WNPP bugs submitted by wookey@debian.org
- #1004535: ITP: ebusd -- daemon for handling communication with eBUS ('Energy Bus') devices (1105 day(s) old)
- #1008135: ITP: libbacktrace -- Backtrace library (for C/C++ apps) (1053 day(s) old)
- #949155: ITP: tvm -- Deep Learning compiler (1849 day(s) old)
WNPP bugs owned by wookey@debian.org
- #1004535: ITP: ebusd -- daemon for handling communication with eBUS ('Energy Bus') devices (1105 day(s) old)
- #1008135: ITP: libbacktrace -- Backtrace library (for C/C++ apps) (1053 day(s) old)
- #820256: ITP: espr -- Building performance modelling software (3229 day(s) old)
- #949155: ITP: tvm -- Deep Learning compiler (1849 day(s) old)