WNPP bugs submitted by kwestover.kw@gmail.com
- #1003815: ITP: makemkv-oss -- Convert video that you own into free format that can be played everywhere (1129 day(s) old)
- #1005075: ITP: makemkv-bin -- Proprietary components of makemkv (1107 day(s) old)
- #1013164: RFP: freenom-dns-updater -- Tool written in Python to update Freenom DNS records (976 day(s) old)
- #1013165: RFP: python-certbot-dns-freenom -- Freenom DNS01 plugin for certbot (976 day(s) old)
- #1014263: ITP: mtkclient -- Unofficial MTK reverse engineering and flash tool (961 day(s) old)
- #1014350: RFP: nuxhash -- NiceHash cryptocurrency mining client for Linux (959 day(s) old)
- #1014367: RFP: xmrig-cuda -- NVIDIA CUDA plugin for XMRig (959 day(s) old)