WNPP bugs submitted by marc.leeman@gmail.com
- #1053497: ITP: tcnopen -- TCNOpen Library for IEC61375 standardised communication (491 day(s) old)
- #1053498: ITP: amqp-cpp -- CPP RabbitMQ communication library (491 day(s) old)
- #1053565: RFS: openvpn3-client/24+dfsg-1 [ITP] -- virtual private network daemon (version 3) (490 day(s) old)
- #1089147: ITP: gdbuspp -- Simple C++ based interface to implement D-Bus (63 day(s) old)
- #549043: RFP: linknx -- KNX automation platform (5609 day(s) old)
- #549901: RFP: eibd-server -- KNX/EIB server (5603 day(s) old)
- #565675: RFP: pthsem -- pth replacement with semaphore support (5499 day(s) old)
WNPP bugs owned by marc.leeman@gmail.com
- #1053497: ITP: tcnopen -- TCNOpen Library for IEC61375 standardised communication (491 day(s) old)
- #1053498: ITP: amqp-cpp -- CPP RabbitMQ communication library (491 day(s) old)
- #1089147: ITP: gdbuspp -- Simple C++ based interface to implement D-Bus (63 day(s) old)
- #904044: ITP: openvpn3-client -- Next generation OpenVPN client for Linux (2395 day(s) old)