WNPP bugs submitted by onitake@gmail.com
- #1004507: ITP: tagainijisho -- Japanese dictionary and learning assistant (1100 day(s) old)
- #1018032: RFP: libjgrapht0.9-java -- mathematical graph theory library for Java, versions 0.9.x (3874 day(s) old)
- #1028462: ITP: obs-vkcapture -- OBS plugin for Vulkan/OpenGL game capture (753 day(s) old)
- #906056: ITP: xserver-xorg-video-sunffb -- X.Org X server -- Sun FFB display driver (2365 day(s) old)
- #968601: RFP: git-remote-codecommit -- An implementation of Git Remote Helper that makes it easier to interact with AWS CodeCommit (1629 day(s) old)