hspell-gui (0.2.6-7)
OK: VCS matches the version in the archive
- Git: https://salsa.debian.org/hebrew-team/hspell-gui.git
- Branch: master
- Path: debian/changelog
- Repo size: 81920
- Browser: https://salsa.debian.org/hebrew-team/hspell-gui
- Last scan: 2024-11-29 23:08:12+00
- Next scan: 2024-12-07 16:07:00+00
- Debian changelog in Git:
hspell-gui (0.2.6-7) unstable; urgency=medium
* extern.patch: fix build with GCC 10 (Closes: #957342)
* compat level 13
* Restore some files to allow building twice
* A DEP-5 copyright file
* Rules-Requires-Root: no
* rules: hardening+=all
* watch: version 4
* Fix capitalization in description
* Standards-Version 4.5.1
-- Tzafrir Cohen <tzafrir@debian.org> Sun, 07 Feb 2021 20:51:09 +0200
- This branch is even with tag debian/0.2.6-7