fonts-recommended (1)
COMMITS: VCS has seen 1 commit since the debian/1 tag
- Git:
- Branch: master
- Path: debian/changelog
- Repo size: 73728
- Browser:
- Last scan: 2024-11-28 09:07:10+00
- Next scan: 2024-12-05 11:52:00+00
- Merge requests: 2
- Debian changelog in Git:
fonts-recommended (1) unstable; urgency=medium
* Don't install Liberation2 if Croscore is already in.
* Add Comic Neue (Windows compat).
* Add Noto Color Emoji (emoji, "emoji presentation" aka color)
* Remove regular Noto -- makes font selection dialogs unusable.
* Add Courier Prime.
* Add Firacode, ignored if Mononoki or Ricty Diminished are in.
* Add League Spartan, ignored if Clear Sans is in.
* Set Maintainer to the Fonts Team.
-- Adam Borowski <> Tue, 21 Apr 2020 02:53:04 +0200
- This branch is 1 commit ahead of tag debian/1
- Git log:
commit 90592b02c4c25de9913bc39a5ef683f5b97ef534
Author: Fabian Greffrath <>
Date: Thu Dec 3 08:48:14 2020 +0000
add fonts-texgyre as an alternative to fonts-urw-base35
The TeX Gyre fonts are "an extensive remake and extension
of the freely available 35 base PostScript fonts distributed
with Ghostscript ver. 4.00".
The latter fonts are the ones packaged in fonts-urw-base35
and are considered the metric originals. However, for the
less TeX affine user, the Gyre fork may be more appropriate.
Fontconfig is already aware of both sets being substitutes
for each other for quite some time, c.f.