys, and identities. Automate management with approval workflows. Centrally control, audit, monitor, and record all access to critical IT assets.
Manage your IT department more effectively Icon
Manage your IT department more effectively

Streamline your business from end to end with ConnectWise PSA

ConnectWise PSA (formerly Manage) allows you to stop working in separate systems, and helps you build a more profitable business. No more duplicate data entries, inefficient employees, manual invoices, and the inability to accurately track client service issues. Get a behind the scenes look into the award-winning PSA that automates processes for each area of business: sales, help desk, support, finance, and HR.

Additional Details for Hibernate



Intended Audience

Information Technology, Science/Research, Developers

Programming Language





Last Updated


Database, Search Engines, Frameworks, Scientific/Engineering, Object-Relational Mapping (ORM)


davidedalto, dreab8, epbernard, gsmet, gunnarmorling, naros, sannegrinovero, steveebersole, yrodiere

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