bernhard (0.2.6-4)
OK: VCS matches the version in the archive
- Git:
- Branch: debian/master
- Path: debian/changelog
- Repo size: 106496
- Browser:
- Last scan: 2025-01-11 09:22:13+00
- Next scan: 2025-01-17 07:03:00+00
- Debian changelog in Git:
bernhard (0.2.6-4) unstable; urgency=medium
* Team upload.
[ Debian Janitor ]
* Bump debhelper from old 12 to 13.
* Set upstream metadata fields: Bug-Database, Bug-Submit, Repository,
[ Andreas Tille ]
* Real team maintenance in DPT (with permission in
* Standards-Version: 4.6.2 (routine-update)
* Build-Depends: s/dh-python/dh-sequence-python3/ (routine-update)
* Rules-Requires-Root: no (routine-update)
* watch file standard 4 (routine-update)
* Fix homepage
* Force same version of python3-protobuf which was used to build the
package (Note: The real problem with protobuf is more complex as can
be read in the bug log of #1031716 but for the moment this solves the
installation issue of python3-bernhard.)
Closes: #1028371
-- Andreas Tille <> Thu, 29 Feb 2024 09:49:07 +0100
- This branch is even with tag debian/0.2.6-4