Other Useful Business Software
APIs for the next generation of business text messaging Icon
APIs for the next generation of business text messaging

For companies that need a reliable messaging API provider

Get your customers’ messages where they need to go with 99%+ deliverability. Telgorithm’s API automates A2P compliance & message management for faster, easier, & more reliable messaging, enabling you to offer the best service to your customers.
AlertBot: Website Monitoring of Uptime, Performance, and Errors Icon
AlertBot: Website Monitoring of Uptime, Performance, and Errors

For IT Professionals and network adminstrators looking for a web application monitoring solution

AlertBot monitors your website's full functionality around the clock so you can focus your time on more important things.
Translate docs, audio, and videos in real time with Google AI Icon
Translate docs, audio, and videos in real time with Google AI

Make your content and apps multilingual with fast, dynamic machine translation available in thousands of language pairs.

Google Cloud’s AI-powered APIs help you translate documents, websites, apps, audio files, videos, and more at scale with best-in-class quality and enterprise-grade control and security.
AI-based, Comprehensive Service Management for Businesses and IT Providers Icon
AI-based, Comprehensive Service Management for Businesses and IT Providers

Modular solutions for change management, asset management and more

ChangeGear provides IT staff with the functions required to manage everything from ticketing to incident, change and asset management and more. ChangeGear includes a virtual agent, self-service portals and AI-based features to support analyst and end user productivity.
An All-in-One EMR Exclusively for Therapy and Rehab. Icon
An All-in-One EMR Exclusively for Therapy and Rehab.

Electronic Medical Records Software

Managing your therapy and rehab practice is a time-consuming process. You spend hours on paperwork, billing, scheduling, and more. Raintree’s Therapy & Rehab EHR is here to help you manage your practice more efficiently. With our all-in-one solution, you’ll get the tools you need to streamline your therapy and rehab practice, improve patient care, and get back to doing what you love.

Additional Details for PCGen :: An RPG Character Generator



Intended Audience

Developers, End Users/Desktop

User Interface

Gnome, Win32 (MS Windows), KDE, Cocoa (MacOS X)

Programming Language




Last Updated


Role-Playing Games (RPG)


amaitland, distant-scholar, karianna, kenosti, merton_monk, thpr, zaister

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