WNPP bugs submitted by kartik@debian.org
- #1032328: ITP: python-ctranslate2 -- Optimized inference engine for OpenNMT-py and OpenNMT-tf models (714 day(s) old)
- #702223: RFP: hunspell-gu -- Gujarati dictionary for hunspell (4366 day(s) old)
- #703029: RFP: newsblur -- A visual feed reader with intelligence (4356 day(s) old)
- #729859: RFP: fonts-autonym -- A font that can render all language autonyms (4107 day(s) old)
- #831388: RFH: dee -- model to synchronize multiple instances over DBus (3137 day(s) old)
- #831389: RFH: libmng -- Multiple-image Network Graphics library (3137 day(s) old)
- #871580: RFP: mediawiki-extensions-translate -- MediaWiki tool for translations (2747 day(s) old)